What are you playing?

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Re: What are you playing?

Post by lextenou »

I've got a PS3, Wii, Nintendo DS and a desktop system as far as platforms go. The PS3 and the Wii are the family consoles - we like bluray and with my mom's carpal tunnel, Wii and DS are the only consoles she can play comfortably.

I've a lot of different games I really like, however, I'm also rather sporadic with my playing. The last time I played Rock Band, I played for a nine hour stretch and only stopped because it was family dinner time. That was in April.

PS3: I love playing drums in Rock Band. I rather enjoyed what little I've done of Uncharted, Uncharted 2 and Dead Space. I've picked up Super Stardust HD, Echochrome and PixelJunk Monsters more than once. I like that I can meditate as I play them.

Wii: Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess. LOVE. My only complaint? Size of the bloody maps. I'm only just now in the desert. da Blob became my obsession briefly - I lost the ability to block out a minimum of an hour to be able to play, though, so I had to stop. Sad panda. I don't get much time on the Wii, so I haven't been able to actually get any of the virtual console games I want. WANT.

DS: I can't bring myself to finish Final Fantasy 4. I've got a new game started but I just...I can't! I CAN'T! *sobs* I finished Legend of Zelda: Phantom Hourglass, and am partway through A Link to the Past. Just got to the desert there, as well. Brain Age and the others of that series are full of win and awesome. My favorite game, though, was probably eaten by the dogs...Professor Layton. LOVE.

Desktop: So I randomly picked up the Orange Box...just for Portal. I'm craving cake now. Any game featuring the words "Agatha Christie" are automatic buys, as are Sherlock Holmes games. That led to me buying a Dracula game which was interesting but not really as diverting as much as I'd hoped. I can only play Lego Indiana Jones for about forty five minutes before I get incredibly bored and need to punch something. At some point, I will finish American McGee's Alice. Probably a very long time after I finish Doom. My other favorite game is Metal Blob Solid. I'm not as chuffed over the sequel.

I have one other game that fills me with pleasure and joy of the kind that is topped only by...inappropriate things.

Police 911.

I'm going to Dave and Busters tomorrow. I'm blowing twenty bucks on that game. It's my Christmas present to myself.
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Re: What are you playing?

Post by ShinUkyo »

[quote name='Ap2000' post='72926' date='Dec 10 2009, 03:37 PM']After searching some MW2 + resolution in google I found out that it runs at only 1024 x 600 on BOTH console, which is a fucking joke. I thought they're all at least in 720p !? So much for "HD gaming".[/quote]

Well on Xbox 360, the system up-scales every game to 1080p. So if you set your system to that level, everything will remain there consistently. Whereas on PS3, at least from what I've seen and heard, the same does not apply. The output resolution varies from game to game, and feature to feature, depending on the maximum resolution each one uses. The system will change back and forth as you boot various stuff up. Most of the games on there ran in 720p, from my recollection (and I don't think the system even supports 1080p games under any circumstances). So the multi-platform games tend to look better on the 360, as I've found from a number of friends who own both consoles and have tested this.

I'm sure your friend's TV settings had something to do with it, too. It's nothing to do with LCD, which Steve likes to bash on for no good reason. I have a number of friends with really nice 1080p LCD TV's, and they have no issues whatsoever like the ones you described. And I've seen MW2 run on their TV, too. Although I didn't analyze it or anything in detail. I should check it out next time, to see.

[quote name='Lex Tenou' post='72963' date='Dec 11 2009, 10:54 AM']I have one other game that fills me with pleasure and joy of the kind that is topped only by...inappropriate things. Police 911. I'm going to Dave and Busters tomorrow. I'm blowing twenty bucks on that game. It's my Christmas present to myself.[/quote]

Awesome game! I haven't played it in years, but I used to love it so much. Do they still have the original, or is it the second one? Either way, I'm quite jealous haha. Too broke to play anything at arcades these days (meaning Dave & Busters is out). Sometimes I do get to play stuff at GameWorks, though, when folks have unlimited time cards or etc.
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Re: What are you playing?

Post by neshcom »

Working on Sonic Rush, Daigassou DX, and Peggle DS.
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Re: What are you playing?

Post by lextenou »

Really, so long as its a Police 911, I can't be fussed to notice if its first or second. All I care about is how badly my thighs are going to BURN.

Because, just as with rugby, that's how you know you're doing it right.
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Re: What are you playing?

