Hello!Project Champloo ~Happy Marriage Song Shuu~

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Hello!Project Champloo ~Happy Marriage Song Shuu~

Post by EmEl »

Well the album is now out there.

High-King's song is uninteresting and kind of a letdown after their above-average single. There's no reason to not just listen to the original "Diamonds".

I love what was done with the voices in the C-ute/Mano song. Maybe all this time I have not really been in love with Mano herself, I've clearly just been in love with KAN (seriously, how can you not love his face in the video?)

In Pucchi V's song, I don't really know which of the two voices is really annoying to me since I really don't know my C-ute girls (and don't suggest it's Erina's!). I never really cared for Kome Kome Club, so I guess I'd rather listen to this one, but that's no endorsement.

Ai and Reina's solos are strong covers that I think were well chosen for the two girls, but by the time the ZYX-a song starts, I'm totally sick of ballads. Thank god, Zoku Biyuuden's ONLY YOU comes in to save the day with the rock. Linlin's song is another well-chosen solo for the singer. I think I may even like it more than the original, but I'm not really nostalgically familiar with it at all as I am with some other songs. Kanpaku Sengen: well, um, I guess I like it. There's a cute naivete to it. But I confess, I had to listen a second time to come to that inconclusive conclusion.

Now if only there were a way to ensure I get a Mano card with the album...
Last edited by EmEl on Sun Jul 12, 2009 8:15 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Hello!Project Champloo ~Happy Marriage Song Shuu~

Post by BeForJess »

I have some mixed feelings about this release:

1. Diamond - The vocals are good, even from Saki and Maimi, neither of whom I care for usually. However, the song is mediocre and just doesn't fit their image. After the outstanding C/C and Kioku no Meiro, I was hoping for more of a mature sound, maybe with some sort of R&B or rap flair to it. This song is cute, but it totally sounds like it should be the B-side to Sakura Chirari or something. Not really what I was thinking would come from this group. Pass.

2. Ai no Katsu - The combo of C-ute and Mano wasn't a pairing I expected to like, but the song is actually pretty good. I like a lot of the group vocal songs from H!P, like All for One & One for All, Dekkai uchuu ni Ai ga Aru, etc, and this one fits that bill. Some weak vocal points in the solo lines (very strained), but somehow I still really like the song. It's catchy and overall has a nice sound to it.

3. YES-YES-YES - Although I am one of the people very disappointed with Aa! not having Reina in it, this turned out nice. I love the vocals, and the song is mature without being too boring. Not as catchy as C-ute & Mano's number, but it's still decent.

4. Tentouchuu no Samba - This is the PERFECT song for new Mini Moni. I love it. Yes, I absolutely love it. I know I said I didn't think I would like new Mini Moni because I don't like Linlin's voice despite it being on key, but actually, I don't mind her in this. And it has KANON. Holy crap does she sound like Aibon, just brings the Mini Moni feel to the new line up. Um, this might be my favorite on the album, actually.... ._.

5. Kimi ga iru dake de - I don't know why this is Petit Moni V, since it doesn't have their sound, their style, nothing about this screams Petit Moni. Some of these, especially this one, feel like Tsunku just used the group name for the sake of using it. Overall, it's not horrible, but not something I'll be putting on my playlist.

6. Heya to Y Shirts to Watashi - I feel like Reina's solo time is always cursed, she has one of my favorite voices in H!P, but every time she gets something of her own to sing, it bores me! On Best Shot we had Memory Seishun no Hikari (bleeeehhhh), then on the Fuyu Fuyu mini album she had Kirakira fuyu no Shiny G, which I wanted to like because of the vocals, but the song was just not catchy to me. Then we get this one, which is kinda pretty, but ultimately bores me to tears despite Reina being the singer. Nooooooooooo.....

7. Mamotte Agetai - I love the combo of Risa and Eri, their voices are so different from each other, but they blend beautifully in this song. Eri's "mamotte agetai... ooooh" is probably the nicest I've heard her voice sound! Gorgeous. But on the whole, I'm not too big on the song - I just wish it were more catchy and upbeat of a tune. I guess I just feel most of the songs on this album are mediocre, they sound nice and all, but don't stick with me and aren't something that, if it came up on a playlist, that I would actually leave on and listen to. I'd just hit next and rock out to Nanchatte Ren'ai.

