Rank the Singers of Morning Musume

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Rank the Singers of Morning Musume

Post by JPope »

<div>A branch off of the current discussion going on in the H!P Spam thread that deserves it's own space. </div>
<div> </div>
<div>I've ranked all current and former members of Morning Musume by voice. While I weighed objective standards like ability to sing in key, strength, stamina, and feeling, there is necessarily some bias and subjectivity here. Some girls I respect as good singers despite not liking the sound of their voice very much, while others with lesser talent sing with more soul or electricity that makes me rate them higher. </div>
<div> </div>
<div>I started this by ranking them by gut feeling, then hit YouTube to either confirm or adjust my original decisions. There was some movement -- Niigaki moved up a little, Yaguchi and Kamei down a little -- but not much. </div>
<div> </div>
<div>Also, the comments were a spur-of-the-moment decision that took up a lot of time, lol! Don't feel the need to do that just because I did.</div>
<div> </div>
<div>1 - 10</div>
<div> </div>
<div>1. Miki Fujimoto - She had virtually everything you could want from a singer, and a sound all her own. Anyone who has seen her solo concert DVD knows that stamina was a weakness for Miki, but probably her only weakness. Her voice exuded electricity. </div>
<div> </div>
<div>2. Yuko Nakazawa - I don't expect anyone to agree with Yuko at 2, but fuck it. Her light, airy timber was a needed tonic amidst a group of conventional idol voices. Probably the most pleasing voice to my ears in MM. I think she was passed over in favor of Yaguchi for Tanpopo precisely because she was the better singer, and thus better suited for solo work. </div>
<div> </div>
<div>3. Ai Takahashi - I bag on Takahashi a lot for not having been better, and I suppose it's a little unfair. No amateur singer was better to start their MM career than Ai, and even though she stopped progressing after a few years, she was still arguably their strongest singer from a technical POV. Stamina was not her friend, though. She could be a shit-show late in concerts.</div>
<div> </div>
<div>4. Asuka Fukuda - Will probably get LOLd at for this one, too, but I actually had her higher to start. She simply didn't have enough opportunity with MM to become the singer she would eventually turn into, but Asuka was MM's original lead singer. She was the strongest of the original five, and sheer volume of material is what put Yuko and Ai T ahead of her for me. </div>
<div> </div>
<div>5. Kaori Iida - There were two Kaori Iidas: the young, sensitive Iida whose emotional instability influenced her passionate singing, and the older, calmer senpai Iida whose seeming emotional detachment resulted in a more reliable, less mercurial level of performance. I preferred the passionate, childish Iida, tbh. Anyone who can reliably harmonize with tin-eared Abe deserves to place high on this list.</div>
<div> </div>
<div>6. Ai Kago - Sometimes -- lost in the scandals, the childish hijinks of the Top Two, and her association with Mini Moni -- we forget how great of a singer Kago was.  She had the most raw soul of any Musume, even Fujimoto. Check out <a class="bbc_url" href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NGAMKyR3i9g">her cover of "Da Di Du De Do Da Di!"</a> from the 2nd Morning album. She might deserve to be as high as 4, tbh. </div>
<div> </div>
<div>7. Kei Yasuda - Talk about a raw deal. Kei was always one of the best singers in MM, but she was never one of the most beautiful, so it was background and grunt work for her. She had the perfect attitude and personality for the job, though, as well as a knack for sounding natural in a diversity of styles.</div>
<div> </div>
<div>8. Risa Niigaki - No Musume improved during her time in MM as much as Risa, who showed flashes of ability early on, but was mostly cringe-inducing for five years or so. Then, seemingly out of nowhere, she got control of her voice and developed beautiful timbre and feeling. She became not merely good, but really goddamned good. If you had asked me in 2005 if I would ever place Risa in the top 10 MM singers ever I'd have fucking LOL'd, but here we are.</div>
<div> </div>
<div>9. Aya Ishiguro - With her classic Japanese idol voice, Tanpopo really gave her the opportunity to shine. She was probably technically better and more consistent than Iida, but Iida had more "special" moments, I think.</div>
<div> </div>
<div>10. Reina Tanaka - What do you do with a singer like Reina? Strong. On-key. Reliable. And... mostly generic. Tanaka is a perfect representation of the new-school, cookie-cutter idol voice, albeit much better than most. I have been impressed with the talent of her voice many times, but I can't remember a single time I've ever been moved by it. </div>
<div> </div>
<div> </div>
<div>11 - 20</div>
<div> </div>
<div>11. Maki Goto - The Maki Goto out of the Top 10? Yeah, we all know that she wasn't that great a singer when she was in MM. She became pretty good after she graduated, but staying on-key was a problem for her in MM. She definitely had her moments, though, and her power and unique sound nearly justified her popularity.</div>
<div> </div>
<div>12. LinLin - I have to admit that I was AWOL as a fan for most of her run, but my YT sleuthing was an eye opener. I knew she was good, but I don't remember her being that good.</div>
<div> </div>
<div>13. Sayaka Ichii - I wonder if she regrets leaving MM when she did? Her career fizzled after leaving, and it's too bad. She was a good, if not great, singer and had an interesting personality. She was the original Kudo. If only Kudo had Sayaka's voice...</div>
