Lady Gaga is out of her fucking mind

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Re: Lady Gaga is out of her fucking mind

Post by Fina »

I love Lady Gaga, I can't even really go into how much I love her, but let's just say that I do. And I know a lot of people are divided on the video, saying it's pointless and offtopic, but I always just have to wonder, do you have expectations out of her? I can't imagine that, after all this time she's been around, someone would think that she'd do something/wear something/create something that makes sense. <img src=' ... /laugh.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':frown:' />

I don't think anyone posted this, you might get a kick out of it. Here's a full link (with pictures) here but if not, here's a summary:

News: Lady Gaga’s Telephone Music Video Fun Facts

Number 1: (Referring to the list of ingredients used while she is baking.) The poisons are from Star Wars, : Fex-M3 is from the Star Wars extended universe, Meta-cyanide is from Dune, and Tiberium is from Command and Conquer.

Number 2: "Haus" is spelled "incorrectly" at the end, however, it is actually because: Haus of Gaga has become House Of Gaga, which peole have been speculating is a combination of Hause of Gaga & House Of Dereon, Beyonce’s clothing line.

Number 3: The diner is the same diner they use in NCIS.

Number 4: Noticed that lady that looks alot like Gaga? Well she’s her sister Natali Germanotta.

Number 5: (Not that interesting to me, but hey, maybe to some.) Alektra Blue, pornstar, makes a cameo in the jail.

Number 6: The Japanese words with reference to anime “One Piece” is rather uh, random. (We all knew this one.)

Number 7: During the news broadcast (you can go to the page for reference) he words at the bottom are the lyrics to Telephone in Swedish

Number 8: One of the guards is Ms Mann from Scary Movie. (Boooring.)
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Re: Lady Gaga is out of her fucking mind

Post by Tsuki »

I didn't really know anything about Gaga until fairly recently because I'm get behind on American music, especially since I don't listen to the radio. But I gradually got more and more exposed to her and subsequently liked her more and more. I don't care if music has any real meaning behind it, so lyrics are very unimportant to me as a whole. I enjoy it at a more visceral level than an intellectually emotional one, and I think she really appeals to that for me. She's been managing to make very entertaining songs with increasingly more elaborate videos, but I wonder how long she can sustain this level of absurdity, such as it is. It is refreshing to see in mainstream though, with all the amount of money they can throw at visual effects.

I loved the Paparazzi video and this is gaining as a close second.
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Re: Lady Gaga is out of her fucking mind

Post by Farrah »

I think she's talented but also, from watching interviews with her, think she's a total idiot. I also think she's trying far, far too hard to be ~crazy~ and ~off the wall~ to the point that it really drowns out her music. People don't talk about the song Telephone (not that they should, it's one of the weakest songs off the album) they talk about how, omg, she wore a telephone made out of hair! If she didn't do this crazy shit she wouldn't be nearly as big, no matter how talented a song writer she is - as shown by early videos of her before she called herself Lady Gaga, back before she was famous... and she spent quite a bit of time not making it until she decided to have this image.
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Re: Lady Gaga is out of her fucking mind

Post by november »

[quote name='JPope' post='77230' date='Mar 17 2010, 05:55 PM'][quote name='november' post='77177' date='Mar 16 2010, 01:21 PM']Is it wrong that I hope she DIAF's?

I hate listening to the radio because every station save for Q101 plays this same kinda shit over and over - There's no point in listening to it anymore.

I know the DIAF may be very harsh but what other way is there to stop her from releasing such shit?

I'm aware that POP music/culture is POPULAR but when you just put out some shitty crap songs to make money its not cool.

I prefer artists that put time into their careers, not ones that just voice whatever shit is given to them.

I don't even know, but does she write her own shitty music or does someone give it to her?[/quote]

I love when people post stupid shit like this without even doing the five minutes of Google legwork it would take to answer the questions posed and disabuse the writer of wrong ideas like "Lady Gaga doesn't put time into her career and just voices whatever shit is given to her". You should have just posted "I really don't like her shit. Carry on."


