Riho joins Babymetal

In which we chat about Hello! Project. And TNX. And Nice Girl Project. Yup.

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Re: Riho joins Babymetal

Post by MejraThea »

<blockquote class="ipsBlockquote" data-author="yuzu" data-cid="218671" data-time="1568220158">yakitori boy (karaoke)</blockquote>


Thanks for all the ideas, Yuzu!
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Re: Riho joins Babymetal

Post by WonderBuono »

<blockquote class="ipsBlockquote" data-author="Thea" data-cid="218677" data-time="1568235869"><blockquote class="ipsBlockquote" data-author="yuzu" data-cid="218671" data-time="1568220158">
yakitori boy (karaoke)</blockquote>

Thanks for all the ideas, Yuzu!</blockquote>

Dude I wanna go now, not just for a second round of Babymetal but mostly to sing karaoke with you xD
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Re: Riho joins Babymetal

Post by MejraThea »

If only! It'd be great. ???? Perhaps we should do a duet sometime to make up for it haha!
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Re: Riho joins Babymetal

Post by MejraThea »

I'm there. Avatar starts in 8 minutes, y'all. Let's all pray.

Also.... we're not going to walk out. We're going to stay, even if she isn't here, at least enjoy the experience! And I definitely don't hate Babymetal.

Edit: It's not Riho.

Edit 2: I had good intentions of staying but i made it about two songs... after being on my damaged ankle for two hours already, then the morale drop of no Riho I cracked under the pain. Sorry guys.
Last edited by MejraThea on Fri Sep 13, 2019 6:28 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Riho joins Babymetal

Post by Banana »

I’m so sorry it didn’t work out, Thea. :(

Anyway, some creep has been taking comments from here and other H!P websites and posting them on Reddit to “prove” that Riho fans don’t care about Babymetal and think the other avengers are worthless.

For the record, I am more of a Babymetal fan than a H!P fan and I’d love to see Babymetal no matter who is with them, but my current circumstances make it extremely difficult for me to do so. Riho being there gave me the extra push and I was considering making the sacrifice despite what it would mean for me. That’s all.
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Re: Riho joins Babymetal

Post by WonderBuono »

Lol Banana you can’t tell me that, of course I’ll search these people out.

No idea why they took issue with my comment of wanting Riho to be a permanent member. I’ve listened to Babymetal for years and will continue to whether she’s there or not. Getting to see her on tour with them was just the icing on the cake. Reddit reader, you don’t know me. Or anyone else here for that matter.

And that’s not to say people who go just to see Riho aren’t perfectly valid as well. We’re Morning Musume fans, what do you expect?

ANYWAY Thea I’m sorry it didn’t work out but glad you made it through at least a couple songs. Should’ve gotten a seat ticket like my dad and I haha.
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Re: Riho joins Babymetal

Post by Banana »

<blockquote class="ipsBlockquote" data-author="WonderBuono" data-cid="218698" data-time="1568467950">
And that’s not to say people who go just to see Riho aren’t perfectly valid as well. We’re Morning Musume fans, what do you expect?</blockquote>As a Babymetal fan, if someone went to a show solely to see Kano or Momoko, it wouldn’t bother me at all.

I wonder if they thought the people commenting about Riho not being there were outraged or indignant, which isn’t the case for anyone here, I think. I want to see her, but I’m certainly not angry about it. That would be silly.
Last edited by Banana on Sun Sep 15, 2019 5:55 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Riho joins Babymetal

Post by Madara »

She was in New York's show. And I didn't go. :facepalm:
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Re: Riho joins Babymetal

Post by MejraThea »

Thank you, Banana and Buononon! I checked out a few days but am back lol.

Madara I so get you! NY and Philly are equal distances away from me and I chose wrong ugh.