<div> </div>
<div>14. Sakura Oda - More raw talent than any member since Reina, but her control is inconsistent. She's exciting to listen to when she's on, though. Her book is far from being written, as I suspect she will be the lead singer for many years to come. I just hope she doesn't get too comfortable with her position and stop improving. A new, talented singer would be good to keep her motivated.</div>
<div> </div>
<div>15. Mari Yaguchi - Mari is another one whose decline has clouded the memories of some MM fans to how good she was. Listen to her work in Tanpopo in particular. She had a unique timbre that, when she controlled it, stood out in a good way. Yeah, she could over-do it and become annoying -- especially in her later years -- but when she kept herself under control, she was quite good.</div>
<div> </div>
<div>16. Eri Kamei - I have a feeling many will be insulted at putting Eri this far down, but I just never liked the sound of her voice. Sure, she sang in tune and with believable feeling, but that warbly vibrato (at least she had vibrato, amiright?!) has always been off-putting to me. Her timbre had a tendency to grate after a while, too, but mostly it was that land-speed-record vibrato.</div>
<div> </div>
<div>17. Nozomi Tsuji - There was a moment back in the day where it became a thing to say that Tsuji was better than Kago. It was like a mass contrarian movement... really odd. And completely ridiculous. Nono was a fine singer for an idol of her era, but she was nothing special. Kago was special.</div>
<div> </div>
<div>18. Natsumi Abe - I'm glad Abe stuck around long enough to become a halfway decent idol singer with MM, because I really like her. She was pretty bad from the start, though, by far the worst of the original 5. Almost entirely bereft of control, she also had trouble hitting and holding notes. These things became less pronounced in her later years, but never completely vanished.</div>
<div> </div>
<div>19. Masaki Sato - I find myself thinking "would you just grow the fuck up, already?" with Masaki sometimes, but we all know that her no-fucks-given attitude is the wellspring of her charm. But when she sings with her big-girl voice, she has the ability to move you. As with the rest of the current lineup, it's all about finding consistency with Maa. </div>
<div> </div>
<div>20. Riho Sayashi - Riho's voice is like a muscle car: lots of power, but hard to control. Fun to listen to, but tiring after too long. Her timbre was straight conventional-idol, but she had brief flashes of rising beyond that. She could never get control over her voice, though, which is unfortunate, as she was given every opportunity.</div>
<div> </div>
<div> </div>
<div>21 - 30</div>
<div> </div>
<div>21. Hitomi Yoshizawa - Another girl I thought should have gotten better based on her starting point, but she probably felt her role as comedian was the most direct route to greater exposure, and she was probably correct.</div>
<div> </div>
<div>22. Kanon Suzuki - There are times when she blows me away, but she never sustains it. It's maddening.</div>
<div> </div>
<div>23. Haruka Kudo - Hard to tell if she's on the Niigaki track to greatness, but she's definitely showed improvement, however gradual it has been. Her timbre reminds me of Nakazawa, but she really needs to learn to sing on-key consistently. </div>
<div> </div>
<div>24. Makoto Ogawa - She was solid for what she was, which was backup fodder.  </div>
<div> </div>
<div>25. Mizuki Fukumura - She would be solid for backup fodder, unfortunately she has to be more than that because they have no one better. </div>
<div> </div>
<div>26. Rika Ishikawa - She was really bad at singing in just about every respect, but there was something about her that was downright bewitching. Part of that was her talent for conveying the mood of just about any song she sang. Rika opening and closing "As For One Day" should NOT work, except that it does.</div>
<div> </div>
<div>27. Aika Mitsui - Below average singing talent and no character to make up for that fact. </div>
<div> </div>
<div>28. Asami Konno - By far the worst singer of her era, she nonetheless grew to be below average. She at least had some character, which is more than a lot of the current girls can say.</div>
<div> </div>
<div>29. Ayumi Ishida - No power, no control, no pitch, no character.</div>
<div> </div>
<div>30. Erina Ikuta - See 29. </div>
<div> </div>
<div> </div>
<div>31 - 38</div>
<div> </div>
<div>31. Sayumi Michishige - Terrible singer who was so bad at the beginning that her improvement over eleven years went mostly unnoticed. She was never good, but she eventually found a niche. Plus, we'll always have <a class="bbc_url" href="https://youtu.be/wiD8oaVovyE?t=118">this</a></div>
<div> </div>
<div>32. Miki Nonaka - Probably the most potential to become good of a crappy 12th generation.</div>
<div> </div>
<div>33. JunJun</div>
<div>34. Haruna Iikubo </div>
<div>35. Maria Makino</div>
<div>36. Akane Haga</div>
<div>37. Haruna Ogata</div>
<div> </div>
<div>38. Koharu Kusumi - Haters gonna hate. No seriously, she was the worst ever. Here's why: she had an absolute dearth of singing ability, and her vocal timbre was possibly the only thing more offensive than her lack of humility, meaning there was nothing to soften the blow of each painful noise that came out of her stupid mouth. It wasn't all her fault, because management chose to keep shoving her in our faces. Still, the I-sure-am-the-shit-aren't-I? attitude just made her shitty singing shittier.</div>
Last edited by JPope on Mon Jan 25, 2016 11:23 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Rank the Singers of Morning Musume