8. Akizakura (or is it Cosmos?) - Wow, Takahashi sounds so beautiful in her deeper register, we don't get to hear her this deep in most Momusu stuff. It's a beautiful display of her voice. The song is one of the prettier ones on the album, but ultimately a ballad needs to be something really special to stay with me. Because of the refrain, this song doesn't quite make it for me, at least not yet. Maybe a few more listens will make it grow on me - I do love the deep verses quite a bit.

9. Mirai Yosouzi II - Suffering from the same thing as the Petit Moni song - this is Zyx? The song's vocals are all in unison, which I liked the feel of in Ai no Katsu, but this one is not interesting in the least. One of my least favorites. I'm getting sleepy just thinking about it.

10. Only You - Surprise! It's a FUN SONG! It also isn't too far from the original Biyuuden sound like in Koi no Nukegara, so I like that it does at least seem like it could have been from the original group. Not a fan of the vocals, having two of my least favorite H!P vocalists in there (Risako & Sayumi), but actually they have sounded worse in other things than they do in this. Sayu's forced cute voice is still better than she used to sound. The song is great poppy rock fun! Definitely one of the stand out tracks, which is certainly not what I expected when I heard the line up!

11. Akai Sweet Pea - I hate Yurina in this. The song has some really good catchy parts, but not enough. Sorry Eri, you can't save 'em all. If the song were really amazing, like Only You, I could ignore the bad vocals, but this one isn't good enough to overcome it for me.

12. for you... - Slow and boring with nothing to draw you in, and Linlin is not one of my preferred vocalists. The combo of those things makes this one an instant "skip" for me. One of my least favorites.

13. Kanpaku Sengen - a different, folky sound. I really liked it until the vocals got really off key around 1:03. I really want to like this one, I love the sound of it and the tune... But without really busy music in the background, just the voices against an acoustic guitar, it doesn't leave much room for error, and there's a lot of error, especially before the first group refrain. (edit: After a few listens, I think I may have been a little harsh, it's not THAT bad. A few of Yurina's lines bug me, the rest aren't really that bad)

14. Sekai wa Futari no Tame Ni - Wow, a group made up of the single worst vocalists that are in MM right now... But after that Berryz effort, they seem pretty damn good, actually. Eeesh. Even Koharu sounds the best I've heard her. Maybe now that Kirarin is over, she will keep this less-flamboyant vocal style. I like the verses of the song, but not the refrain. It's not too bad a song overall though. I'm still impressed that not one of the girls' vocals pissed me off in this song! Gotta give them credit for that!

So overall, I found the album pretty unmemorable and mediocre. It suffers from some bad songs choices for the particular members that were in the groups, and too many of the tracks were completely forgettable. There were a few standouts, like Only You, Tentouchuu no Samba, and Ai no Katsu, but I was hoping for better. I think they chose too many ballads, and did not change up the arrangements of the songs enough to try to emulate the original groups these were supposed to be sequels of. I will put a few of these on my playlist, and the rest... I will probably forget what they even sounded like by next week.
Last edited by BeForJess on Sun Jul 12, 2009 2:41 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Hello!Project Champloo ~Happy Marriage Song Shuu~

Post by Madara »

Just for the record, the album is listed on CDJapan as:

Chample 1-Happy Marriage Song Cover Shu-

It wasn't listed under Hello! Project's releases. I only found it by going through High-King.
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Re: Hello!Project Champloo ~Happy Marriage Song Shuu~

Post by Pucchi-Mo »

I like this album so much more than COVER YU that it's not even funny.

In general, I don't think there was much intention to make the songs sound like a specific sub unit, they just wanted to make the girls sound decent, if it happened, then probably by chance, except Mini Moni.

The intro of DIAMONDS sounds like something out of NiGHTS into Dreams. <img src='http://mm-bbs.org/public/style_emoticon ... /laugh.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':lol:' /> Also, it's more or less the style of Pucchi Moni's album track Makenai Maketakunai (Only with Nao Tanaka's signature R&B sound, without being too HARD) I really like this one, but when I listen to it, I don't really notice anyone specific in it. That's not really a bad thing, but it's strange to have the thought "Oh yeah, I'm listening to the HIGH KING girls"

Unison for Mirai Yosouzu II was a good call. I'd rather have a consistent sound than random girls butchering something so great. We can hear real ZYX when they get new songs. Oh, I wonder if they will do a new version of each group's debut single as a c/w of these new releases.

