AX '09 reports

In which we chat about Hello! Project. And TNX. And Nice Girl Project. Yup.

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Re: AX '09 reports

Post by Pucchi-Mo »

Tsunku gained 3 lbs from a week in LA.

Yeah, this is exactly why the girls will never be allowed to come over to start music careers in the USA. <img src=' ... /laugh.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':lol:' />

OH, and stalker videos: Airport arrival The back of Yossi's head

Luna and freakin Guyver interview MM (subbed).

"Let me show you some cool spots..."

I had trouble remembering it, so here it is.


1. みかん

2. 3, 2, 1 BREAKIN' OUT!

3. しょうがない 夢追い人

4. HOW DO YOU LIKE JAPAN? ~日本はどんな感じでっか?~

5. リゾナント ブルー

6. メドレー[I WISH ・ハッピーサマーウェディング・恋のダンスサイト ・

そうだ!We're ALIVE ・ザ ピ~ス!・恋愛レボリューション21]

7. LOVEマシーン

8. その場面でビビっちゃいけないじゃん!

9. 雨の降らない星では愛せないだろう?

<img src=' ... >/geof.png' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':geof:' /> . 3, 2, 1 BREAKIN' OUT!


Last edited by Pucchi-Mo on Wed Jul 08, 2009 5:34 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Delivering bad puns and deciphering 
Tsunku's madness for ten whole years!
You're welcome.  :thumbsup:
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Maki Kanatsu
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Re: AX '09 reports

Post by Maki Kanatsu »

Copy and pasting from JPH!P~ I might edit later to fill in the gaps since I hung out with Peach, Ruby, Pumo, JESUS, and Furuya mostly anyway and more things happened then 8D

-Day 0-

Exhausting from the start, had to be up at like 4am my time and made it to LA at aroun 10:40ish LAtime. I absolutely loath LAX. It's such a cluster, I've never been lost in a terminal before, I didn't even know which terminal I was IN. So, I eventually managed to get out and waited in the baggage claim area, failing to get a hold of some friends from mm-bbs, then I got a hold of Tenkei sooo I met up with him and Dai and Mugen and others~

We ended up going to the international terminal and waited for over an hour for MM to get off their plane, hoping they took this exit, luckily they did! <img src=' ... iggrin.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':lol:' /> There were quite a few people there, but I got asked later in the week if there were really 200-300 people there...and no not even close to that many. Haha~ It was well worth it to see them that close for just a few seconds. Koharu looked exceptionally pretty and she stood out first to me~

After that we went back to Tenkei's car, which was NOT in the first parking garage. Tsktsk~ Then we went to the Westin since Ping, Dai and Tenkei had some press-related stuff to do and that's where I was staying. We played with the mic and stuff on the roof for a bit like dorks before we all went in. I unpacked and stuff and split from them to go find my mm-bbs peoples. They were already at the convention center in line for badges and crap. Luckily I got to sneak in mid-line with them. It was sososo hot outside though, I have no idea how I didn't burn this entire week. I SHOULD have.

We waited in the line for the event tickets, since you could pick your rows. That line, though it looked shorter, took a LOT longer. My feet were killing me by the end of the day. There were also some wota in line with their radio and doing dances and stuff. Needless to say, I was quite amused. At the end of this I ended up going back and forth between hipsters and mm-bbs peoples. Eventually settling to go with the mm-bbs people back to the hotel and stuff. Didn't want to burden people driving me around and crap. So we took the shuttle back to the Westin and hung out a bit~

Later we went to In & Out? N-N-Out? In-n-Out? Whatever, they're not in the east and you know what I'm talking about! It was rather fun an the food is so YUMMY. I've never had it before but it's really good! After eating all of us hooligans went out to the parking lot and Tenkei started slapping stickers on the parking lot and it was funny "claiming" JPH!Pness everywhere. Shirts were also passed out <img src=' ... iggrin.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':whafap:' />