Post by TicTacAnyone »

I was not a fan when Kago was around/popular (I was probably 10, lol), but I've come to realize how great her voice is... I'm not even a huge fan of her now, either. I like her but I like her voice more. Whenever I hear W's cover of Shiroi Iro wa Koibito no Iro I'm blown away by her. So personally I would probably put her a spot or 2 above where she is.
Maa-chan is hard to rank imo... I think she's good, but you can't base her off of solo songs originally sung by others because of her amazing ability to mimic other's voices. So while she might have great emotion or inflection on a song, it's probably because she listened to the original and somewhat copied it, then added a bit of her own style. I'm not saying it's a bad thing per se--it's much more interesting to listen to than someone who sings with zero emotion or tact--but it makes her hard to judge. I suspect with her being pushed to the front singing-wise this year (prediction), we'll get to see her grow more, which I'm excited for. Also she gets sick often, which ruins some filmed songs of hers. Here is a video of her solo lines from GRADATION (in which, like I said earlier, she was sick [for a decent portion of the tour, if I remember correctly] and so her voice isn't 100%). Stop getting sick gdi Q_Q
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Re: Rank the Singers of Morning Musume

Post by WonderBuono »

<blockquote class="ipsBlockquote" data-author="JPope" data-cid="194618" data-time="1453712096">
2. Yuko Nakazawa


<blockquote class="ipsBlockquote" data-author="JPope" data-cid="194618" data-time="1453712096">
12. LinLin - I have to admit that I was AWOL as a fan for most of her run, but my YT sleuthing was an eye opener. I knew she was good, but I don't remember her being that good.

Can someone please link me to a good performance of hers? I keep hearing people say she was amazing but I have yet to find a performance that really wow'ed me, and I never really cared for the sound of her voice in recordings.

Not saying I disagree, I just genuinely want to know why everyone loves her!