The Pucchi Moni song sounded more like a ZYX song. In fact, it basically combined the style of BOTH of the ZYX singles. <img src='http://mm-bbs.org/public/style_emoticon ... nfused.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':confused:' /> You have a slight groove to it, plus the wintery sound. Did they do this to mess with us.

The Viyuuden song sounds a bit like Please! Jiyuu no Tobira. If this is the kind of Viyuuden we get, I'm fine with it. They obviously will have a different dynamic than the first, so I hope they stick to the cool rock Viyuuden rather than ultra sexy.

Mini Moni is back! Now this is a song choice and arrangement that actually makes sense.

Risa & Eri sound so good together! Tanpopo was good too. Aa was underwhelming.

Surprisingly, I liked 4人least-strong-voices-of-MM祭. Their song was extremely repetitive, but I didn't mind it.

I just noticed something, the new ZYX is like HIGH KING, only with the next 2 MM members who get the most promotion. Takahashi, Reina -> Risa, Koharu. It seemed so random at first, but I can understand the choice now. Well no one is used twice, so there's only so much you can do.

Since everyone is placed neatly somewhere, I wonder just how often we will hear from each of these sub units. What if they just dropped the main groups and started new from this. <img src='http://mm-bbs.org/public/style_emoticon ... #>/doh.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':doh:' /> You didn't read that Tsunku.

More likely, this is like the evolution of the yearly shuffle, and they don't have to come up with new random formations and goofy names that fit a theme. I look forward to the new material.
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Re: Hello!Project Champloo ~Happy Marriage Song Shuu~

Post by Liana »

I just did a full review over at my BBS, but to sum it up I like it more than I thought (cover albums normally upset me). Akai Sweet Pea is my favorite inspite of me never liking that song before nor being much of a fan of Aika and Yurina (though Aika sounded AWESOME in the Risa/Aika/JunJun/Sayu song). I LOVE each of the solo songs (Linlin's made me spaz!) I also support Zoku Viyuuden with all my heart, their song rooocked. Shin Minimoni is perfect. Diamonds is my jam, but I hate High King's version for reasons I can't quite place. I was also excited for Ai wo Katsu which just didn't come together for me. And ZYX's song is GORGEOUS though god knows why it was given to ZYX. Everything else just meshes together in a slew of boring blah.
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Re: Hello!Project Champloo ~Happy Marriage Song Shuu~

Post by EmEl »

[quote name='Liana' post='66367' date='Jul 12 2009, 04:46 PM']Diamonds is my jam, but I hate High King's version for reasons I can't quite place.[/quote]

After a bunch more listens to the album, this is the one song that I can't figure out. I still can't like this song, and I also can't seem to figure out why. I think it just may be too busy for its own good. The original is already such a good song; and, although I normally would rather a cover to try something new, this arrangement just gives me a headache. If I ever see High-King dancing to this in short skirts, and it's made clear that the arrangement is for the purpose of a good dance, maybe I'll like it more.

Maybe their other two songs were too busy as well, I just didn't notice because they weren't covers.

[quote name='TightWetPucchi' post='66366' date='Jul 12 2009, 04:44 PM']The intro of DIAMONDS sounds like something out of NiGHTS into Dreams. <img src='http://mm-bbs.org/public/style_emoticon ... /laugh.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':confused:' />[/quote]

Haha, how true. I do like the intro, but then it doesn't mix well with the vocals. This song confuses me so much.
Last edited by EmEl on Mon Jul 13, 2009 2:32 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Hello!Project Champloo ~Happy Marriage Song Shuu~

Post by sadude »

This album is so pleasant to listen to. I didn't have any expectations going in, so I wasn't disappointed by anything. There's nothing oustanding that grabbed my attention, but listening to the album as a whole is nice and relaxing. Hopefully the more I listen to it the more something will stand out.

All the fuss about the new groups is much ado about nothing. Does it really matter what they're called when they're just covering these old songs? To me the groups will come into their own and live up to (or fail to live up to) their old incarnations once they get some new materials.