-Day 1-

I really think this trip was filled with tons and tons of line standing. My group was running exceptionally late and I can't thank Hipsters enough for sneaking us (myself, Ruby, peachgirldb) in the very front of the event line with you all. We were able to get somewhat quickly to the dealers room when they opened because of this. After a clusterfuck of a line, we got our guaranteed autograph tickets <img src=' ... iggrin.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':weeeh:' /> Which is WOOHOO! I strangely saw a friend of mine from middle school there as well. Silly silly~

After this insanity we went to the Q&A panel for the girls. I ended up sitting with Tenkei, Sayah and cannongirl(?) [I'm horrible with names sorry about that!] Who were all pleasant company!! <img src=' ... iggrin.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':rofl:' /> Tenkei even managed to convert this kid in front of us into being a Hipster, busting out the stickers and basically giving a shout out during his question to the girls. Which by the way was SUPER lucky, he was able to ask the question and everyone behind him got cut off. After the panel Kuno magically appeared like BAM which was super amusing haha~ It was like everyone was talking and then Kuno like popped in and just listened intently and then everyone realized, "Oh hey, that's Kuno! He's not supposed to be here. OH WAIT! KUNO!" It was funny, but then again I'm easily amused. <img src=' ... /smile.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':)' />

Some people got autograph tickets here, though they weren't guaranteed so we followed peoples upstairs aaand then Tenkei realized the bag with girls' shirts went missing. Sooo he got all scary for a few mins and then we went downstairs to look, with no luck and then to the...I dunno con lost and found? They said they didnt have it, but we found later that week that they DID in fact have it. Bastards. So, we went back down to whoever's panel was going on and waited for it to be over so we could do one final search.

Later that night we all went booowling~ Apparently there's dress code at some bowling places and Mugen couldn't get in because he's a youngin' I had no idea you were under 21!! Well, anyway some of us went in and others went to California Pizza Kitchen. I went iiin and it was definitely a party-like atmosphere. I'm really awkward in those situations so I mostly bugged Tenkei and Flyp. Flyp and I share a mutual..dislike? awkwardness? something... for such things. But, it was still fun! And hey I got to bowl! I swear I used to be good, but I sucked. I sucked SOOOO bad. And Sev said he wasn't very good at bowling...and then he goes and kills people at it. Filthy lying swede. >>;

They also had these...fried macaroni and cheese things? OMG delicious! @@ I love mac and cheese. And I love this artery clogging treat too =9 Yummm~~

We went back to the Mayfair for a bit afterwards and people checked in and alll and I had Sev speak swedish because of my withdraw and I realized how much I've already forgotten. How sad. HOW SAD. After that I was taken home and yes <img src=' ... /smile.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':)' />

-Day 2-

OMG. The breakfast.

I met up with people downstairs and we ended up going into the little reception breakfast thingy and I realize most people already talked about this part, but it was just SO amazing.

The first rotation with an actual "person" we had was the creator of Afro-Samurai and I think we did especially well in coming up with random BS questions because most of us haven't seen the guy or his work I think. So we asked him about the con, LA, Samuel L. Jackson, etc~

After that we went to Kari Wahlgren's table. Everyone there was a hipstar sooo she obviously knew by our MM shirts that we were there for the girls. So, she instead asked US questions. She's a really really cool girl and seemed especially interested in Sev-land and Ohio for some absurd reason. Ohio I guess because she's from the midwest as well. Woohoo? Haha~

Then, we made it to the girls! It was Tris, Tenkei, me, Mugen and Flyp. The table I was at (with Mugen and Flyp) had Sayu, Eri, Risa and Reina. Strangly, Eri and Risa have been my least favorite members for awhile (this doesnt mean I hate them though!) but after this whole session, I can safely say they've moved up close to the top, especially Eri.

I think all three of us were a bit star struck, dragonlady translator left us a lot so I tried my hand at Japanese...but when you're so nervous and your idol is staring you in the face...well, it didn't go as smooth as I had hoped, but they got what I meant and seemed happy with the effort too. Haha. I was really happy because Risa was all, "You speak Japanese?!"

