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Re: Club48 :: Where we spam 48 ways to glory!

Post by aine »

*48 was a mistake.

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Re: Club48 :: Where we spam 48 ways to glory!

Post by Mukuro »

Yeah, for real. Have you guys seen this: <a data-ipb='nomediaparse' href=' ... her-house/' class="bbc_url" title="External link"> ... -house/</a>

Apparently another member (s) gave these men her address and her parents address and then assaulted her. This was over a month ago and now that she finally found a way to speak out (they banned her from social media access and put her on a hiatus) they're trying to silence her.

(Sorry on mobile)
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Re: Club48 :: Where we spam 48 ways to glory!

Post by DonJuan »

I saw some of it on twitter.

That's so damn horrible. Management's fuckup, but also that another member leaked her contact information to that man? A scenario of a psycho thriller.
/EDIT: Caught up on the article you linked. So it was two men and it might have happened to other girls in the group, too? Holy fuck.
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Re: Club48 :: Where we spam 48 ways to glory!

Post by yuzuriha »

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Re: Club48 :: Where we spam 48 ways to glory!

Post by JPope »

This seems like a situation where doing the right thing would also be the easiest and most PR friendly thing to do, and yet that sick fuck Akimoto chooses to protect the sickos instead. 
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Re: Club48 :: Where we spam 48 ways to glory!

Post by Meikochi »

That must have been horrible for her and she got silenced and her story called out a fraud... I have little hope, especially since it is taking place in Japan, but at least if it could raise awareness among fans, that would kind of be something.
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Re: Club48 :: Where we spam 48 ways to glory!

Post by Anderei »

<blockquote class="ipsBlockquote" data-author="DonJuan" data-cid="216579" data-time="1547048539">
I saw some of it on twitter.

That's so damn horrible. Management's fuckup, but also that another member leaked her contact information to that man? A scenario of a psycho thriller.

/EDIT: Caught up on the article you linked. So it was two men and it might have happened to other girls in the group, too? Holy fuck.</blockquote>Ogino Yuka moves after someone was outside her apartment for a few days. From what I can tell, Maho confronted a member or members about dating. Fans seem to think it’s Tano Ayaka because she’s one of the few members she doesn’t follow on social media. This happened a month ago and she gave management a chance to do something about it and spoke out because they hadn’t. All her social media is shut down if I’m not mistaken. She’s spoken out about members being two faced before. It’s known that NGT members have some internal conflict between them. Many initially thought it might be Nakai Rika because she’s known not to be friendly with a large part of the group but everyone knows about her boyfriend so she’s got no reason to do it.

Niigata’s government has been really friendly with NGT and I think that’s a large reason as to why no statement has been released (that and their management team has been shady before). NGT has placed a lot more emphasis on where they’re located compared to other sister groups. They’re even going through with their 3rd anniversary event tomorrow.
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Re: Club48 :: Where we spam 48 ways to glory!

Post by JPope »

Seeing a lot of heat directed at "NGT management", which is great -- they deserve it -- but precious little at Aki-P personally, which is odd. He's the Top Dog. These are his groups. No cover-up could succeed without his involvement in it. How the hell is he getting a pass from so many on this?
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Re: Club48 :: Where we spam 48 ways to glory!

Post by Anderei »

<blockquote class="ipsBlockquote" data-author="JPope" data-cid="216593" data-time="1547096700">
Seeing a lot of heat directed at "NGT management", which is great -- they deserve it -- but precious little at Aki-P personally, which is odd. He's the Top Dog. These are his groups. No cover-up could succeed without his involvement in it. How the hell is he getting a pass from so many on this?</blockquote>

He’s like Tsunku where most fans have long since stopped believing he does any actual management. He writes lyrics and comes up with random ideas and groups no one asked for.
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Re: Club48 :: Where we spam 48 ways to glory!