They should've said that track 7 was the new W, just to make a some people cry.
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Re: Hello!Project Champloo ~Happy Marriage Song Shuu~

Post by Purin-chama »

The album was kind of bland to me. I liked Minimoni and Tanpopo. The group fits well with the previous groups, imo. Karin and Kanon sound almost exactly alike, too. Karin just sounds younger <img src='http://mm-bbs.org/public/style_emoticon ... /laugh.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':lol:' /> And for Tanpopo, I totally didn't recognize Chisato at first <img src='http://mm-bbs.org/public/style_emoticon ... /blink.png' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':confused:' /> I really thought she was Kamei... Mitsui sounded good on the verse lines, too.

And Hagiwara sounded way better than normal in the PucchiMoni song. It really surprised me... I think we need Takahashi/Linlin duet of something for the next concert. Linlin isn't quite up to Takahashi, but it'd certainly be a power fest <img src='http://mm-bbs.org/public/style_emoticon ... /laugh.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':doh:' />
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Re: Hello!Project Champloo ~Happy Marriage Song Shuu~

Post by truehappiness »

IMO, there are only four really awesome songs on this album.. haha.

for you.., Akai Sweetpea, Mamotte Agetai, and Cosmos~ :3

ONLY YOU and Reina's solo are only slightly less amazing though.. the former because Risako.. blah! And Reina needed someone else to accompany her in singing that song imo.
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Re: Hello!Project Champloo ~Happy Marriage Song Shuu~

Post by Pucchi-Mo »

So Tsunku just revealed how Tanpopo# was created.

not by voices that they thought would be great together...

but by the 井 kanji in each of their names!!! <img src='http://mm-bbs.org/public/style_emoticon ... >/rofl.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':D/' />






(& Pucchi Moni V is for Victory) I always thought V was for Biyuuden.
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Re: Hello!Project Champloo ~Happy Marriage Song Shuu~

Post by Joel »

[quote name='TightWetPucchi' post='66453' date='Jul 15 2009, 02:53 PM']So Tsunku just revealed how Tanpopo# was created.

not by voices that they thought would be great together...

but by the 井 kanji in each of their names!!! <img src='http://mm-bbs.org/public/style_emoticon ... >/rofl.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':D/' />






That's awesome! # looks like 井! I would've been fine with everyone in Tanpopo# without Aika, but I'll be ok with it. Did Tsunku explain how to pronounce Tanpopo#?

Here's my review:

Diamonds: I was really upset that they used High-King to sing this song which is totally not their style although I'm sure an attempt to make Diamonds all hip-hop/pop-ish would've been horrible. Despite all that, it's an ok song. It's light, poppy, pink, rainbows, and puppies. High-King didn't do a bad job at singing this anyway.

Ai wa Katsu: At first listen of this song, it sounds like it was all unison with the exception of Mano, but they get solo lines with the rest singing the melody too, but the soloist is more prominent. Not too fond of this song. It's unrememberable too me.

YES-YES-YES: Awesome song. Aa!'s and High-King's debut singles have the same style, but this is kind of mature song. Kind of like Masayume, but better. I wasn't too upset about how Reina is not in Aa!, but I'm glad they but Saho Akari in that group since she wasn't (for some reason) in S/mileage. They all sounds great in this song.

Tentou Chuu no Sanba: Definetely a Shin Minimoni song. It's alright. That's prety much all I have to say about that song.

Kimi ga iru dake de: Favorite song of the album. Hands down. I really like Saki and Mai, but I really dislike Erina. Although, this song gives them major points. I wasn't phased at all by Erina voice, but it sounds nice. However, Mai wins for being awesome. She sounds SUPER good. At least, good for being Mai. I remember in the beginning of C-ute, I really didn't like Mai because of her voice, but she's been sounding really good lately.

Heya to Y shirts to Watashi: Please don't give Reina a solo ballad. Ever. Like someone else metioned, it would've been better if someone were to acompany her. She doesn't sound that good (actually, I've been kind of irritated of her voice lately. Except for her solo in the recent concert tour where she sings The Bigaku which fits her voice more), and this is kind of a bland, boring ballad imo.

Mamotte Agetai: Both Risa and Kamei sound great, but this is kind of a boring song. Nice, but boring.

Cosmos: Same as above, but a bit less boring imo.

Mirai Yosouzu II: Another ballad?! Come on now. I wish they would've done a song like Pucchimoni V and I get to here solos from the new ZYX. blah.