I wish I would have wrote all this up while it was fresh in my mind as things are a bit mixed and stuff now. We were asked to introduce ourselves and where we were from. I said Ohio, which seemed to confuse them for a second until dragonlady explained. Ohio and Ohayou after all. <img src=' ... tongue.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':P' />

The girls complimented our shirts, which was nice. I said "Arigatou~" and being me and nervous I held out the toooou for a bit too long, which caused Eri and Risa to giggle a bit and repeat "tooou~ toooou~" a few times.

They all looked so pretty, but Eri actually looked a little sick her face and lips were a bit pale so I was worried about her. The others looked very tired, especially Sayumi and Risa looked soooo thin. Reina looks just about exactly as she does in photos and what not. <img src=' ... /smile.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':)' />

Dragonlady would prompt some convos for us, when we were being slow or star struck, she teased us for not bringing the girls food. I admit, I would've been the first to bring food if I knew I was going to have a chance to be that close to them!! They really teased Mugen though and his lack of maple syrup and Canadian bacon. Reina had asked if we had been to Japan and what our favorite foods were. Reina definitely loved talking about food! I ended up saying Sukiyaki even though it's been YEEEEEARS since I've tasted it. It was the first thing that came to mind. Reina wanted to know what we should try in LA, and since none of us were from there we didn't really know, but the night before we had all had In-N-Out so we all agreed and said that was a tastey place and they should eat there. The girls got really excited about it and kept looking at Dragonlady asking if they could, she kept telling them that they could the next morning which made them extremely happy for some reason. MM and food, it shouldn't surprise me!

I asked the girls if they were tired and they all said they were excited and Reina counted on her fingers how many hours she slept and said she slept from 10pm~6am and she was still really tired but happy. Flyp mentioned how he hadn't really eaten since he'd been in LA and Eri freaked out and was all, "EH!? Are you okay?!" across the table, it was so cute~ That's when quiet Sayumi spoke up and was all, "You may be hungry, but your heart is full, right~?" It was sooo cute!

I then glanced at Sayumi, smiling at her comment, she was being exceptionally quiet and then she smiled brightly at me and pointed at my headband and said, "Cute!" I about died. The queen of cute said something of MINE was cute. *DIES~~* Sayu jumped up so high in my rankings because of that.

I asked if the girls were excited about the concert and they were definitely excited and ready to perform, I think they were honestly shocked that so many people there knew them and were there for them.

After that our turns were up and Tenkei and I tried to ninja-seats since we were technically at 2 different tables, but dragonlady would have none of that. <img src=' ... #>/sad.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':geof:' />

The 15 minutes was quickly up and we had to leave them. We were lucky though, the group after us had to live mid-way through the rotation since MM had to go to their sound check. We got our pictures taken by some lady at the end as well, because of our shirts. I actually got my picture taken several times today because of my shirt... D: Woohoo Jphip~ haha

I went back to my room after everything was over and everything between then and the concert is a blur.

The concert was amaaaazing~! Peach got me some pink glowsticks and I hijacked the JPH!P ones from the back. I'm happy mine were pink, with my new love for Sayumi <3 They kept playing this stupidass thing of AX-people while we waited with MM's song hat started to get really annoying. Everyone groaned so they finally made it stop. The concert, like I said, was amaaazing!! I was seated in the section E in the 8th row. So close, so close~ I swear I think I was spazzing so much at that concert, it was RIDICULOUS. I loved the old-song medley the best because obviously I know those songs better. I was freeeeaking out~ It was absolutely amazing. Then Yossi came out and Tsunku came out aaahhh~ amazing amazing! I liked the OPV section, though I wish they wouldn't have done it during the concert and I wish they would have sang more songs, but whatever...I'll take what I can get! It was the best concert I have EVER been to. PERIOD.

At the end of the concert I gave my Yossi ticket to Tenkei, for Ping and no one said goodbye to me, but whatever. >\ I went back to mm-bbs peoples and we actually got interviewed by some magazine, again got noticed because of the shirts, though I was the only one wearing a jph!p shirt. I was so retarded in the interview though, still star struck from the concert, while Peach answered "What is a wota?" for one of the questions haha.