<blockquote class="ipsBlockquote" data-author="JPope" data-cid="194618" data-time="1453712096">
31. Sayumi Michishige - Terrible singer who was so bad at the beginning that her improvement over eleven years went mostly unnoticed. She was never good, but she eventually found a niche. Plus, we'll always have this


32. Miki Nonaka - Probably the most potential to become good of a crappy 12th generation.

This hurts. :cryalot:
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Re: Rank the Singers of Morning Musume

Post by Zoe »

<blockquote class="ipsBlockquote" data-author="JPope" data-cid="194618" data-time="1453712096">but Asuka was MM's original lead singer.</blockquote>
Now admittedly I'm not too familiar with their album tracks and B-sides, but Natsumi far outnumbered any other girl on the singles.
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Re: Rank the Singers of Morning Musume

Post by JPope »

<blockquote class="ipsBlockquote" data-author="JPope" data-cid="194618" data-time="1453712096">
but Asuka was MM's original lead singer.

Now admittedly I'm not too familiar with their album tracks and B-sides, but Natsumi far outnumbered any other girl on the singles.
I had to go back and look, and you're mostly right. Abe definitely got more lines, but I wouldn't say by far. Asuka had the most after Abe, and on her last single, "Daite, Hold On Me", they were pretty much equal. But overall, I stand corrected.
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Re: Rank the Singers of Morning Musume

Post by Elpis »

I pretty much agree with that list, but I'd switch Akane and Maria around. They're both pretty bad, but Akane at least sounds a bit better. 12th gen overall is disappointing, and the finalists who ended up in other groups seem a lot better after a year than they do. 
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Re: Rank the Singers of Morning Musume

Post by Anderei »

<blockquote class="ipsBlockquote" data-author="JPope" data-cid="194632" data-time="1453745169"><blockquote class="ipsBlockquote" data-author="Zoe" data-cid="194630" data-time="1453743350">
<blockquote class="ipsBlockquote" data-author="JPope" data-cid="194618" data-time="1453712096">
but Asuka was MM's original lead singer.</blockquote>
Now admittedly I'm not too familiar with their album tracks and B-sides, but Natsumi far outnumbered any other girl on the singles.

I had to go back and look, and you're mostly right. Abe definitely got more lines, but I wouldn't say by far. Asuka had the most after Abe, and on her last single, "Daite, Hold On Me", they were pretty much equal. But overall, I stand corrected.</blockquote>

Her last single was Memory Seishun Hikari.
<a class="bbc_url" href="http://projecthello.com/momusu/memory.h ... ry.html</a>

She has one more solo but Abe dominates the harmonies in most of the group lines so when you listen she's definitely more prominent.
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Re: Rank the Singers of Morning Musume

Post by MejraThea »

<blockquote class="ipsBlockquote" data-author="WonderBuono" data-cid="194627" data-time="1453742580">
<blockquote class="ipsBlockquote" data-author="JPope" data-cid="194618" data-time="1453712096">
12. LinLin - I have to admit that I was AWOL as a fan for most of her run, but my YT sleuthing was an eye opener. I knew she was good, but I don't remember her being that good.

Can someone please link me to a good performance of hers? I keep hearing people say she was amazing but I have yet to find a performance that really wow'ed me, and I never really cared for the sound of her voice in recordings.

Not saying I disagree, I just genuinely want to know why everyone loves her!

<blockquote class="ipsBlockquote" data-author="JPope" data-cid="194618" data-time="1453712096">
31. Sayumi Michishige - Terrible singer who was so bad at the beginning that her improvement over eleven years went mostly unnoticed. She was never good, but she eventually found a niche. Plus, we'll always have this


32. Miki Nonaka - Probably the most potential to become good of a crappy 12th generation.

This hurts. :cryalot:

Here's some Linlin! dearest., Watarasebashi, Aozora ga Itsumade mo Tsuzuku You na Mirai de Are!
As for Miki, it's ok, you're biased. Welcome to the club, we incessantly claim our favorite is the best (or one of) no matter what and say it proudly! Just remember that we're biased so we're blind.  :whatthe:
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Re: Rank the Singers of Morning Musume

