Minegishi Minami has boyfriend, shaves head

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Re: Minegishi Minami has boyfriend, shaves head

Post by Kalle »

Okay, I'm gonna admit I'm not the biggest AKB fan in the world ( the only two I cared about were Tomomi Itano and Tomomi Kasai, but that was just because they were in Kamen Rider W, and even then I only cared about their characters within the series ) but this is just ... dang. Watching the video made me physically ill because I was so upset about it. :(

I think this tumblr post sums up a lot of how I feel about the situation and on the negative side of idol culture as a whole. I mean, yeah, of course there are positives to that kind of life, but a lot of what girls like her go through for this kind of fame just feels really dehumanizing and unfair sometimes. It's even worse because the dude she supposedly hooked up with got off with practically a slap on the wrist, which really does nothing but highlight the disparity between how male and female stars are treated in these situations. ( Although when I was reading through most of the news of the scandal at first, for some reason I was reminded of the shit Mamoru Miyano got for getting engaged to and having a child with his girlfriend -- but that didn't cause ripples as big as this, I don't think. AND THUS THE POINT IS PROVEN AGAIN. )

Also Perez Hilton had no business sticking his nose into this, some of his comments on his blog regarding the situation were really rude. 8|
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Re: Minegishi Minami has boyfriend, shaves head

Post by Anderei »

In this situation, I don't actually think the dude is to blame at all. His agency leaves his private life to him, and from what I understand, they're like that for all of their artists, male or female. This isn't an issue of him breaking the same rule as her and not being punished as harshly for it.
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Re: Minegishi Minami has boyfriend, shaves head

Post by tsukinobyouin »

[quote name='Petit Hulk' timestamp='1359774501' post='143388']

It means SHUT UP BOTH OF YOU. <img src='http://mm-bbs.org/public/style_emoticon ... adwall.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':headwall:' />

EVERY FUCKING TIME it's the same old shit. Same arguments, same people arguing, same same same. <img src='http://mm-bbs.org/public/style_emoticon ... adwall.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':headwall:' /> I already know how this shit is going to go down. Ain't no one got time for that.

edit - and I swear if you guys continue it I will puppy kitty bunny spam this thread so hard


No need for the spam (even though it's always nice to look at), because it ends here. Seriously. If another H!P vs. AKB post is made in this thread I'll lock it. I would have said this way earlier in the thread if I'd been around to see it.

Also if anyone wants to have a big discussion of the dark side of the entertainment industry, please make a new thread. Lots of valid and interesting points have been made, but we're starting to get away from the topic of this girl in particular.
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Re: Minegishi Minami has boyfriend, shaves head

Post by eri »

As a silver lining, that girl is so cute that she can rock a bald head. It sure helps her stand out. I hope she uses the opportunity to become a fashion forward rock star. Also, cutting hair =/= cutting wrists! :D

I have a question that I hope someone can answer before more anger angry anngneer. What is kenkyuusei? Does this mean she is not allowed to perform or be in the media now? Or are they like Eggs where they have separate, smaller shows and do back up work?
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Re: Minegishi Minami has boyfriend, shaves head

Post by Kalle »

[quote name='eri' timestamp='1359777325' post='143395']

I have a question that I hope someone can answer before more anger angry anngneer. What is kenkyuusei? Does this mean she is not allowed to perform or be in the media now? Or are they like Eggs where they have separate, smaller shows and do back up work?


I think it's just like Eggs, yeah, unless there's more / less to AKB trainee duties than that?
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Re: Minegishi Minami has boyfriend, shaves head

Post by Anderei »

I don't know too much about what they do, but they often stand in for AKB members who can't be in the theater that day. They also have some of their own songs and stages iirc. I don't think she'll be able to keep any of her solo work, especially not since she shaved her head. :/
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Re: Minegishi Minami has boyfriend, shaves head

Post by showraniy »

@AEUG: I don't know why, but you seem to be having a huge issue separating my post from Al's. Just because I quoted him doesn't mean I suddenly ate his words and regurgitated them.

You sound like you believe that H!P's fans, photobooks, and dating rule are the only things holding them back from being legitimate singers or artists.

Because I do, and it most certainly is the case.

Did you forget that they have no budgets for PVs, concerts or advertising? Did you forget their gaudy costumes, silly ass lyrics and bubblegum music? Or the average age being around 15-16 years old? All of those things solidly concrete a group as being idols from head to toe.