-Day 3-

Autograph day!! At this rate, I wasn't with the main crew I'll leave out my other fun adventures here~ So, autograph session! I got there with some mm-bbs peoples annnd we waited and I got when we got in we couldn't shake hands or talk to them, which sucked! But some of the girls still talked at us so that was fun! <img src=' ... /smile.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':)' />

Reina, Risa, Sayumi and Eri all remembered me from the day before, probably because I was wearing my headband-bow again. In the booth while I was in line, I got to wave at Aika and she has the cutest eye-smile and energetically waved back and LinLin did the same~ So cute!

I came up to Reina and Risa and both of them pointed at me with surprise and were like "OH!"

I then went up to Eri for my autograph and she was all, "OH! Kinou~! Yesterday!" So she definitely remembered as well~

Theeeen I got to Cutie-pie Sayumi who recognized me again after a second and smiled brightly, pointing at my headband again and was all, "Very cute!!" So that was TWO compliments from Sayu! <333

I was so ecstatic to get the autographs. Sayu and Reina's look so cute and Lin Lin's looks like alien-language her's really amuses me. XD

-The Rest-

I didn't go to the con on the final day and most of the last days were just mini-adventures to Koreatown and Little Tokyo~ Karaokeing, fooding and shopping. I actually missed my flight home because I wasn't there in time, but I wanted SNSD's album from Koreatown! Haha~ It's okay though I missed my 11:45 flight, got on a 12:30 flight and made my connection in Houston.

This was seriously the best time I've ever had. Thank you SO much to everyone who made it so enjoyable and easy for me~! I had a blast with all of you and I wasn't bored, not even for a little bit! I can't wait to hang out again <img src=' ... iggrin.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':XD:' />







Last edited by Maki Kanatsu on Wed Jul 08, 2009 7:35 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Maki's Livejournal :: Adventures in Sweden 2008-2009

"nice moustache, Trap!" AAAAHAHAHA

Kaworu: do you guys roll your rs when you have oral sex? O_o
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Re: AX '09 reports

Post by Maki Kanatsu »

Not sure if you guys can see this not if you're not my friends on FB but here is my video from the girls arriving~

Maki's Livejournal :: Adventures in Sweden 2008-2009

"nice moustache, Trap!" AAAAHAHAHA

Kaworu: do you guys roll your rs when you have oral sex? O_o
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Re: AX '09 reports

Post by Jessui »

I love reading all of the reports!! <img src=' ... /heart.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':lol:' /> Madara, that's awesome that you got the interview! Can't wait to see the picture you took with them!!

Maki, you got to talk with them for 15 minutes?! <img src=' ... /blink.png' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':geof:' /> Who got to go to that? Lucky!! Oh and I want to see your headband!! o
Last edited by Jessui on Thu Jul 09, 2009 6:49 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: AX '09 reports

Post by JFC »

[quote name='Maki Kanatsu' post='66182' date='Jul 8 2009, 09:04 PM']And Sev said he wasn't very good at bowling...and then he goes and kills people at it. Filthy lying swede. >>;[/quote]You didn't say that to his face, did you Kanki? Knowing Sev, it'd probably make him fall in love with you. <img src=' ... tongue.png' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':geof:' />
<a data-ipb='nomediaparse' href=' ... acture.gif' class="bbc_url" title="External link"> ... ure.gif</a>
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Re: AX '09 reports

Post by eri »

[quote name='Maki Kanatsu' post='66193' date='Jul 9 2009, 02:48 AM']Amazing stuff[/quote]

Hey, post a picture of your headband! Maybe you should buy another one and mail it to Sayumi as a gift with a letter reminding her of who you are?
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Re: AX '09 reports

Post by Maki Kanatsu »

@Jessi: Just a few people lucky enough to get tickets for the GoH breakfast~ @.@ Dai was able to snag quite a bit for our group, so I was able to go. It was amaaazing @@

@JFC: Hahaha~ I totally did, but he should be used to it by now, I attacked him while I was in Sweden so XD

You know, that's a great idea! Maybe I'll go pick up another one and send it with a pic and some goodies <img src=' ... iggrin.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':geof:' /> ^^


Not many pics uploaded yet, so here's webcam one of my bow headband =D

Last edited by Maki Kanatsu on Thu Jul 09, 2009 11:45 am, edited 1 time in total.