ONLY YOU: People need to shut up about Risako. She's come a long way in her singing abilities. <img src='http://mm-bbs.org/public/style_emoticon ... smooch.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':danceman:' /> This is my second favorite song of the album. It totally has that Koisuru Angel Heart vibe. Unlike what some other people think, I think this Zoku Biyuuden thing isn't really a slap in the face to Biyuuden. Biyuuden is gone. Even if they weren't going to disband before the Elder Club graduation, I'm pretty sure they were going to be pretty much inactive anyways even if they were to continue after the Elder Club graduation. Anyways, Sayumi sounds Sayumi, and JunJun sounds better than usual.

Akai Sweet Pea: Like I said earlier, I'm not too upset with the members in this group. Eri sounds so cute. <img src='http://mm-bbs.org/public/style_emoticon ... #>/wub.png' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':D' /> Yurina kind of sounds... I don't know. It's kind of like she's been sounding the same since she started out in Berryz Koubou. She needs to stop sounding so bland because she has major potential with that voice. Aika sounds alright and Chisato sounds kind of weird I guess. I don't know why. Overall, great ballad. My favorite ballad on this album

for you...: When I first heard the original song, I couldn't wait to hear this song because I thought it would be perfect for Linlin's voice. She did an awesome job on this song, but I think she could've done just a little bit better. I'm glad Linlin got a solo to showcase her voice.

Kanpaku Sengen: I find this song kind of annoying. They sound alright. Saki esp. with this song and the Diamonds song.

Sekai wa futari no tame ni: At first, I was so sick of ballads thatI just wanted to stop my i-pod. Despite having these four sing this song, I think they sung this song pretty well. It's kind of boring, but I kept listenting to the song to see what they sound like. Later that day, I caught myself humming this song. Not too bad.

Final Thoughts: Too many ballads, but this album isn't such a bad one. I have more songs I would want to listen to on this album other than Cover You (although, out of both these albums, I'm still madly in love with Koi no Dial 6700). However, I was totally expecting a Morning Musume cover of Happy Summer Wedding. I know it's not within that time span, but this album's title has "Happy Marriage" in the title! Acutally, now that I think about it, I think H!P should've sing this song since this is a H!P album. Also, I kind of have my own reason why Reina wasn't in Aa!. I think it's because she's already in High-King, so I guess they just kept her there and have someone else in there.
Last edited by Joel on Wed Jul 15, 2009 3:50 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Hello!Project Champloo ~Happy Marriage Song Shuu~

Post by Pucchi-Mo »

[quote name='Joel' post='66461' date='Jul 15 2009, 06:46 PM']That's awesome! # looks like 井! I would've been fine with everyone in Tanpopo# without Aika, but I'll be ok with it. Did Tsunku explain how to pronounce Tanpopo#?

Also, I kind of have my own reason why Reina wasn't in Aa!. I think it's because she's already in High-King, so I guess they just kept her there and have someone else in there.[/quote]

I don't think he said anything about how to pronounce the #, but we'll find out soon enough when the girls say their name at the concert. I bet it's a silent #.

Yeah. Amazingly, no one has 2 groups. They treated this like a BIG FAT shuffle. That's why some girls are stuck in groups kind of randomly, but at least there's no giant "whoever is left" unit.

Even with such restrictions, these subunits are still pretty similar to things that already existed. Tanpopo is 1/2 Guardians 4, and of course, Aa is 2/3 Buono.

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Re: Hello!Project Champloo ~Happy Marriage Song Shuu~

Post by Purin-chama »

I assumed it was Tanpopo Sharp...
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Re: Hello!Project Champloo ~Happy Marriage Song Shuu~

Post by peachgirldb »

I'll go with Tanpopoi since that's how the kanji's pronounced xD
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Re: Hello!Project Champloo ~Happy Marriage Song Shuu~

Post by Liana »

. . . I love that Tanpopo # thing. So much. Especially because that was the one group everyone agreed was really appropriate and it was just Tsunku being a weirdass. Awesome.