As for the reddit shit, I was involved in that obviously lol. I was on the thread that night and saw it go down and, well, when someone literally calls you out you kinda gotta step in. No regrets.
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Re: Riho joins Babymetal

Post by Banana »

I wonder if Riho was supposed to be the Avenger in Philly. They are no longer using the stands, and someone on Reddit was wondering if the reason for their removal was Riho twisting her ankle or something jumping off of one. Supposing something like that actually did happen, then maybe she wasn’t ready to perform in Philly and Momoko took her place. I think she was wearing running shoes instead of her regular ones in NY, which would make sense if she wanted some extra support for her foot if it still wasn’t in the best shape.
Last edited by Banana on Fri Sep 20, 2019 6:55 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Riho joins Babymetal

Post by MejraThea »

So, I'm not entirely sure where this photo came from beyond twitter but it's Riho in the BABYMETAL outfits so I'm sharing it here.
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Re: Riho joins Babymetal

Post by JPope »

New Babymetal PV just dropped, and our girl Riho is in it (along with Momoko).
The song, DA DA DANCE" is like metal Eurobeat. I dig it.
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Re: Riho joins Babymetal

Post by momoirosaya »

<blockquote class="ipsBlockquote" data-author="JPope" data-cid="219335" data-time="1576484194">
New <a data-ipb='nomediaparse' href='https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qMKlj_1zbYc' class="bbc_url" title="External link">Babymetal PV</a> just dropped, and our girl Riho is in it (along with Momoko).

The song, DA DA DANCE" is like metal Eurobeat. I dig it.</blockquote>
I don’t follow Baby Metal so I was expecting Tsugunaga Momochi and was disappointed.
Last edited by momoirosaya on Mon Dec 16, 2019 4:44 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Riho joins Babymetal

Post by JPope »

LOL, sorry!
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Re: Riho joins Babymetal

Post by MejraThea »

I'm like 20 days late and it doesn't feel like that much of a shame, prefer the lives, the cameraman shows some Riho then haha.

Might enrage the reddit fucker but しょうがない.
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Re: Riho joins Babymetal

Post by aine »

<blockquote class="ipsBlockquote" data-author="Thea" data-cid="218694" data-time="1568418824">
Edit 2: I had good intentions of staying but i made it about two songs... after being on my damaged ankle for two hours already, then the morale drop of no Riho I cracked under the pain. Sorry guys.
Didn't that use to say "sorry aine"? I swear it did back in September because I felt personally called out to reply, just never finding time to put all my thoughts into words.

Anyway, the gist of it was - no worries, my burning passion for Babymetal fizzled out long ago. It got rekindled a little, warily, as news of new developments started to filter through in 2019, only to be doused again by a stream of stale piss.

To avoid writing walls of text here's a laundry list of crap that put me off of it, ordered somewhat chronologically (it ended up a wall of text anyway, sorry):

1. The bullshit way of handling Yui's disappearance. It got off to a bad start (only announcing her absence hours before a major arena show) and only gotten progressively worse from there. One of (but not only) peak bullshit points being how they still didn't come clear about it months later leading up to 2018 US tour, almost fostering hope that she would return for the overseas shows.

2. The bullshit way of handling Mikio's death. Like, drop the fucking act for a second and say some respectful words about the man, rather than continue with your tired Fox God bullshit. (I will be using the word "bullshit" and its variants a lot in this list.)

3. The absolute shitfest that the entirety of 2018 was, on top of losing two key members marred by the horrid "Dark Side" shtick, the farcical "Chosen Seven" circus, and the officially ugliest costumes and makeup ever in the entire history of glam and visual rock.

4. The snorefest that the 2018/19 singles were, "Starlight" especially (the heart-warming theory about it being a tribute to Mikio that people are buying into doesn't make any less boring of a song).

5. The travesty that the fucking comic book was, and especially the fact that people ate it up like it was the best fucking thing under the sun (more on it below).