Maki's Livejournal :: Adventures in Sweden 2008-2009

"nice moustache, Trap!" AAAAHAHAHA

Kaworu: do you guys roll your rs when you have oral sex? O_o
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Re: AX '09 reports

Post by eri »

[quote name='Maki Kanatsu' post='66200' date='Jul 9 2009, 11:43 AM']Not many pics uploaded yet, so here's webcam one of my bow headband =D


CUTE! Very Gossip Girl and very Hello Kitty and very VERY something Sayumi would wear. If you made the bow about 60x larger, I could see Tsuji wearing it too haha.
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Re: AX '09 reports

Post by Madara »

Got back from the airport less than an hour ago . What a nine-days-packed-with-cool-stuff experience I had--5 days at AX and 4 with family and friends. I backed up some of the pictures I took at AX, including the ones of Yossi, on Kitaoji's laptop and they were shared with Sadude, so I'm hoping he can post the picture of me with MM here. And, after I get the okay from certain parties, I'm hoping to post the audio interviews with MM and Yossi.

I've got time to do my article, so I may PM some of you who were there for quotes on your experiences, esp. those who got autographs. I just have to listen to the fan sound bites I already recorded and finish my rough draft and see what I need.

I'll do a longer account of the experience on my blog this weekend. Right now, I need to start catching up on sleep, which I didn't get much of out there.

Again, it was great to meet those 15 or so among you I met and I hope more such opportunities arise. And I was very glad Cyrene stuck around on Sunday till I got back from visiting my south-of-L.A. cousins, so I could finally meet her. It was she, after all, who got me started on my blog way back when (3-&-1/2 years ago!).
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Re: AX '09 reports

Post by EmEl »

There's video of the announcement of the myspace OPV winners up on dohhhup.

Part 1

Part 2

I wish the video wasn't a long shot the whole time and actually zoomed in on the girls, as some of the girls had great reactions to the videos. Watching JunJun be an airhead while half-clipping was the most enjoyable part of the presentation. Also pay attention to Yoshizawa as she exits the stage at the end.

(I was very close to being in the video. I can see the guy who was next to me.)
Last edited by EmEl on Fri Jul 10, 2009 10:39 pm, edited 1 time in total.

What's the first thing you do when you return home after a concert?

LinLin: "I stop thinking and stare into nothingness."
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Re: AX '09 reports

Post by Snowman »

It was awesome meeting Morning Musume! I'll never forget this experience. It was also great meeting some of you guys too. I don't know all of the forum names you guys have but Sadude, Madara and PQ were awesome! There are others but forgive me for not remembering your forum names. I was also amazed to see how many of you were from New York.
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Re: AX '09 reports

Post by Madara »

Yeah, it was pretty cool to have five of us from New York there. (Were there any others? I counted me, Sadude, Snowman, Sugoi, and Lee from Queens, whose MM-BBS screen name I don't know.)

By the way, has anybody monitored Japanese press coverage of MM's visit? I'd love to know how the event was perceived over there. I didn't notice any Japanese press around, other than a single crew at the press junket that may have been from Japan. I'm guessing they had their own non-AX face time with the girls.
Last edited by Madara on Sat Jul 11, 2009 6:49 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: AX '09 reports

Post by sadude »

Indeed it was. I'll do a writeup later, I have too much to write and some other stuff to do first.


<img src=' ... kowota.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':D' />
Last edited by sadude on Sat Jul 11, 2009 9:56 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: AX '09 reports

Post by Snowman »

Ah man, that picture is just too great. Jealous? yes, yes I am. Though I would ask Junjun to be next to me XD
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Re: AX '09 reports

Post by Madara »

[quote name='sadude' post='66273' date='Jul 12 2009, 02:55 AM']Indeed it was. I'll do a writeup later, I have too much to write and some other stuff to do first.


<img src=' ... kowota.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':wota:' />[/quote]

There it is. <img src=' ... /heart.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':D' />

At the bottom of the frame you can see my recorder on the table. It was still on and it recorded the whole moment. I was so befuddled I completely forgot to turn it off until I checked my bag a few minutes later.