Yeah. Amazingly, no one has 2 groups. They treated this like a BIG FAT shuffle. That's why some girls are stuck in groups kind of randomly, but at least there's no giant "whoever is left" unit.
What do you call ZYX then? I mean . . . Risa and Koharu. Ballad. I think this is his Odoru 11 XD
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Re: Hello!Project Champloo ~Happy Marriage Song Shuu~

Post by Joel »

[quote name='Myst' post='66469' date='Jul 15 2009, 10:07 PM']I assumed it was Tanpopo Sharp...[/quote]

You know what? I never thought of that. It make sence to me though. For a while now, I read it as Tanpopo Number Sign.

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Re: Hello!Project Champloo ~Happy Marriage Song Shuu~

Post by Shoujo Q »

I'd like to point out that Mano Erina is in 3 songs and not just two. <img src='http://mm-bbs.org/public/style_emoticon ... tongue.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':danceman:' />
This is a place where a signature goes. Enjoy some Airi instead.
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Re: Hello!Project Champloo ~Happy Marriage Song Shuu~

Post by Pucchi-Mo »

Mano needs all the exposure she can get, she's H!P's only real soloist.

Oh, I meant no girl got put into multiple permanent sub-units, not the actual songs on this.

(Since they had to graduate Reina from Aa, Saki from ZYX, etc... for it to be a proper shuffle)

. . . I love that Tanpopo # thing. So much. Especially because that was the one group everyone agreed was really appropriate and it was just Tsunku being a weirdass. Awesome.

Yeah. Amazingly, no one has 2 groups. They treated this like a BIG FAT shuffle. That's why some girls are stuck in groups kind of randomly, but at least there's no giant "whoever is left" unit.
What do you call ZYX then? I mean . . . Risa and Koharu. Ballad. I think this is his Odoru 11 XD
Ok fair enough, but they are more the Nacchi of Odoru 11 than the Rika Ishii. (Wow, that's scary)
Last edited by Pucchi-Mo on Thu Jul 16, 2009 11:49 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Hello!Project Champloo ~Happy Marriage Song Shuu~

Post by Gypchan »

I felt like I heard Takahashi Ai's solo song somewhere before, covered by another H!P artist.

And then it hit me.

Nakazawa Yuko did the same song on Folk Songs 4.

Was this ever mentioned before? <img src='http://mm-bbs.org/public/style_emoticon ... #>/doh.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':(' />

I love Yuko's version for her haunting voice but the reworking on Ai's seems more melodic and flowing. Yuko's background is more electronic while Ai's could easily become a live orchestra and be simply beautiful if sung live with it.

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Re: Hello!Project Champloo ~Happy Marriage Song Shuu~

Post by JPope »

I like the first seven recordings. I really couldn't care less what they named the groups or whatever, they sound good to me. My two favorites are Reina's solo, which is the only song that I recognized, and the Risa/Eri song. All of them sound great, and the songs suit them very well. The other seven songs kinda suck.
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Re: Hello!Project Champloo ~Happy Marriage Song Shuu~

Post by Madara »

I got this CD yesterday in the package with the Spring 2009 MM concert DVD and I just finished my first complete listen.

It all sounded like Folk Songs Lite to me. And some of these were indeed sung on the Folk Songs albums (as Gypchan pointed out). The voices are all quite a bit softer than the great voices that we heard on the Folk Songs albums. I liked the solos (Reina, Ai-chan, LinLin) and the Ai-chan/Risa duet, but the jury's still out on the others. Some of the songs are really bland, even if the harmonizing is quite nice at times. Neither Tanpopo nor Pucchimoni nor any other old units came to mind at all. They simply don't sound like them. There was more vigor and energy in the earlier groups. I wasn't even aware that this CD was the one meant to revive those groups until I read the above posts after listening to the CD.

Of the 30 singers on the cover, there were six I didn't recognize. All Eggs, I believe? They're i.d.'d on the inside of the booklet.
Last edited by Madara on Thu Jul 23, 2009 7:53 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Hello!Project Champloo ~Happy Marriage Song Shuu~

Post by Pucchi-Mo »

[quote name='Madara' post='66679' date='Jul 23 2009, 10:52 PM']Neither Tanpopo nor Pucchimoni nor any other old units came to mind at all. They simply don't sound like them. There was more vigor and energy in the earlier groups. I wasn't even aware that this CD was the one meant to revive those groups until I read the above posts after listening to the CD.[/quote]

They weren't meant to, they just contained those specific configurations. You could think of these songs like the 2nd track on an individual Shuffle CD, it's just another song featuring those girls, completely unaffected by that group's signature style. (Mini Moni's song being the BIG exception)

Tsunku obviously didn't write these songs, so they shouldn't necessarily sound very much like H!P past and the arrangers can only do so much to maintain the "H!P" sound.