First, I'll start with I'm sorry for raining on your parade and shitting on your "current and only american pop music interest"

I did like her at first because, well she "makes" pop music but when you cannot avoid her on nearly everystation it gets annoying.

Plus hearing that "I don't wanna be Fwendz" song over and over makes me want her dead. Her voice gets annoying, she needs to learn how to anunciate her fucking words.

I should have said "I prefer artists that put unwasted time on their careers to make more than a few pop singles"

As for writing her music, why the fuck would I search online when I don't want to invest that much time into her?

If you knew you could have just said "She writes her own shitty music" or "someone writes the shitty music for her".
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Re: Lady Gaga is out of her fucking mind

Post by neshcom »

I did like her at first because, well she "makes" pop music but when you cannot avoid her on nearly everystation it gets annoying.
Well, radio stations tend to play music people request and songs that are popular. If you want indie and anti-mainstream, find your closest college radio.

Plus hearing that "I don't wanna be Fwendz" song over and over makes me want her dead. Her voice gets annoying, she needs to learn how to anunciate her fucking words.
You're right, that one line she sings is SO terrible. It almost like the two lines before it are French or something!

I should have said "I prefer artists that put unwasted time on their careers to make more than a few pop singles"
wat? I don't know what you're saying at all.

As for writing her music, why the fuck would I search online when I don't want to invest that much time into her?

If you knew you could have just said "She writes her own shitty music" or "someone writes the shitty music for her".
As mentioned in Petit's earlier post, yes, she does write her own music. It was actually the post immediately after yours. Either way, you obviously don't like her regardless who wrote the music. Something you could have just said instead of starting this whole shitstorm. Of course, when starting a shitstorm, you should NEVER find out what you're arguing pointlessly about.
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Re: Lady Gaga is out of her fucking mind

Post by showraniy »

[quote name='november' post='77294' date='Mar 19 2010, 12:05 PM']First, I'll start with I'm sorry for raining on your parade and shitting on your "current and only american pop music interest"

I did like her at first because, well she "makes" pop music but when you cannot avoid her on nearly everystation it gets annoying.

Plus hearing that "I don't wanna be Fwendz" song over and over makes me want her dead. Her voice gets annoying, she needs to learn how to anunciate her fucking words.

I should have said "I prefer artists that put unwasted time on their careers to make more than a few pop singles"

As for writing her music, why the fuck would I search online when I don't want to invest that much time into her?

If you knew you could have just said "She writes her own shitty music" or "someone writes the shitty music for her".[/quote]


[quote name='JPope' post='77230' date='Mar 17 2010, 05:55 PM']I love when people post stupid shit like this without even doing the five minutes of Google legwork it would take to answer the questions posed and disabuse the writer of wrong ideas like "Lady Gaga doesn't put time into her career and just voices whatever shit is given to her". You should have just posted "I really don't like her shit. Carry on."[/quote]

Having said that, I just saw Gaga's Telephone video and it appeals to the side of me that loves absolute strangeness. I watched it with friends who are apparently huge fans of hers, and so while I'm just now really seeing the almost-religious following she's created, I'm not as taken in by the glam and sparkly artist package she comes in.

To be honest, I like her for her music. I like her disregard for socially acceptable and unacceptable things (the lyrics to "So Happy I Could Die" come to mind). I like those things, but I honestly don't see any revolution she's created that people seem to act as if she has. Just because she somehow appealed greatly to the masses and has her oddities mainstream and thus made more extravagant, doesn't mean that she's a trailblazer of anything new. I can't say that anyone's done exactly what she's doing all at once, but I don't find her message to be as thought-provoking and "avant garde" as people make it out to be. She's odd; she loves being odd. Why is that suddenly so revolutionary? Or is it just because these oddities are mainstream that they're so revolutionary? Because if that's the case, I somehow just... don't get it.
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Re: Lady Gaga is out of her fucking mind

Post by Fina »

Plus hearing that "I don't wanna be Fwendz" song over and over makes me want her dead. Her voice gets annoying, she needs to learn how to anunciate her fucking words.
You're right, that one line she sings is SO terrible. It almost like the two lines before it are French or something!