Post by JPope »

[quote="Anderei"]Her last single was Memory Seishun Hikari.
<a class="bbc_url" href="http://projecthello.com/momusu/memory.h ... ry.html</a>
Gah, I always confuse the order of those singles.
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Re: Rank the Singers of Morning Musume

Post by WonderBuono »

<blockquote class="ipsBlockquote" data-author="WonderBuono" data-cid="194627" data-time="1453742580">
<blockquote class="ipsBlockquote" data-author="JPope" data-cid="194618" data-time="1453712096">
12. LinLin - I have to admit that I was AWOL as a fan for most of her run, but my YT sleuthing was an eye opener. I knew she was good, but I don't remember her being that good.

Can someone please link me to a good performance of hers? I keep hearing people say she was amazing but I have yet to find a performance that really wow'ed me, and I never really cared for the sound of her voice in recordings.

Not saying I disagree, I just genuinely want to know why everyone loves her!

<blockquote class="ipsBlockquote" data-author="JPope" data-cid="194618" data-time="1453712096">
31. Sayumi Michishige - Terrible singer who was so bad at the beginning that her improvement over eleven years went mostly unnoticed. She was never good, but she eventually found a niche. Plus, we'll always have this


32. Miki Nonaka - Probably the most potential to become good of a crappy 12th generation.

This hurts. :cryalot:

Here's some Linlin! dearest., Watarasebashi, Aozora ga Itsumade mo Tsuzuku You na Mirai de Are!
As for Miki, it's ok, you're biased. Welcome to the club, we incessantly claim our favorite is the best (or one of) no matter what and say it proudly! Just remember that we're biased so we're blind.  :whatthe:
Thank you Thea!!
I genuinely try to be objective but Miki is my first real oshimen so this is all new to me. xD
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Re: Rank the Singers of Morning Musume

Post by MejraThea »

So, ranking things is honestly hard for me. So I used the MM only sorter and picked based on best voice, and then fine tuned it.

The Great

01 Sayashi Riho  :XD: 

01 Takahashi Ai
03 Fujimoto Miki

04 LinLin
The Good

05 Abe Natsumi

06 Gotou Maki

07 Nakazawa Yuuko

07 Fukuda Asuka

07 Yasuda Kei

07 Kago Ai

11 Tanaka Reina

12 Yaguchi Mari
The Other Good

13 Niigaki Risa
14 Ishiguro Aya

14 Oda Sakura

16 Tsuji Nozomi

16 Satou Masaki

18 Kamei Eri

19 Iida Kaori
They're.... There

20 Yoshizawa Hitomi

20 Ogawa Makoto

22 Kudou Haruka

23 Haga Akane

24 Fukumura Mizuki

25 Ishikawa Rika

25 Konno Asami

25 JunJun

28 Ichii Sayaka

28 Kusumi Koharu
The Bad

30 Ishida Ayumi

31 Suzuki Kanon

31 Nonaka Miki

33 Makino Maria
34 Ikuta Erina

34 Mitsui Aika
The Unmentionables

35 Michishige Sayumi

35 Iikubo Haruna

35 Ogata Haruna
Last edited by MejraThea on Mon Jan 25, 2016 4:14 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Rank the Singers of Morning Musume

Post by JPope »

I genuinely try to be objective but Miki is my first real oshimen so this is all new to me. xD
Well, bias and subjectivity are going to play a part in any exercise like this, but I think it's okay to admit when your favorite members have weaknesses. Some of my favorite MM members fall pretty far down on my list of singers: Sayumi at 31, Rika at 26, Kudo at 23. I have a soft spot for Nonaka, too. On the flip side, I wasn't much of a Takahashi fan overall, but it'd be silly to let that overrule her obvious talent for the purpose of this narrow ranking.
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Re: Rank the Singers of Morning Musume

Post by Purin-chama »

<blockquote class="ipsBlockquote" data-author="Thea" data-cid="194645" data-time="1453760837">
The Unmentionables