This album was more like a preview of the girls voices working together before they have group debuts. (because seriously, on paper some of these groupings seem insane) # # # #

The Tanpopo & Pucchi Moni songs debuted at their recent concert, those songs capture the sub-units. Who knows when or how they'll be officially released, but it probably isn't far.

( In case you missed the concert preview thread. )
Last edited by Pucchi-Mo on Thu Jul 23, 2009 10:00 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Hello!Project Champloo ~Happy Marriage Song Shuu~

Post by Madara »

[quote name='TightWetPucchi' post='66681' date='Jul 24 2009, 01:39 PM'][quote name='Madara' post='66679' date='Jul 23 2009, 10:52 PM']Neither Tanpopo nor Pucchimoni nor any other old units came to mind at all. They simply don't sound like them. There was more vigor and energy in the earlier groups. I wasn't even aware that this CD was the one meant to revive those groups until I read the above posts after listening to the CD.[/quote]

They weren't meant to, they just contained those specific configurations. You could think of these songs like the 2nd track on an individual Shuffle CD, it's just another song featuring those girls, completely unaffected by that group's signature style. (Mini Moni's song being the BIG exception)

Tsunku obviously didn't write these songs, so they shouldn't necessarily sound very much like H!P past and the arrangers can only do so much to maintain the "H!P" sound.

This album was more like a preview of the girls voices working together before they have group debuts. (because seriously, on paper some of these groupings seem insane) # # # #

The Tanpopo & Pucchi Moni songs debuted at their recent concert, those songs capture the sub-units. Who knows when or how they'll be officially released, but it probably isn't far.

( In case you missed the concert preview thread. )


Got it. Thanks for the clarification.

Like I said, the jury's still out. It usually takes me a few listens of the complete album to figure out what works for me and what doesn't.
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Re: Hello!Project Champloo ~Happy Marriage Song Shuu~

Post by tsukinobyouin »

Yaay, finally got my CD. I'm a lot happier with this overall than I expected to be, which is pretty rare in H!P land so uh. Thanks Tsunku! It is in fact a collection of marriage songs, so I'm not at all surprised or irritated with the number of ballads. That's pretty standard wedding fare unless you're these people <img src='http://mm-bbs.org/public/style_emoticon ... /laugh.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':D' />

1. DIAMONDS - Eh, I don't love it but I don't hate it either. There are some parts that I like in particular, but in the end...I already have two versions of this song, I'm not sure if I really need another. Saki sounds much better than usual here.

2. Ai wa Katsu - Erina sounds better than usual here since she's not singing in her airy voice. The song was pleasant to listen to, but I don't remember too much about it. I need a few more listens to really decide if it's worth keeping.

3. YES-YES-YES - Something about all those yes's gets stuck in my head, so I'll probably end up keeping this. I don't remember at all what the egg girl sounded like though.

4. Tentou Mushi no Sanba - Adorable and fun without being too sickeningly cutesy = good enough Mini Moni revival for me!

5. Kimi ga Iru Dake de - Meh. I'm not a fan of any of these girls, so that kind of drags the song down for me. It's not spectactular enough on it's own to outweigh my general dislike of these girls' voices.

6. Heya to Y Shatsu to Watashi - <img src='http://mm-bbs.org/public/style_emoticon ... eeping.png' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':hahaha:' /> Song is boring, Reina is boring. Her voice in general isn't well suited for ballads, and she doesn't really do anything to adjust her style.

7. Mamotte Agetai - I was all excited about these two girls doing a duet, but the song is kind of meh. It might grow on me.

8. Cosmos - Love it. I prefer this Takahashi version to Yuko's, her voice has more power behind it and she sounds gorgeous on the low notes.

9. Mirai Yosouzu II - Very pleasant surprise! I expected this to be bad, since none of these girls are the vocal powerhouse that Yoshida Miwa is. I love how they turned this into a choral version, it's really pretty and having them all sing together / in harmony hides some of the weaker voices. I'm convinced there are a lot more people secretly singing backup than they say though <img src='http://mm-bbs.org/public/style_emoticon ... /laugh.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':P' />

10. ONLY YOU - This is my 2nd favorite song on the album, another really pleasant surprise. This song is perfect for these girls, and actually fits the Biyuuden style. While I still feel it's silly to make a replacement-Biyuuden, I like this unit a lot more than I thought I would. Sayumi isn't quite as annoying as usual, and Risako and JunJun sound really nice.