Post by Farrah »

I read that a lot of the girls had apparently been hanging out with and even dating fans and that this is what kind of sprouted part of the conflict between members - this girl in particular being one who is known for not fraternizing with fans outside work.  If that's the case, I'm even more distrubed.  NGT48 is meant to be an idol group, not a hostess bar or brothel LOL honestly, fraternizing with wota is a safety risk - if these guys were willing to attack this girl, they have it in them to attack any of them, even the girls they're friendly with.  What a clusterfuck.  48G live up to their seedy image more and more every year.  I think you'll be pretty strapped trying to find an idol company that doesn't have some shady shit going on behind the scenes, but 48G appears to be a particularly bad situation considering they're not some seedy little hometown indie operation.  Weird how you'll get put on hiatus or even kicked out for having a normal boyfriend, but rubbing shoulders with wota is apparently an exception...
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Re: Club48 :: Where we spam 48 ways to glory!

Post by JPope »

rubbing shoulders 
Is that what the kids are calling it these days?
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Re: Club48 :: Where we spam 48 ways to glory!

Post by Farrah »

Oof, I'm trying to be nice!  But for real, it's super suspicious to me... I'm getting flashbacks to the rumors about Aki-P sex trafficking / casting couch'ing Akimoto Sayaka to powerful men in the industry.  Like, I'm wondering if this "fraternization" is possibly even encouraged by the company and that's why they tried so hard to cover up this story.  We'll never know but everything about this gives me terrible vibes.  I wouldn't put anything past 48G at this point, I've never felt like they treat their girls right.  Between the various documentaries about them and what we know about Aki P as a person, the forecast ain't great.
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Re: Club48 :: Where we spam 48 ways to glory!

Post by aine »


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Re: Club48 :: Where we spam 48 ways to glory!

Post by Ap2000 »

<blockquote class="ipsBlockquote" data-author="Farrah" data-cid="216601" data-time="1547162482">NGT48 is meant to be an idol group, not a hostess bar or brothel</blockquote>
It happens in Kpop and the Japanese aren't any different with running their media business, so it happens there too.
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Re: Club48 :: Where we spam 48 ways to glory!

Post by Farrah »

<blockquote class="ipsBlockquote" data-author="Farrah" data-cid="216601" data-time="1547162482">
NGT48 is meant to be an idol group, not a hostess bar or brothel

It happens in Kpop and the Japanese aren't any different with running their media business, so it happens there too.
Yep, I think it's a lot more common than we all think.  I remember reading an interview with an ex-member of a semi-known indie idol group and she admitted several of the (very underage) members were "going on dates with" men at the company... yeah.
I've researched this issue a little more in-depth and everything I'm finding just makes it even more insane tbh.  Apparently, there were certain girls who were bringing wota / men / boyfriends to the NGT apartments which was making other members (including Maho) very uncomfortable.  They had complained to staff about it, but nothing happened. 
The guys who assaulted Maho were the boyfriends of two other members, which is why she spotted them coming out of one of the other girl's apartments and how they gained access to her floor (you need a passcode to get in and around the apartment complex).  
The two men were captured by Niigata police, but were released because they were "just trying to scare her" and "weren't ACTUALLY going to hurt her"... which is the biggest load of bullshit I've ever heard but okay.
The company is currently claiming that an anonymous member (who they CONVENIENTLY specify is NOT one of the members people have been speculating about) "accidentally told the men what time Maho would be coming home" ... I really don't buy this, because anyone with a lick of sense would give a fake time and/or call Maho to give her a warning that two men are looking for her. 
I think they're just trying to cover up the obvious discord between NGT members to keep up the "we're all best friends!" idol image.  It just doesn't make sense.  The only reason you'd tell the truth is a) nervousness or fright, but in that case you'd then call Maho to let her know two creepy guys are coming for her or b) maliciousness.
Sorry if my summary is bad, I've been reading so much stuff on so many different places (reddit, 48 message boards, etc) - it's a bit jumbled up at this point LOL.  Overall wow, 48G does not seem like a good company to work for... 
Meanwhile, Kitahara Rie, Sashihara Rino and Kashiwagi Yuki have all tweeted about the incident.  Both Kitarie and Sasshi made it clear they don't think Maho should have to apologize and that they hope she doesn't blame herself.  
Last edited by Farrah on Fri Jan 11, 2019 5:17 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Club48 :: Where we spam 48 ways to glory!