Post by Pucchi-Mo »

Wii Sports Bash people in the face with a sword Resort. They could have seriously made a standalone game with the sword play. They could call it Mario Shogun, just replace pre-made Miis with characters from the Mario universe, make koopalings the mini bosses = instant hit.

Also, I downloaded a demo of Pokemon Rumble because it was free wii-ware. It seemed pretty fun, so I bought the real thing.

It's a standard beat em up, but it's kind of addictive. They managed to fit all 150 + a bunch of popular new gen pokemon. It is a bit repetitive, but umm, the series is kind of built on doing the same thing a bunch of times. It's like GB pokemon, minus towns and humans. Done in action game form, not lame turn-based!

You just fight, and hope that the defeated pokemon tips over instead of turning into coins, because you can collect it to be used in battle. You visit different themed fields and defeat the giant boss at the end. After winning each field, you can go to a pokemon arena orgy of death and destruction. Winning the battle royale grants you the ability to go to the next rank up and find stronger pokemon (in the same set of fields) They each have up to 2 moves, but some wild ones will use different ones and you can teach them new attacks after spending your coins to train them. The defensive moves are there too, so there is some strategy. You'll also randomly find pokemon with enhanced stats or features, like "Lucky" which gives you extra coins, or "Healthy" which is auto-healing, I think.

To fit all of the main 150, the all of the moves + special extra characters in one game, this is probably one of the most "full" Wii-ware titles out there. It seriously brings back some of the feelings I had when playing Red & Blue back in '97 (I haven't bought a pokemon game for almost a decade, so that's saying a lot) Anything at 1500 Wii points better be good, but it's basically half the price that a GB game would have been.
Last edited by Pucchi-Mo on Tue Dec 22, 2009 8:12 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: What are you playing?

Post by Zounder »

I started playing The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess years ago but never finished, and just recently picked it back up again. I'm at the next to last dungeon (I think) and the game is just as awesome as it was before. Took me awhile to get used to everything again but I'm good now.

Been goofing around with Dokapon Kingdom at a friends house, too. We're so close to actually finishing a game but we can't find a time when we all feel like playing it so we've been sitting at the same place for awhile now. We're also at halfway through world 8 in Mario Wii.
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Re: What are you playing?

Post by neshcom »

Started playing Silent Hill: Homecoming. This is the run-down of how that experience went:

Me: ohgodwhatshappeningshouldntistartinamallorsomethingohgod

SHH: *obvious-sword and QTE*

Me: ohnopleasejustleave:cryalot:

SHH: *xray puzzle*

Me: idontwannadothispleasejustletmeoooouut

SHH: *find xray*

Me: Ok, *sigh*, I'll ust get back to the


Me: stopstopstopstopstopstopohgodohgodohgodohgodohgodFUCK
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Re: What are you playing?

Post by Ap2000 »

Steam just has another huge winter holidays special prices sale, so this is the stuff I bought so far:

Defense Grid - 2,24€

Kotor - 3,4€

Deus Ex GOTY - 6,67€

Indigo Prophecy - 3€

Rome: Total War Gold - 3,40€

Uplink/Darwinia Pack - 9,99€

Stalker 1 - 1,99€

Osmos - 8,99€

Probably will buy a few more until 03.01.2010, when this special sale is going to end.

Ghostbusters only costs 6,79€, The Witcher 10,19€, Beyond Good and Evil 2,49€.

They have so many good titles with so low prices and they're going to have new offers every 24h until it ends.
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Re: What are you playing?

Post by michikodesu »

[quote name='Zounder' post='73262' date='Dec 23 2009, 12:18 AM']I started playing The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess years ago but never finished, and just recently picked it back up again. I'm at the next to last dungeon (I think) and the game is just as awesome as it was before. Took me awhile to get used to everything again but I'm good now.

Been goofing around with Dokapon Kingdom at a friends house, too. We're so close to actually finishing a game but we can't find a time when we all feel like playing it so we've been sitting at the same place for awhile now. We're also at halfway through world 8 in Mario Wii.[/quote]

I still haven't finished TwiliPrincess as well. I have to defeat Zant and then move to Hyrule castle to kill off Ganondork.....I mean Ganondorff.

But right now I just got The New Super Mario Bros. Wii, Muramasa, and an old game I've been looking for forever Phantasy Star Online Eps. I &II (thanks to my sneaky and diligent husband).....so, it looks like I'm not going to pick up TwiliPrincess for another couple of months. I've also started playing Might and Magic: Clash of Heros for the DS. It's addictive since I love puzzle type games. For the rest of my Winter Break, I'm gonna do nothing but play video games!!!
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Re: What are you playing?