And an ARTIST can't have no budget, wear gaudy costumes, have silly lyrics/bubblegum music, or be 15-16? I present you indie artists, gaudy outfits, silly lyrics, and active artists through 15-16 years old.

These things may all collectively describe idols, but they certainly do not MAKE them idols. The only things exclusive to their line of work are wota-pandering photobooks and wota-pandering no dating rules.

Also don't know how oblivious/in denial you are about them "never having scandals" or being "better managed" or handled, either,

I certainly don't believe, nor did I imply, that "better managed" equals never having scandals. And I didn't mention scandals to begin with. Better managed to me = higher pay, better work hours, label's solid effort put into artist's career. And the comparisons I'm using with "higher" and "better" are not blanket words to always compare H!P to AKB. This is much broader than that, and I'm including Kpop in that comparison since I think of their musical acts as idols too. Hell, in this case and the original "better managed" in my first post, I'm not even thinking of AKB.

I sure as hell don't see any of the senior/graduated members making any waves in the entertainment industry or even the idol industry itself. They just fade into further obscurity and do dinner and radio shows until they finally decide to quit. I wouldn't really call that a "better medium" for success in post-graduation or old age.

I'm gonna go out on a branch and say no one cares about any idol after she graduates; she's free to marry and retire at her own leisure at that point, which is all I believe Al was originally saying. But not entirely sure, just my take on what he said.

Not trying to attack you, I just don't know how much of what you agreed with from Al that you actually believe.

I don't feel attacked, but I do see this increasingly freakish tendency for ANY discussion involving AKB and H!P to devolve into a versus fight before anyone's even taken it there. It just escalates out of absolutely nothing from someone jumping to AKB's defense, and I seriously think people need to cool it with reading AKB hate into any and everything.

Personally speaking, I don't care about scandals. Ever. Outside of the context of these groups, NONE of these scandals would even BE a scandal. Kago smoking? Cool. Yaguchi dating? Taylor Swift-esque "new beau" article.

What I care about is the ideology surrounding idol culture that makes these girls susceptible to feeling shame from doing something as uninteresting as dating. The ideals that make something like that possible just breed these "scandals" as a consequence, so I care much more about getting rid of the ideals than scratching at the surface of the problem by attacking the scandals.

EDIT: Just saw TnB's post. I promise I'm not trying to derail the thread. <img src='http://mm-bbs.org/public/style_emoticon ... hahaha.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':hahaha:' /> It's all relevant to the Minami case in my head?
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Re: Minegishi Minami has boyfriend, shaves head

Post by AEUGNewtype »

[quote name='Petit Hulk' timestamp='1359774501' post='143388']

It means SHUT UP BOTH OF YOU. <img src='http://mm-bbs.org/public/style_emoticon ... adwall.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':headwall:' />

EVERY FUCKING TIME it's the same old shit. Same arguments, same people arguing, same same same. <img src='http://mm-bbs.org/public/style_emoticon ... adwall.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':headwall:' /> I already know how this shit is going to go down. Ain't no one got time for that.

What I mean is, go out and have a drink or do anything so your panties can unwind! <img src='http://mm-bbs.org/public/style_emoticon ... adwall.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':headwall:' /> Take a dump and let all that shit out I don't care I'm so sick of reading this group versus that group my oshi is sooo much better <img src='http://mm-bbs.org/public/style_emoticon ... adwall.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':headwall:' />


I must've missed the part where I said something that stated one was greatly superior to the other. All I tried to say is that they're the goddamned same at their core and that feuding over superiority is just as pointless and trite as you just said it is.

Oh yeah, <img src='http://mm-bbs.org/public/style_emoticon ... adwall.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':headwall:' /> amirite?
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Re: Minegishi Minami has boyfriend, shaves head

Post by strawberryjam »

[quote name='Petit Hulk' timestamp='1359774501' post='143388']

It means SHUT UP BOTH OF YOU. <img src='http://mm-bbs.org/public/style_emoticon ... adwall.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':headwall:' />

EVERY FUCKING TIME it's the same old shit. Same arguments, same people arguing, same same same. <img src='http://mm-bbs.org/public/style_emoticon ... adwall.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':headwall:' /> I already know how this shit is going to go down. Ain't no one got time for that.