Post by JPope »

So now they were just trying to scare her, when before it was they just wanted to talk to her. This is so fucked up.
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Re: Club48 :: Where we spam 48 ways to glory!

Post by DonJuan »

<blockquote class="ipsBlockquote" data-author="Farrah" data-cid="216610" data-time="1547255488">
[...] and that they hope she doesn't blame herself.
And that's the point where I should quit idols. 
Not because of Kitarie's and Sasshi's replies, I also hope Maho doesn't blame herself. The fact that people think she should is where it's all wrong.
Of course the 48 groups are pretty shady; their whole business with becoming closer to fans/wota and having stuff like back rubbing events yet still the no-dating rule? Shady as hell. And I doubt something like this would happen with H!P/Up-Front, mostly because there's much less competition between the girls and, practically speaking, the girls don't live in dorms (as far as I know) and with family of some sort. 
However, everything around it makes me shake: Would Up-Front handle it differently? Would they fire the members responsible for the assaulters knowing the victim's schedule, exposing the culprits? 
Then the fact that the police completely fucked up, letting the assaulters go already? I'm honestly scared.
Maybe it's a problem in the business in general, maybe we could pin it on Japan's problem with adressing violence towards women in general - Japan might be one of the safest countries in the world, but by now I wonder whether that's the case because there's such a big dark figure of crime. Also, even if an assault gets reported - the police won't do shit. 
But yeah. Idol business as a whole stands on thin fucking ice. For me, at least.
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Re: Club48 :: Where we spam 48 ways to glory!

Post by Elpis »

I’ve been following the situation as well and I’m not pleased she had to apologize. I’m also feeling unsure about my future with following idol and Japanese music in general. I knew it was kind of a shady industry but at the same I enjoyed the music. And at this point I’m getting close to just stop following everything.
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Re: Club48 :: Where we spam 48 ways to glory!

Post by Farrah »

I don't want to give Up Front too much credit - they've made some horrible decisions in the past, as shown by the way they practically erased Aibon's entire existence until last year, and they're just as guilty of sexualizing underage girls as any other idol company is.  However, based off what has gone down recently with Kobushi, I at least get the vibe that they take character / integrity pretty seriously.  They tossed the alleged troublemakers out of that group in 2.5 seconds.  This degree of bad blood between members seems like something they'd try to resolve.  After all, H!P idols are known for their clean image which is part of why they've had an influx of female fans in the last few years.  Any behavior jeopardizing that seems like it would be a big deal to them. 
Now, 48G on the other hand use a sleazy image as one of their main selling points - taking pride in how many of their members resorted to sex work before and after their time as idols, much of their discography revolving around the concept of statutory rape and even underage prostitution, playing up rivalries between members in order to sell more for senbatsu... basically, it doesn't surprise me they didn't try to fix this situation before it was too late.  The idea of "x member is feuding with y member" is actually a big part of their marketing and helps instill a sense of loyalty in fans... to an extent.  But then this.  They let things go completely out of hand in this case and now they're shitting their pants, backpedaling the other way "No no no, everyone is friends, everything is fine!  Maho, apologize for worrying everybody!" - they can market feuds, but they can't market attempted assault.
All I can say is... I'm really glad I outgrew 48G LOL I followed them for a few years when I was younger, but age and perspective have caused everything about them to leave a bad taste in my mouth.  The girls work so hard and get so little respect from their company, their fans, their group mates... it's such an obviously toxic work environment, even by idol standards.  I've seen pictures from events where wota who bought the most albums even get to do skinship with the members... it's too much.  
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Re: Club48 :: Where we spam 48 ways to glory!