Post by Geof »

Bought Pixeljunk Shooter yesterday as a stocking stuffer to myself, and it's pretty fun! It takes the tried & true concept of flying through caves, rescuing people & fending off attackers & cannon emplacements, but adds the element of... well, fighting with & using the elements to accomplish your mission. If your ship starts heating up (from overruse of your special attacks, or taking damage from enemy hits) you have to find a pool of water to cool down in, there's flowing lava that you can try to redirect to meet water & form "soft" rock that you can blast through so you can reach new areas, there's ice chunks that you can pull away with your grappling claw to dump onto lava or just to clear the path to reach areas, there's flammable gas that can be ignited to take out enemies, water suit & lava suit upgrades, it really starts to get clever after the 1st few levels.

The downside to the game is that while it's a dual stick shooter, you still have to press an actual button to fire. The right stick only aims & doesn't seem to really do so in more than 8 directions. I'd really prefer to just aim AND shoot with the right stick, and you could still press one of the shoulder buttons to fire your special weapons. Other than that, it's a good shooter that has some thought put into it.
Last edited by Geof on Sat Dec 26, 2009 10:16 am, edited 1 time in total.
[quote name='CO2 Blasted Idols' post='91599' date='Jan 12 2011, 06:50 PM']Also, this is MM-BBS, the BBS that hates the H!P fans in almost all other forums.[/quote]
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Re: What are you playing?

Post by Tsujiji »

Working on Call of Duty MWF2 and Professor Layton and the Diabolical Box.

Enjoying CoD, but Layton isn't as hard as the first. It's still cute though, just trying to hang in there till I beat it.

Eagerly awaiting Arkham Asylum 2~ I know it was just announce under a month ago, but the first one was so good. ♥ Maybe I'll pick up my old save file and work towards 100% completion to hold me over in the meantime.
Last edited by Tsujiji on Sat Dec 26, 2009 4:41 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: What are you playing?

Post by AEUGNewtype »

[quote name='neshcom' post='73293' date='Dec 23 2009, 11:53 PM']Started playing Silent Hill: Homecoming. This is the run-down of how that experience went:

Me: ohgodwhatshappeningshouldntistartinamallorsomethingohgod

SHH: *obvious-sword and QTE*

Me: ohnopleasejustleave:cryalot:

SHH: *xray puzzle*

Me: idontwannadothispleasejustletmeoooouut

SHH: *find xray*

Me: Ok, *sigh*, I'll ust get back to the


Me: stopstopstopstopstopstopohgodohgodohgodohgodohgodFUCK[/quote]

Fantastic description. This is what it was like when a I watched a few of my friends play, as well.

Anyway, I've been playing a ton of stuff lately with my time off work, mostly including:

Mushihime-sama Futari ver. 1.5

Shikigami no Shiro III

Dream Club

Fallout 3 DLC episodes


and a few XBLA games that aren't really coming to mind right now.

I'm in heaven, and Espgaluda II and No More Heroes are out for JP 360 in February. Jeebus.
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Re: What are you playing?

Post by Ap2000 »

Among the many (~12) games I bought during the holiday sale on Steam also was Deus Ex... no matter how often I reinstall and play it, it always gets me hooked and it's just a fucking masterpiece, even nearly 10 years after it's release. Probably the best FPS ever, even better than HL2.

Hopefully they show some material for the 2007 announced sequel soon ! Invisible what ? What is that ? I've never heard of that.
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Re: What are you playing?

Post by al kusanagi »

If anyone wants to play the new Borderlands expansion on 360, let me know. I could use some arena buddies.
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Re: What are you playing?

Post by AEUGNewtype »

[quote name='Al Kusanagi' post='73416' date='Dec 29 2009, 09:45 PM']If anyone wants to play the new Borderlands expansion on 360, let me know. I could use some arena buddies.[/quote]

I'm up for it, but I'm only available from about 6-12 at night.
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Re: What are you playing?

Post by aine »

I looked at that Steam sale and seriously pondered buying some titles. But then I went for a walk around my hometown and for some shopping too, and came back with an unplanned gift for myself. And you know what...













FUCK paying to download games. <img src='http://mm-bbs.org/public/style_emoticon ... /laugh.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':)' /> The picture says it all. There's just no comparing to having the real thing and being able to touch what your money is worth.