I'm not positive, but I think I remember reading somewhere that she was singing this song as if she was getting more and more drunk, which could explain why the lines become increasingly hard to understand. <img src=' ... lesson.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':frown:' /> Personally I dig it, although I could understand how a lot of people wouldn't. I enjoy when artists sort-of "act" through their songs, much like musical theater, instead of just singing at their best. But they're not on stage, they're just singers, thus I know why it can be irritating.

I never understand why people judge artists on whether or not they hear their music over and over again. Yes, it can get frustrating to hear the same songs, but it's not like the artist themselves is sitting in the radio station saying, "Play my song every 5 minutes." It's the dj's, and they're just playing what is popular. Popular music does not equal crappy music all the time. Sure, there are those artists who you think, "Oh, God, I really don't care for them" but you shouldn't judge a whole artist based on the fact that it plays a lot. Of friend of mine hates Gaga for this very reason, and it boggles my mind. Sure, say you've grown tired of hearing it, whatever, but to say you hate her because "she plays everywhere" is strange to me.
Last edited by Fina on Fri Mar 19, 2010 12:15 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Lady Gaga is out of her fucking mind

Post by tsukinobyouin »

I'm pasting Geof's reply back in here, since the part about Lady Gaga got taken away to the other thread. Sorry!

[quote name='Geof' post='77371' date='Mar 20 2010, 02:23 PM']As for Lady Gaga, I dig the bitch. I still haven't really listened to most of her 1st album, but I fucking LOVE Fame Monster & I can picture Madonna screaming at her TV because she's too damn old to be viable like Lady Gaga anymore.[/quote]
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Re: Lady Gaga is out of her fucking mind

Post by eri »

[quote name='Fina' post='77306' date='Mar 19 2010, 12:14 PM']I never understand why people judge artists on whether or not they hear their music over and over say you hate her because "she plays everywhere" is strange to me.[/quote]

I think it also has to do with the idea that hating the mainstream automatically makes one cooler haha. "Say nothing about quality or whatnot, if other people like it then I hate it! I'm better than you!" -- that sort of logic. This attitude is often what originally draw non-Japanese people to Jpop stuff so I'm not surprised to encounter it here in an unironic protest against Lady Gaga.
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Re: Lady Gaga is out of her fucking mind

Post by AEUGNewtype »

[quote name='Ang' post='77293' date='Mar 19 2010, 10:31 AM']I think she's talented but also, from watching interviews with her, think she's a total idiot. I also think she's trying far, far too hard to be ~crazy~ and ~off the wall~ to the point that it really drowns out her music. People don't talk about the song Telephone (not that they should, it's one of the weakest songs off the album) they talk about how, omg, she wore a telephone made out of hair! If she didn't do this crazy shit she wouldn't be nearly as big, no matter how talented a song writer she is - as shown by early videos of her before she called herself Lady Gaga, back before she was famous... and she spent quite a bit of time not making it until she decided to have this image.[/quote]

This. It's very contrary to a lot of artists I like where their image actually enhances the music, her image on all fronts just makes her more annoying as an artist because it feels like she's not actually espressing anything that makes her more interesting as a personality or an artist, just stuff that makes people go "WOW THATS SO WEIRD AND CRAZY!"
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Re: Lady Gaga is out of her fucking mind

Post by JPope »

[quote name='eri' post='77380' date='Mar 20 2010, 05:38 PM'][quote name='Fina' post='77306' date='Mar 19 2010, 12:14 PM']I never understand why people judge artists on whether or not they hear their music over and over say you hate her because "she plays everywhere" is strange to me.[/quote]

I think it also has to do with the idea that hating the mainstream automatically makes one cooler haha. "Say nothing about quality or whatnot, if other people like it then I hate it! I'm better than you!" -- that sort of logic. This attitude is often what originally draw non-Japanese people to Jpop stuff so I'm not surprised to encounter it here in an unironic protest against Lady Gaga.