And Ai-chan's holding the copy of my book I signed and gave to them. It mentions MM twice. Which reminds me--I have to send a copy of this shot to the publisher.
Last edited by Madara on Sat Jul 11, 2009 10:43 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: AX '09 reports

Post by Windy-chan »

Awesome reports, everyone~ what was this breakfast thing you guys are talking about? That sounds amazing :0!

The concert was great! I loved it~ I really wanted to get autograph tickets, but of course, they were sold out so fast. ;_;

I remember seeing a few people from here, but I don't recall exactly who because I was SO out of it that day. I'm really sorry to anyone who saw me that day (was it the day of the concert? Uhhh I don't even know), because I think some people were trying to introduce me and I was soooo tired and sleepy that I couldn't even focus and didn't realize people were talking to me. x.x But I do remember seeing Kanappe and peach and that they were both looking adorable! Kanappe, I didn't know if it was appropriate to say but you look much thinner from when I first met you, and very pretty~

Oh and I met Geof too, seeing that he came to visit us in our room. <img src=' ... iggrin.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':D' /> Hi Geof!

AX was totally fun, but very exhausting! Tons of lines, and I got horrible sleep every night of the trip. T_T I'm so glad I got to meet everyone and see MM in concert! I never thought I would.
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Re: AX '09 reports

Post by eri »

[quote name='sadude' post='66273' date='Jul 11 2009, 09:55 AM'](Madara)

<img src=' ... kowota.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':D' />[/quote]

OMG that is so amazing. One question: why is Koharu so weirdly tall in that picture and Takahashi so small? Koharu looks like she'd be a foot taller than Madara! Is she so tall? And Sayumi looks very pretty here - I love her outfit.

I love seeing "real" pictures of the girls. It is always pleasantly validating to know they are as cute in "reality" as in their professionally done, photo-shopped, stylist-hired promotional shots. Also, it gives you a sense of how tall/slim/uh booby the girls are in real life because there is a non-H!P girl for reference.
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Re: AX '09 reports

Post by shadeedge »

[quote name='mEri' post='66278' date='Jul 11 2009, 06:51 PM']OMG that is so amazing. One question: why is Koharu so weirdly tall in that picture and Takahashi so small? Koharu looks like she'd be a foot taller than Madara! Is she so tall? And Sayumi looks very pretty here - I love her outfit.[/quote] She's tall anyway, but it looks like she has some really high heels on on top of that.
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Re: AX '09 reports

Post by Madara »

Part 1 of what will be a multi-part account of my experiences there is up on my blog.
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Re: AX '09 reports

Post by EmEl »

[quote name='Madara' post='66269' date='Jul 11 2009, 08:47 AM']By the way, has anybody monitored Japanese press coverage of MM's visit?[/quote]

Here's a list that someone made of press coverage of the concert:

What's the first thing you do when you return home after a concert?

LinLin: "I stop thinking and stare into nothingness."
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Re: AX '09 reports

Post by Madara »

Has anybody done a tally of everyone from the board who was at AX '09? I'd be curious to know the total.
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Re: AX '09 reports

Post by Geof »

[quote name='Madara's blog' post='66335' date='Jul 12 2009, 07:44 AM']Aika was breathtaking. She has such an amazing face, like a silent movie star.[/quote]

Oh man, it's bifocal time for you! <img src=' ... >/rofl.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':cryalot:' />
[quote name='CO2 Blasted Idols' post='91599' date='Jan 12 2011, 06:50 PM']Also, this is MM-BBS, the BBS that hates the H!P fans in almost all other forums.[/quote]
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Re: AX '09 reports

Post by Madara »

[quote name='Geof' post='66343' date='Jul 13 2009, 01:13 AM'][quote name='Madara's blog' post='66335' date='Jul 12 2009, 07:44 AM']Aika was breathtaking. She has such an amazing face, like a silent movie star.[/quote]

Oh man, it's bifocal time for you! <img src=' ... >/rofl.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':cryalot:' />


Ummm...can I have a little back-up from the Aika fanboys and fangirls here, please?