11. Akai Sweet Pea - Favorite song on the album. While I would loooove for it to be an Eri solo, I'm happy enough that she sings the majority of the song. Yurina sounds out of place, but Aika sounds better than usual. God I love Eri's voice <img src='http://mm-bbs.org/public/style_emoticon ... #>/wub.png' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':noway:' />

12. for you... - I want to like this because LinLin sounds so awesome, but the song itself is kind of unmemorable. Needs a few more listens.

13. Kanpaku Sengen - This is so cute, and once again Erina doesn't sound too bad.

14. Sekai wa Futari no Tame ni - Unless "CHINO" is a group of people, this is another one that I suspect they left out a few background singers in the credits. That or autotune is more amazing than I thought because there's no way these four girls sound that great in unison. Sayumi sounds better than usual in her solos here, she really toned down her squeeky voice. Aika also sounds a lot better on low notes. Koharu still sucks but no surprise there. JunJun sounds best on ballady stuff like this, which reminds me of Risa a lot.

So overall it's got a few bland songs but no trainwrecks. There's quite a few songs I love from this and it makes me more excited about some of these new groups.
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Re: Hello!Project Champloo ~Happy Marriage Song Shuu~

Post by Pucchi-Mo »

You know how H!P gives clues about the future?

I looked at the Platinum 9 photo booklet that they sold at AX and in the center page the girls look like they're just in a random order...

Lin Lin, Aika, Eri, Reina, Takahashi, Koharu, Risa, Sayumi, Jun Jun

Mini Moni-Tanpopo-HIGH KING-ZYX-Viyuuden
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Re: Hello!Project Champloo ~Happy Marriage Song Shuu~

Post by Madara »

I finally gave this another listen and I really enjoyed it. The songs have all been identified in previous posts, but has anyone compiled a list of the songs' original singers? And dates?

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Re: Hello!Project Champloo ~Happy Marriage Song Shuu~

Post by EmEl »

Here are the dates and singers:

1. Princess Princess - Diamonds (ダイアモンド) (1989)

2. KAN - 愛は勝つ (1990)

3. Off Course - YES-YES-YES (1982)

4. チェリッシュ - てんとう虫のサンバ (1973)

5. 米米CLUB - 君がいるだけで (1992)

6. 平松愛理 - 部屋とYシャツと私 (1992)

7. 松任谷由実 - 守ってあげたい (1981)

8. 山口百恵 - 秋桜 (1977)

9. DREAMS COME TRUE - 未来予想図II (1989)

10. BOØWY - ONLY YOU (1987)

11. 松田聖子 - 赤いスイートピー (1982)

12. 高橋真梨子 - for you… (1982)

13. さだまさし - 関白宣言 (1979)

14. 佐良直美 - 世界は二人のために (1967)

The bottom of this page has youtube links for these songs, and is Romanized if you need that.

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Re: Hello!Project Champloo ~Happy Marriage Song Shuu~

Post by Madara »

[quote name='EmEl' post='68614' date='Sep 8 2009, 03:29 PM']Here are the dates and singers:

1. Princess Princess - Diamonds (ダイアモンド) (1989)

2. KAN - 愛は勝つ (1990)

3. Off Course - YES-YES-YES (1982)

4. チェリッシュ - てんとう虫のサンバ (1973)

5. 米米CLUB - 君がいるだけで (1992)

6. 平松愛理 - 部屋とYシャツと私 (1992)

7. 松任谷由実 - 守ってあげたい (1981)

8. 山口百恵 - 秋桜 (1977)

9. DREAMS COME TRUE - 未来予想図II (1989)

10. BOØWY - ONLY YOU (1987)

11. 松田聖子 - 赤いスイートピー (1982)

12. 高橋真梨子 - for you… (1982)

13. さだまさし - 関白宣言 (1979)

14. 佐良直美 - 世界は二人のために (1967)

The bottom of this page has youtube links for these songs, and is Romanized if you need that.[/quote]

Thanks for that Hello Online link - it had the info I need.