(That's The Witcher in case you didn't recognise. Probably the only game I would buy a Polish edition of. <img src='http://mm-bbs.org/public/style_emoticon ... smooch.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt='=3=' />)

Also, still playing Fallout 3 and Stalker SoC, and started Phoenix Wright: Trials and Tribulations now that I'm away from my desktop. About halfway into the 2nd case, and it's already infinitely better than Justice for All. <img src='http://mm-bbs.org/public/style_emoticon ... umbsup.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':danceman:' />
Last edited by aine on Wed Dec 30, 2009 7:45 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: What are you playing?

Post by Ap2000 »

[quote name='aine' post='73421' date='Dec 30 2009, 04:18 PM']There's just no comparing to having the real thing and being able to touch what your money is worth.[/quote]

I completely agree when it comes down to new released games, but "old stuff" is ok for me to have as download-only.
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Re: What are you playing?

Post by thamychan »

[quote name='aine' post='73421' date='Dec 30 2009, 01:18 PM']Also, still playing Fallout 3 and Stalker SoC, and started Phoenix Wright: Trials and Tribulations now that I'm away from my desktop. About halfway into the 2nd case, and it's already infinitely better than Justice for All. <img src='http://mm-bbs.org/public/style_emoticon ... umbsup.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':danceman:' />[/quote]

I'm also playing that Phoenix Wright, trying to solve a case per day but I don't know if I'm able to keep it up. I'm in the... 3rd? 4th case? It's the one about the bridge, I think it is the 4th. And I do agree it is better than Justice, actually so far I feel it is the best in the series (the one that kept me interested for the longest XD) but Miles Edgeworth's also seem to be pretty good, I can't wait to play it. 8o
Last edited by thamychan on Wed Dec 30, 2009 3:35 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: What are you playing?

Post by ShinUkyo »

[quote name='aine' post='73421' date='Dec 30 2009, 09:18 AM']I looked at that Steam sale and seriously pondered buying some titles.

But then I went for a walk around my hometown and for some shopping too, and came back with an unplanned gift for myself. And you know what...


FUCK paying to download games. <img src='http://mm-bbs.org/public/style_emoticon ... /laugh.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':danceman:' /> The picture says it all.

There's just no comparing to having the real thing and being able to touch what your money is worth.

(That's The Witcher in case you didn't recognise. Probably the only game I would buy a Polish edition of. <img src='http://mm-bbs.org/public/style_emoticon ... smooch.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':)' />)[/quote]

Upon seeing this picture, my first thought was, "Holy shit that's some cool swag! It reminds me of the bonuses that came packed with classics like the Ultima series, Lands of Lore, etc. Stuff from back when I actually still liked PC games. This must be a single-player RPG of some sort; I should look into it." Upon viewing the Wikipedia article, the game sounds amazing. In the age of MMORPG dominance, or even single-player games that mimic MMO style too much... this sounds almost like a return to form. It also seems the Polish special edition is the most-complete release in every possible way, so that's some NICE GET's!!. Plus it's uncensored, always a plus.
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Re: What are you playing?

Post by aine »

[quote name='ShinUkyo' post='73431' date='Dec 31 2009, 03:24 AM']Upon seeing this picture, my first thought was, "Holy shit that's some cool swag! It reminds me of the bonuses that came packed with classics like the Ultima series, Lands of Lore, etc. Stuff from back when I actually still liked PC games. This must be a single-player RPG of some sort; I should look into it." Upon viewing the Wikipedia article, the game sounds amazing. In the age of MMORPG dominance, or even single-player games that mimic MMO style too much... this sounds almost like a return to form. It also seems the Polish special edition is the most-complete release in every possible way, so that's some NICE GET's!!. Plus it's uncensored, always a plus.[/quote]

I'm still a firm believer in the superiority of PC gaming, and not only because I don't own any console (except for the DS). But let's not get into this argument. Ap's and AEUG's holy wars are more than enough for this thread. <img src='http://mm-bbs.org/public/style_emoticon ... hahaha.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':)' /> But I envy you ever being close to the proper releases of those classics. I did have a bit of a collector's nature even as a kid back in the day, but even if those games were officially and legally released at all where I lived back then, they would be way out of pocket money budget.