35 Michishige Sayumi

35 Iikubo Haruna

35 Ogata Haruna</blockquote>That's a perfect name for the bottom girls! This is actually really difficult. I have it sorted down to each gen, top to bottom but that is only at their audition videos (or close to). There are a few girls who jumped in ranking in their generation, so can't go by that but I figured it would be a good start...
Last edited by Purin-chama on Mon Jan 25, 2016 4:12 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Rank the Singers of Morning Musume

Post by showraniy »

I'm just glad you acknowledged that Kago was actually a very good singer! I always felt like I was the only one who saw that about her before she got kicked from MM.
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Re: Rank the Singers of Morning Musume

Post by Anderei »

<blockquote class="ipsBlockquote" data-author="Thea" data-cid="194645" data-time="1453760837">
So, ranking things is honestly hard for me. So I used the <a class="bbc_url" href="http://www.geocities.jp/gzonegsp/sortOG ... t.html">MM only sorter</a> and picked based on best voice, and then fine tuned it.

The Great

01 Sayashi Riho :XD:

01 Takahashi Ai

03 Fujimoto Miki

04 LinLin

The Good

05 Abe Natsumi

06 Gotou Maki

07 Nakazawa Yuuko

07 Fukuda Asuka

07 Yasuda Kei

07 Kago Ai

11 Tanaka Reina

12 Yaguchi Mari

The Other Good

13 Niigaki Risa

14 Ishiguro Aya

14 Oda Sakura

16 Tsuji Nozomi

16 Satou Masaki

18 Kamei Eri

19 Iida Kaori

They're.... There

20 Yoshizawa Hitomi

20 Ogawa Makoto

22 Kudou Haruka

23 Haga Akane

24 Fukumura Mizuki

25 Ishikawa Rika

25 Konno Asami

25 JunJun

28 Ichii Sayaka

28 Kusumi Koharu

The Bad

30 Ishida Ayumi

31 Suzuki Kanon

31 Nonaka Miki

33 Makino Maria

34 Ikuta Erina

34 Mitsui Aika

The Unmentionables

35 Michishige Sayumi

35 Iikubo Haruna

35 Ogata Haruna</blockquote>

How did Akane and Koharu not make your bad list?
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Re: Rank the Singers of Morning Musume

Post by MejraThea »

Slight bias for both of them, as well as actual reason: Koharu wasn't originally bad, it was doing all the cutesy shit that then lead to her I'm-the-shit attitude. When she does slow songs and doesn't try to act cutesy, she isn't horrible.
As for Baby (Haga), I think she has the most potential out of the newbs. She performed with one of the best vocals of H!P (currently) and held her own. So she's still not in the good's, but she can definitely become good.
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Re: Rank the Singers of Morning Musume

Post by Meikochi »

<blockquote class="ipsBlockquote" data-author="Thea" data-cid="194653" data-time="1453774032">
Slight bias for both of them, as well as actual reason: Koharu wasn't originally bad, it was doing all the cutesy shit that then lead to her I'm-the-shit attitude. When she does slow songs and doesn't try to act cutesy, she isn't horrible.

As for Baby (Haga), I think she has the most potential out of the newbs. She performed with one of the best vocals of H!P (currently) and <a class="bbc_url" href="https://vk.com/video-17908082_171743688">held her own</a>. So she's still not in the good's, but she can definitely become good.</blockquote>

This. Thank you Thea.
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Re: Rank the Singers of Morning Musume

Post by Anderei »

When I saw that performance I didn't feel like Akane held her own against Meimi one bit. Like that was super super bad.
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Re: Rank the Singers of Morning Musume

Post by MejraThea »

As one of the new kids with only slight training in the eggs, it was good for a complete beginner. Compared to Meimi, she was bad, yes. But try putting either of the Haruna's there instead, that's bad.
If we were to compare her to the other newbs; Maria and Miki are both painful. Maria is straining and struggling, you can even see it present itself in her neck as well as her voice. Miki can kind of sound good, but she also can sound rather piercing like Kanon, and she's straining, though not as obviously as Maria, it's there. Ogata Haruna is just like Iikubo; She can't sing. Actually, she might, just might be slightly better than Iikubo, only time will tell. But there isn't enough I can say here to begin with her. Whereas Haga sang too quietly, shyly when doing Imasugu, when she was made to sing live she overcame that shyness and did what she could. She most definitely can improve, but she isn't horrible. She's just a Baby.  :heart: 

<blockquote class="ipsBlockquote" data-author="Meikochi" data-cid="194660" data-time="1453812589">
This. Thank you Thea.