What I mean is, go out and have a drink or do anything so your panties can unwind! <img src='http://mm-bbs.org/public/style_emoticon ... adwall.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':headwall:' /> Take a dump and let all that shit out I don't care I'm so sick of reading this group versus that group my oshi is sooo much better <img src='http://mm-bbs.org/public/style_emoticon ... adwall.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':headwall:' />

I'd rather read through slut shaming body shaming misogynistic comments than read through yet another H!P versus AKB thread.


edit - and I swear if you guys continue it I will puppy kitty bunny spam this thread so hard



This all happened when I was asleep and I would have struck it down so fast if that wasn't the case. <img src='http://mm-bbs.org/public/style_emoticon ... adwall.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':headwall:' />
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Re: Minegishi Minami has boyfriend, shaves head

Post by Gerald »

OK, I came here because of the thread title.

Can I just say I agree with Al.

Oh, and everybody let's all have a group hug AND STOP TAKING EVERYTHING SO FUCKING PERSONALLY.
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Re: Minegishi Minami has boyfriend, shaves head

Post by Ap2000 »

[quote name='The Turtle Moves' timestamp='1359805841' post='143408']

Oh, and everybody let's all have a group hug AND STOP TAKING EVERYTHING SO FUCKING PERSONALLY.


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Re: Minegishi Minami has boyfriend, shaves head

Post by Pflaume »

[quote name='Petit Hulk' timestamp='1359754277' post='143323']

[quote name='Plum' timestamp='1359752736' post='143320']

I would like to marry you.


Not fair! I was on my phone and couldn't properly propose first!


You know what must be done.
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Re: Minegishi Minami has boyfriend, shaves head

Post by Haru »

Someone get me my goggles, this is a lot of shit to swim through.

Anyway, sticking to the topic at hand, turned on my laptop and my homepage is Yahoo's (dad's anyway) and saw this.


You can about imagine who the top spot is about (Britney, obviously). The Western media latching a hold of this really just makes me feel worse because people don't understand. They're calling it a publicity stunt and fake; and in a way it is the former, but not for Mii-chan. For fucking AKB who's management I dislike even more.
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Re: Minegishi Minami has boyfriend, shaves head

Post by Pflaume »

I would be shocked this is getting this much attention, but since "Former first dog dies" is number four I won't be worrying too much. <img src='http://mm-bbs.org/public/style_emoticon ... stling.png' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':whistling:' />
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Re: Minegishi Minami has boyfriend, shaves head

Post by Wapiko »

Plum, that image is 403ing. <img src='http://mm-bbs.org/public/style_emoticon ... #>/sad.png' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':sad:' />
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Re: Minegishi Minami has boyfriend, shaves head

Post by Pflaume »

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Re: Minegishi Minami has boyfriend, shaves head

Post by NekoKaiSai »

I saw this thread title up to "boyfri" and didn't recognize the name, because I don't follow AKB, so I didn't read it, but then I saw the article on bbc, so here I am. Although I think the no boyfriend rule is somewhat stupid, I agree with Al. Hopefully her demotion won't last too long.
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Re: Minegishi Minami has boyfriend, shaves head

Post by Wapiko »

[quote name='Plum' timestamp='1359830364' post='143431']



<img src='http://mm-bbs.org/public/style_emoticon ... /lmfao.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':lmfao:' />

Well hopefully nobody we like is going to be Bill <img src='http://mm-bbs.org/public/style_emoticon ... /ph34r.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':ph34r:' />
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Re: Minegishi Minami has boyfriend, shaves head

Post by Cyrene »

This whole thread is ridiculous, just like the situation. <img src='http://mm-bbs.org/public/style_emoticon ... adwall.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':headwall:' />

P.S: Miichan oshi 4 lyfe. I hate that she's getting so much attention for this and not her years and years of work with the group.

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Re: Minegishi Minami has boyfriend, shaves head

Post by Madara »

[quote name='Haru' timestamp='1359818632' post='143417']

Someone get me my goggles, this is a lot of shit to swim through.

Anyway, sticking to the topic at hand, turned on my laptop and my homepage is Yahoo's (dad's anyway) and saw this.


You can about imagine who the top spot is about (Britney, obviously). The Western media latching a hold of this really just makes me feel worse because people don't understand. They're calling it a publicity stunt and fake; and in a way it is the former, but not for Mii-chan. For fucking AKB who's management I dislike even more.