About The Witcher, that's some excellent deduction skills right there. <img src='http://mm-bbs.org/public/style_emoticon ... umbsup.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':danceman:' /> I heard pretty much only good things about the game itself and I'm really eager to play it. Though I'll probably postpone it after I'm done with Fallout 3, which may not be for a while still (some 25 hours of play time and maybe 5% into the main plot - sandboxes are my bane). It will be an interesting confrontation for me, because I must admit to only reading very little of The Witcher stories. Being a somewhat hardcore Tolkien fan (until Peter Jackson made it embarrassing to publicly admit liking anything LotR-related) I always looked down on Sapkowski's novels and his world as being too cynical, post-modern, and directly referring to the "real world" too much (that is at all). I think <img src='http://mm-bbs.org/public/style_emoticon ... /ph34r.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':ph34r:' /> I'm through that phase now, so here's hoping it won't detract me from enjoying the game as it is.

BTW, the edition I got is not actually listed in that chart on Wikipedia (it's not the Collector's Edition but the Extended Edition), but it should be easy to figure out from the picture what it does include. They did mention the censorship on the bonus Making Of DVD. It will never cease to amuse me how the American and German markets are the polar sex/violence opposites censorship-wise. You can have gore flying around, but the subtlest shadow of a nipple will get the cut in the US edition. Do the reverse for the German edition. Why don't you people just get over yourselves? <img src='http://mm-bbs.org/public/style_emoticon ... hahaha.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt='=3=' />

[quote name='JSp' post='73427' date='Dec 31 2009, 12:34 AM']And I do agree it is better than Justice, actually so far I feel it is the best in the series (the one that kept me interested for the longest XD) but Miles Edgeworth's also seem to be pretty good, I can't wait to play it. 8o[/quote]

2 months! I'm glad I held back starting T&T, because the craving would be just too much. Although I still have the Apollo game saved for when it comes to the worst...
Last edited by aine on Thu Dec 31, 2009 9:06 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: What are you playing?

Post by AEUGNewtype »

[quote name='aine' post='73447' date='Jan 1 2010, 12:00 AM']I'm still a firm believer in the superiority of PC gaming, and not only because I don't own any console (except for the DS).[/quote]

Yeah, what a shame that people enjoy games that don't come out on PC and never will.
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Re: What are you playing?

Post by aine »

[quote name='The☆AEUGNewtype' post='73453' date='Jan 1 2010, 12:22 PM'][quote name='aine' post='73447' date='Jan 1 2010, 12:00 AM']I'm still a firm believer in the superiority of PC gaming, and not only because I don't own any console (except for the DS). But let's not get into this argument.[/quote]

Yeah, what a shame that people enjoy games that don't come out on PC and never will.


<img src='http://mm-bbs.org/public/style_emoticon ... /laugh.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':)' />

The shame for you is I never denied anyone enjoying console games. Or denied existence to the games that would only work in the console context. It's just my opinion that in the very general sense console gaming is inferior to PC gaming - and especially if you narrow it down to the genres that were years ago created for the PC and for years developed and improved with the PC context and approach in mind.

Annnnnd that's the extent to which I will allow myself to be trolled. <img src='http://mm-bbs.org/public/style_emoticon ... tongue.png' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':)' /> Instead, have an amusing video that seems to be old as Internets but I didn't know it before and find it hilarious:

40 Frag Mines and an Old Man

The 3:30 part is my favourite.

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Re: What are you playing?

Post by Vikitty »

Sandbox games rule. I've clocked in over 125 hours playing Elder Scrolls IV. It's epic. And the mods are incredible.
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Re: What are you playing?

Post by neshcom »

Got a bunch of games kinda recently

Mirror's Edge is pretty, less-than-linear, and is really what I like about adventure games: story and jumping on things.

How the fuck do you play STALKER?

Zombie Driver takes the story strangely seriously and the camera needs some work. Still, I like the concept, the graphics are nice, and HOLYHELLSOMANYPACKSOFDOGS <img src='http://mm-bbs.org/public/style_emoticon ... omgwtf.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':P' />

Vampire: The Masquerade is an action/RPG where you become a vampire and...then...you.....California. It's an interesting game and the role-playing mechanics are appealing, but the level design is lacking, the story is, obviously, not something that I would say sticks, and I really feel like you could easily get stuck in an impossible-to-proceed situation. For example, I had to sneak (HA!) into a hospital and steal werewolf blood. The only way to get into the space it was at was to hack a computer system. Luckily, I could purchase a tech level, but if that's what I needed and I had spent it earlier, I would've been in a nice pickle. Also, when a place is on alert, they STAY on alert. FOREVER. Also, hit detection is wat?

Also, Audiosurf, Stepmania, and I just bought Assassin's Creed.
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Re: What are you playing?