Thank you.
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Re: AX '09 reports

Post by peachgirldb »

Aika's a very cute girl with umm.. a very expressive face. She just needs some goddamn bangs. <img src=' ... /laugh.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':cryalot:' />
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Re: AX '09 reports

Post by neshcom »

Aika is adorable and has a classically cute, innocent face <img src=' ... #>/wub.png' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':lesson:' /> Her smile is perfect 8o She also has the best Pocket Morning answers every week. You can't deny it! <img src=' ... /noway.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':cryalot:' /> You can't fight this perfect photo! Or this:

Image <img src=' ... #>/wub.png' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':nono:' />
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Re: AX '09 reports

Post by eri »

[quote name='Madara' post='66347' date='Jul 12 2009, 09:55 AM'][quote name='Geof' post='66343' date='Jul 13 2009, 01:13 AM'][quote name='Madara's blog' post='66335' date='Jul 12 2009, 07:44 AM']Aika was breathtaking. She has such an amazing face, like a silent movie star.[/quote]

Oh man, it's bifocal time for you! <img src=' ... >/rofl.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':cryalot:' />


Ummm...can I have a little back-up from the Aika fanboys and fangirls here, please?


Aika looks just like Charlie Chaplin?
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Re: AX '09 reports

Post by peachgirldb »


It's like Risa's, they made so much of a difference they got written into a song.
Last edited by peachgirldb on Sun Jul 12, 2009 10:32 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: AX '09 reports

Post by Gypchan »

[quote name='mEri' post='66350' date='Jul 12 2009, 01:27 PM'][quote name='Madara' post='66347' date='Jul 12 2009, 09:55 AM'][quote name='Geof' post='66343' date='Jul 13 2009, 01:13 AM'][quote name='Madara's blog' post='66335' date='Jul 12 2009, 07:44 AM']Aika was breathtaking. She has such an amazing face, like a silent movie star.[/quote]

Oh man, it's bifocal time for you! <img src=' ... >/rofl.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':cryalot:' />


Ummm...can I have a little back-up from the Aika fanboys and fangirls here, please?


Aika looks just like Charlie Chaplin?


<img src=' ... >/rofl.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':lesson:' />

Maybe Madara means more like Louise Brooks?

She looked infinitely better with bangs as well.

Without bangs.

With bangs.
Last edited by Gypchan on Sun Jul 12, 2009 12:58 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: AX '09 reports

Post by Madara »

[quote name='Gypchan' post='66360' date='Jul 13 2009, 04:56 AM'][quote name='mEri' post='66350' date='Jul 12 2009, 01:27 PM'][quote name='Madara' post='66347' date='Jul 12 2009, 09:55 AM'][quote name='Geof' post='66343' date='Jul 13 2009, 01:13 AM'][quote name='Madara's blog' post='66335' date='Jul 12 2009, 07:44 AM']Aika was breathtaking. She has such an amazing face, like a silent movie star.[/quote]

Oh man, it's bifocal time for you! <img src=' ... >/rofl.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':cryalot:' />


Ummm...can I have a little back-up from the Aika fanboys and fangirls here, please?


Aika looks just like Charlie Chaplin?


<img src=' ... >/rofl.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':lesson:' />

Maybe Madara means more like Louise Brooks?

She looked infinitely better with bangs as well.

Without bangs.

With bangs.


There ya go. Thanks, Gypchan, I was going to try to find pix of Brooks myself.
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Re: AX '09 reports

Post by eri »

[quote name='Gypchan' post='66360' date='Jul 13 2009, 04:56 AM']<img src=' ... >/rofl.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':confused:' />

Maybe Madara means more like Louise Brooks?[/quote]

I'm joking. Though actually, Shimizu has always reminded me of Charlie Chaplin in a weird way (it is the eyebrows and the stockiness perhaps?). Here you go -- I added a moustach for kicks.



by the way, Tanizaki wrote a novel Naomi about a Japanese girl that looked like Mary Pickford...however, the reference would be incredibly unflattering if you've ever read the book <img src=' ... /laugh.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':lol:' />
Last edited by eri on Sun Jul 12, 2009 2:47 pm, edited 1 time in total.