I'm stunned that this has become a major world news story. Even one of the local New York papers (the Daily News) did a news article on it on their website. (I don't know if the print edition used it because it's the one local paper I don't read.) I'll know how widespread it is when I get back to work on Monday and someone comes up to me and asks if I know that Japanese pop star who shaved her head.
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Re: Minegishi Minami has boyfriend, shaves head

Post by Anderei »

There was an event today and fans asked the video be removed. The article said it's down, but right now it's actually just private.
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Re: Minegishi Minami has boyfriend, shaves head

Post by tsukinobyouin »

[quote name='Plum' timestamp='1359971005' post='143614']

I kind of hope that the negative attention this is receiving will rattle someone higher up. I hope that the internet raging about it will rattle someone. I hope those someones keep being rattled until some shit changes and they start treating their idols like people.


I don't think the negative attention and internet rage will have any effect on the dating rule. There have been tons of idols previously who have been punished for breaking that rule and never got any big outrage. You can tell from the statement the management issued that what Japanese fans are most angry about (in a broad sense) is the fact that this particular case went in such a crazy, absurd direction with the head shaving and the humiliating video. If this girl had been handled Yaguchi style, it probably would have barely made a stir and she could have gone on to have a successful solo career. They answer questions like "why didn't you stop her from shaving her head" and "did you really have to post the video" and "why is the punishment different for each girl?"

So I think what we're most likely to see for now is this particular girl catching a break - meaning she has a chance at a comeback after some time being a trainee. And perhaps AKB management trying to be more fair about their punishments.
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Re: Minegishi Minami has boyfriend, shaves head

Post by Enmiz »

I guess I don't have too much to add. I think the rule is stupid, but she knew, so she could have been more discreet while breaking it. This situation is out of hand, and I don't really buy the answers to the questions the agency posted. She's one of the AKB members I actually recognized, and I don't follow them, so I'm not surprised at all of the media coverage.

Am I the only one who has a problem with the guy?

If his agency doesn't care about him dating, that's all well and good, but he let her take all of the risks for their relationship, and he's coming out of it virtually unscathed, it seems. That just sounds like something a skeezy dude would do. Granted, I don't know anything about the guy, but it seems that he had little to no risk, he got the reward of messing around with a cute chick added to his reputation, and she gets the whole fall.

I just hope she doesn't come out of this thinking a guy who would let her take all of the risk (professional or personal) in a relationship is worth her time.

This is so sad.
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Re: Minegishi Minami has boyfriend, shaves head

Post by freezingkiss »

[quote name='enmi' timestamp='1360014137' post='143663']

If his agency doesn't care about him dating, that's all well and good, but he let her take all of the risks for their relationship, and he's coming out of it virtually unscathed, it seems. That just sounds like something a skeezy dude would do. Granted, I don't know anything about the guy, but it seems that he had little to no risk, he got the reward of messing around with a cute chick added to his reputation, and she gets the whole fall.


It's not just him though, none of the E-girls or E-boys have dating rules. So any of FLOWER/Happiness/DREAM can date, I guess maybe they are just encouraged not too though.
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Re: Minegishi Minami has boyfriend, shaves head

Post by Anderei »

Probably a 'you can date, try not to get caught, but you won't actually get in trouble if are caught' sort of thing. Kind of like what they've got going on in kpop, where I don't think I've ever actually seen someone get fired or demoted for dating, although it can hurt your reputation a bit depending on who you are (hello IU).
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Re: Minegishi Minami has boyfriend, shaves head

Post by Enmiz »

The E-girls also have a somewhat sexier image, do they not? Stupid rule. I don't really pay attention to much other JPOP music. I need to read what happened to IU.
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Re: Minegishi Minami has boyfriend, shaves head

Post by Anderei »

[quote name='enmi' timestamp='1360026054' post='143676']

The E-girls also have a somewhat sexier image, do they not? Stupid rule. I don't really pay attention to much other JPOP music. I need to read what happened to IU.


I guess you could say E-girls have a sexier image. They've still got a bunch of younger members though I think.

I'll sump up the IU thing real quick for you. She accidentally tweeted a photo of her and Super Junior's Eunhyuk lying on a bed, her in her pajamas and him shirtless, so the implications were there. Neither got in trouble with their companies, but obviously her reputation's been damaged a bit since that doesn't match up with her image at all.
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Re: Minegishi Minami has boyfriend, shaves head

Post by Enmiz »

Ah, I see. I'm a little late to the party in all of this, I guess.

It's sad that what we say won't really change anything.
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Re: Minegishi Minami has boyfriend, shaves head

Post by Shoujo Q »

Annnd now CNN has this story. Nice use of video there CNN. Couldn't find anything worse? Actually, I could think of a few. Image

Miichan... I haven't really been paying much attention to the aftermath of all this, but any word on what the company is doing now that this has apparently become a world wide thing.
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