6. The "fandom". Oh dear lord, the fandom, it deserves a sub-list of its own:

   a) The group of people having the wrong idea that somehow they're the stars of the show and making it all about themselves, making it near impossible to scroll through my twitter feed without seeing one of their smug faces...

   b) ... and the hordes of orbiters enabling them in that.

   c) The people riding Babymetal's popularity to make it a source of side income by selling unauthorised merch, instead of away nice mementos while waiting in line to the venue like many Japanese fans do...

   d) ... and the hordes of enablers actually buying their etsy crap.

   e) All the hordes of orbiters, enablers and white knights combined who swallow every morsel of shit coming out of Amuse's anus like it was made of gold and who will unfollow, mute and downvote you to death if you dare express even a hint of criticism about anything Babymetal and Amuse does.

   f) That's a lot of words to say that from a cool closely-knit bunch the fandom has grown into a tumorous mass that's more like H!O on steroids, to give you a familiar point of reference.


7. The sore disappointment and slap in the face that "Avengers" were. Just pick a fucking new member already, stop leading people on. I don't even care if it's not Riho, actually I'm torn between being happy about the unique exposure and stage time Riho got with that gig, and being pissed off that in the end she was just a placeholder that could be (and by the basic concept of it, was) replaced by anyone, or at best an anonymous sidekick to a sidekick who doesn't even get a mic and is just there to go through the moves. (I think Berry gave me a fair counter-argument to this point but I can't remember how it went exactly so won't try to repeat it.)
8. The fact that the last music video with actual concept and effort put into it was "Megitsune" back in 2013. "Road of Resistance" is great and fun to watch but live "music videos" don't cut it on my "effort" scale. And "Karate" MV sucked for a number of reasons.
9. The fact that US tour got sloppy seconds of some Western cover band instead of the real Kami Band, and the fact how someone at Amuse though people were stupid enough to be tricked by the full-face mask they performed in. I go to Babymetal concerts to see the girls just as much as to see BoH, Ohmura and others, and on this tour there were only 2 out of 7 people I'd pay to see perform.


10. The new album which was a let down and which after giving it multiple tries I don't care about. There are two actually good, by virtue of being fun, unique, or memorable, songs on it ("Oh majinai" and "BxMxC", also "Shanti Shanti" gets a honorable mention for catchiness and Fucking Hero's breakdown in "Papaya" even though I can't remember rest of the song), one of which is a Japan-exclusive track, the rest being sleep-inducing dadrock, skippable cringy nu-metal, or something entirely different but likewise uninteresting and unmemorable. Also one of greatest things about Babymetal was Suzuka's fantastic powerful voice but on the new album it's almost nowhere to be heard, obscured by filters, auto-tune, and terrible over-production that gives you aural sensory overload rather than pleasure of listening to fun music. (I still somehow ended up with about 10 copies of it on various media, fuck you Koba and your foxish tricks.)


I've had a lot of this building up over the last 2 years so thanks for giving me a pretext to get it off my chest. :thumbsup:


I feel sad it ended like this. You'd think that my former oshi (I still hate this word btw, but when I say it I do mean it to the fullest extent) joining my ultra-favorite group alongside my current oshi would be mind-blowingly amazing, but at the end of the day and after all of the above I felt too numb and disillusioned to care. If you've known me and what crazy Babymetal fan I was (and the stupid amounts of money I threw at them) you can imagine how bad it must have been and what prolonged systematic destruction it took to get to this point.
My last regret is not going to the concert all decked out in my Morning Musume and Riho swag from back in the day and maybe having her notice her t-shirt or glowstick. It might have been an okay closure to a wonderful thing that for me started some eight years ago now.

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Re: Riho joins Babymetal

Post by WonderBuono »

Well we definitely have different tastes... I am obsessed with Metal Galaxy and "Starlight" is my favorite song on it (it sounds boring on YouTube but when it's on CD in my car with the volume up, it's way better, idk; also awesome live); and the only song I actually skip is "Oh Majinai" because I think it's obnoxious. xD
That said, it shouldn't be surprising... I'll guess you're more of a metal fan, whereas I am more of a pop fan. When you blend two styles, it's hard to please everybody.
I will agree with you on one thing though... I wish they'd make another real music video. The live ones are ok but definitely lazy.
Last edited by WonderBuono on Sat Jan 11, 2020 8:22 am, edited 1 time in total.
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