Post by JPope »

I was going to bring up how H!P handled the Kobushi situation, too. I don't see anything in H!P's past that would lead me to believe that they'd do anything other than nip something like this in the bud long before it got this far. Yeah, they're selling the fantasy of young girls to a certain extent, but never to the extreme of Team Aki-P, and I always got the feeling they went the extra mile to protect their girls in the real world. 
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Re: Club48 :: Where we spam 48 ways to glory!

Post by DonJuan »

Ah, good point about the Kobushi situation. I guess they simply wouldn't let it come so far.
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Re: Club48 :: Where we spam 48 ways to glory!

Post by aine »

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Re: Club48 :: Where we spam 48 ways to glory!

Post by Meikochi »

And this is what fans speculated after doings their own research.
And it seems (from the same Twitter) that people just found and are spreading on the Internet Tano Ayaka's home family address (member that is suspected to be the one who "hosted" members and assaulters before the assault). It is getting even bigger.
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Re: Club48 :: Where we spam 48 ways to glory!

Post by yuzuriha »

Yeah, other than Kago and to an extent Sayaka I feel like Upfront has really proven they give a fuck about their girls so I feel like they would have handled this much, MUCH, differently.
I don't buy that bullshit apology letter for one second and this just reaffirms why when it comes to idols I basically stick to H!P and Stardust.
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Re: Club48 :: Where we spam 48 ways to glory!

Post by DonJuan »
An interesting read, definitely makes me sick. AKS does indeed sound like a company that puts reputation and money over the wellbeing of their members.
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Re: Club48 :: Where we spam 48 ways to glory!

Post by Ap2000 »

<blockquote class="ipsBlockquote" data-author="DonJuan" data-cid="216664" data-time="1547659673">
An interesting read, definitely makes me sick. AKS does indeed sound like a company that puts reputation and money over the wellbeing of their members.</blockquote>
This is starting to turn into a thriller dorama series, it even has relationship charts.
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Re: Club48 :: Where we spam 48 ways to glory!

Post by Anderei »

NGT has several sponsors who have pulled out as a result of what’s happened.

AKS has always been garbage at handling scandals. After the Minegishi thing in 2013, I’m surprised anyone is surprised at how poorly they’ve handled this.
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Re: Club48 :: Where we spam 48 ways to glory!

Post by Farrah »

This whole thing has been a how-to guide on what to NOT do. 
A lot of that writeup on Imgur sounds exaggerated for drama to me, however Inapooh truly is, from what I know, pretty notorious and was even behind getting certain members of 48G in trouble for dating / getting the photos to the press and has bragged about it on his twitter over the years.  It is pretty well known among fans that he is solely responsible for Tano Yuka's dating scandal.  I remember he tweeted something about how she should thank him at her next handshake event since he ~gave her the honor~ of appearing in Bunshun.  He also makes vaguely threatening comments online about how his favorite members better "follow the rules" or he'll get compromising photos published. 
Somehow, of course, he and his friends are not banned from 48G events as far as I know.  48G literally give zero fucks about their idols or their wellbeing.  I feel bad for all the silly kids on Reddit who have joined the fandom because of Produce48, thinking it's some sort of tame, chill alternative to kpop companies lmao if only they knew...
And then, the group culture.  Wow, it's terrible.  One thing Maho said when giving her recount of the attack, was that she had lost 4kg in two weeks due to stress / trauma.  Some NGT members (Yamada Noe and Tano Ayaka) were cracking jokes about that on Showroom. Like, really cackling over it.  Everyone in this group bullies and abuses each other and management all but encourages it because it helps sell albums come election time. It's a total shit show.  Tano Ayaka's behavior in that livestream pretty much removes all doubt in my mind that she had something to do with this.  God, I feel so fucking bad for Maho.  
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Re: Club48 :: Where we spam 48 ways to glory!

Post by Anderei »

It was an open secret that NGT’s members have issues with one another but the fact that all the girls seemingly involved are in a different team definitely makes it seem like it was serious enough that they tried to separate them all.
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Re: Club48 :: Where we spam 48 ways to glory!

Post by Anderei »

Pretty interesting. They’re not holding their election at all this year. Seems odd to cancel what is without a doubt their biggest money maker every year.
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