Post by Vikitty »

I just bought Assassin's Creed, too! And The Witcher from the Steam sale.
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Re: What are you playing?

Post by Ap2000 »

[quote name='neshcom' post='73687' date='Jan 4 2010, 05:46 AM']How the fuck do you play STALKER?[/quote]

What problems do you have with it ?

I'd call myself a Stalker-Pro (Played all three games on the highest difficulty setting, the only way Stalker games are played !), so I may be able to help you out.
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Re: What are you playing?

Post by Special Needs Tricycle »

I downloaded Coropata for the DS recently! It's like a cutesy Japanese anime version of The Incredible Machine, except it's HARD AS FUCK! I got stuck on stage 11 and had to use a guide. There's 128 stages. I want to die.
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Re: What are you playing?

Post by ShinUkyo »

[quote name='aine' post='73447' date='Dec 31 2009, 11:00 PM']I'm still a firm believer in the superiority of PC gaming, and not only because I don't own any console (except for the DS). But let's not get into this argument. Ap's and AEUG's holy wars are more than enough for this thread. <img src='http://mm-bbs.org/public/style_emoticon ... hahaha.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':love:' /> But I envy you ever being close to the proper releases of those classics. I did have a bit of a collector's nature even as a kid back in the day, but even if those games were officially and legally released at all where I lived back then, they would be way out of pocket money budget.[/quote]

Makes sense. At least nowadays, if you ever had an urge to play one of those games, they can't possibly be very hard to find in downloadable form. The issue would be, if anything, finding the time to play them. To that degree, owning the real thing (for the collector's value) might be the only redeeming choice.

[quote name='aine' post='73447' date='Dec 31 2009, 11:00 PM']BTW, the edition I got is not actually listed in that chart on Wikipedia (it's not the Collector's Edition but the Extended Edition), but it should be easy to figure out from the picture what it does include. They did mention the censorship on the bonus Making Of DVD. It will never cease to amuse me how the American and German markets are the polar sex/violence opposites censorship-wise. You can have gore flying around, but the subtlest shadow of a nipple will get the cut in the US edition. Do the reverse for the German edition. Why don't you people just get over yourselves? <img src='http://mm-bbs.org/public/style_emoticon ... hahaha.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':)' />[/quote]

Nice! And yeah, most every major country seems to be lenient on some forms of censorship, and then way too strict on others. No matter whether it's in Europe, Asia, the Americas, etc. If I were ever to play this game, I'd definitely want to play the Polish version. Not that I could read it, haha. Does it offer multiple language support? At least for menus and subtitles, I mean. If not, I figure there must be a hack out there somewhere. One of the true joys of PC gaming, the hacks and mods.

[quote name='Special Needs Tricycle' post='73731' date='Jan 4 2010, 06:24 AM']I downloaded Coropata for the DS recently! It's like a cutesy Japanese anime version of The Incredible Machine, except it's HARD AS FUCK! I got stuck on stage 11 and had to use a guide. There's 128 stages. I want to die.[/quote]

WANT's!! That was another joy of my latter-days PC gaming (the late 90's or so). The Incredible Machine series, and particularly The Incredible Toon Machine. Was hooked on those games. Does this new DS game you mentioned allow you to create/share your own custom levels as well?
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Re: What are you playing?

Post by Special Needs Tricycle »

[quote name='ShinUkyo' post='73799' date='Jan 4 2010, 07:43 PM'][quote name='Special Needs Tricycle' post='73731' date='Jan 4 2010, 06:24 AM']I downloaded Coropata for the DS recently! It's like a cutesy Japanese anime version of The Incredible Machine, except it's HARD AS FUCK! I got stuck on stage 11 and had to use a guide. There's 128 stages. I want to die.[/quote]

WANT's!! That was another joy of my latter-days PC gaming (the late 90's or so). The Incredible Machine series, and particularly The Incredible Toon Machine. Was hooked on those games. Does this new DS game you mentioned allow you to create/share your own custom levels as well?


I don't think so, but it does seem plausible. Here's a video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tvGkSrzZ6Ys

It's really ridiculously hard.
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Re: What are you playing?

Post by Ap2000 »

Plants vs Zombies

But strawberry beat me to beating it first, eventhough I had it 2 days longer than her. D=


We now have a Group on Steam called Morning Musume BBS Gamers, so everybody join the group so we can spy on eachother and decide who's the biggest nerd !
Last edited by Ap2000 on Wed Jan 06, 2010 3:49 am, edited 1 time in total.
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