Last edited by MejraThea on Tue Jan 26, 2016 7:45 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Rank the Singers of Morning Musume

Post by yuzuriha »

Oh man I am so excited to do this but since I was off yesterday I have a million fucking emails.  But basically all you need to know 1.) Sakura and 38) Koharu
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Re: Rank the Singers of Morning Musume

Post by JPope »

When I saw that performance I didn't feel like Akane held her own against Meimi one bit. Like that was super super bad.
I wouldn't say she held her own, either. It was pretty rough, although she stayed in tune way better than I expected, which is huge. But her voice is like an engine without a muffler on it right now.
Oh man I am so excited to do this but since I was off yesterday I have a million fucking emails.  But basically all you need to know 1.) Sakura and 38) Koharu
No, we need to know more. MORE DAMMIT!  :dammit:
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Re: Rank the Singers of Morning Musume

Post by star »

I don't really know many of the early singers, so all I'm doing is 38) Koharu.
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Re: Rank the Singers of Morning Musume

Post by Purin-chama »

I probably will switch someone for the millionth time, but posting it now before I do  :whatthe:
<div> </div>
<div>01. Fujimoto Miki</div>
<div>02. Takahashi Ai</div>
<div>03. Niigaki Risa</div>
<div>04. Kago Ai</div>
<div>05. Fukuda Asuka</div>
<div>06. Yasuda Kei</div>
<div>07. Ishiguro Aya</div>
<div>08. Linlin</div>
<div>09. Goto Maki</div>
<div>10. Kamei Eri</div>
<div>11. Tanaka Reina</div>
<div>12. Oda Sakura</div>
<div>13. Sato Masaki</div>
<div>14. Tsuji Nozomi</div>
<div>15. Nakazawa Yuko</div>
<div>16. Ichii Sayaka</div>
<div>17. Yaguchi Mari</div>
<div>18. Fukumura Mizuki</div>
<div>19. Sayashi Riho</div>
<div>20. Ogawa Makoto</div>
<div>21. Iida Kaori</div>
<div>22. Abe Natsumi</div>
<div>23. Suzuki Kanon</div>
<div>24. Kudou Haruka</div>
<div>25. Yoshizawa Hitomi</div>
<div>26. Nonaka Miki</div>
<div>27. Haga Akane</div>
<div>28. Makino Maria</div>
<div>29. Ishikawa Rika</div>
<div>30. Konno Asami</div>
<div>31. Mitsui Aika</div>
<div>32. Junjun</div>
<div>33. Ishida Ayumi</div>
<div>34. Ikuta Erina</div>
<div>35. Michishige Sayumi</div>
<div>36. Iikubu Haruna</div>
<div>37. Kusumi Koharu</div>
<div>38. Ogata Haruna</div>
Last edited by Purin-chama on Tue Jan 26, 2016 11:26 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Rank the Singers of Morning Musume

Post by yuzuriha »

<blockquote class="ipsBlockquote" data-author="Anderei" data-cid="194663" data-time="1453817511">
When I saw that performance I didn't feel like Akane held her own against Meimi one bit. Like that was super super bad.
I wouldn't say she held her own, either. It was pretty rough, although she stayed in tune way better than I expected, which is huge. But her voice is like an engine without a muffler on it right now.
Oh man I am so excited to do this but since I was off yesterday I have a million fucking emails.  But basically all you need to know 1.) Sakura and 38) Koharu
No, we need to know more. MORE DAMMIT!  :dammit:
I'll try and do it by the end of the week but goddammit I guess I am not allowed to take days off because catching up is hell.
But I am excited to do this because I have been thinking about it a lot lately actually.  #2 for me Is Kaori and #3 Ishiguro Aya.
Kaori • Risako 
 Sakura • Kananan •  Sayuki 
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