I think we have a winner.
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Re: Lady Gaga is out of her fucking mind

Post by november »

I did like her at first because, well she "makes" pop music but when you cannot avoid her on nearly every station it gets annoying.
Well, radio stations tend to play music people request and songs that are popular. If you want indie and anti-mainstream, find your closest college radio.

I didn't say I hate the radio what I said was I hate listening to her song, on a daily basis at least 5 times flipping through channels. I like the radio just fine but i only listen from time to time to hear some of the new shit that's out.

Plus hearing that "I don't wanna be Fwendz" song over and over makes me want her dead. Her voice gets annoying, she needs to learn how to enunciate her fucking words.
You're right, that one line she sings is SO terrible. It almost like the two lines before it are French or something!

I should have said "I prefer artists that put unwasted time on their careers to make more than a few pop singles"
wat? I don't know what you're saying at all.
With her mainstream garbage that makes it on the radio consistently, to me is a waste.

As for writing her music, why the fuck would I search online when I don't want to invest that much time into her?

If you knew you could have just said "She writes her own shitty music" or "someone writes the shitty music for her".
As mentioned in Petit's earlier post, yes, she does write her own music. It was actually the post immediately after yours. Either way, you obviously don't like her regardless who wrote the music. Something you could have just said instead of starting this whole shitstorm. Of course, when starting a shitstorm, you should NEVER find out what you're arguing pointlessly about.
If this is a shit-storm then you have bigger things to worry about. I wasn't arguing in regards to this, I was ASKING, making an inquiry, so I could findout from someone who had already looked into it. That was about all the time I felt like putting into Gaga - Get off your high horse.

What was the point of even posting this?
Last edited by november on Mon Mar 22, 2010 6:31 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Lady Gaga is out of her fucking mind

Post by showraniy »

[quote name='november' post='77456' date='Mar 22 2010, 09:28 AM'][quote name='showraniy' post='77301' date='Mar 19 2010, 01:17 PM']Again:[/quote]

What was the point of even posting this?


Because it's a point that I agree with and thus should be reiterated.

Get off your high horse please and stop starting and continuing shit. If you're here for discussion, fine, but taking an argumentative stance bitching about things you don't even know about could have been summed up in, "I really hate this chick and I'm not interested in anything about her shit music or her."

The end. The theatrics and continuous posts could've been cut out completely since no one will care about you simply posting your opinion as much as outright attacking her with unfounded claims.
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Re: Lady Gaga is out of her fucking mind

Post by AEUGNewtype »

Man, the butthurt in this thread is out of control. All he did was say he was disinterested in her and her stuff in a very harsh and very mm-bbs fashion and everyone is acting like he just insulted your entire family. Get over it.
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Re: Lady Gaga is out of her fucking mind

Post by eri »

[quote name='The☆AEUGNewtype' post='77479' date='Mar 22 2010, 10:57 AM']in a very harsh and very mm-bbs fashion[/quote]

Hm, well, this reasoning relies on some flexible and empty notion of "mm-bbs fashion" that can be stretched to apply to any situation but....

I always liked to think of mm-bbs as a place where a somewhat higher level of discussion can exist outside the echo halls of h-o or jpm or the giant 14-year-old-boy circle jerk of nozomi. In line with that, I don't get the sense that anyone is upset that, "gasp, someone dislikes the popstar I like." People here get offended by stupidity (which includes typos), lack of logic in defending their positions, and/or the inability to articulate their likes/dislikes. It is fine if november dislikes Lady Gaga for his/her personal tastes. What seems to be aggravating is the illogic of the stated "reasons" why Lady Gaga should die in a fire.

A parallel example:

"I dislike S/mileage because I don't like any of their songs and there are other H!P groups to drool over" = accepted on this board.

"I dislike S/mileage because I hate these manufactured jpop girl groups, especially when they don't ever have to campaign to get more publicity" = not accepted on this board because its categorically misaligned with the whole damn board and factually incorrect.

But whatever! I am distracted now by thoughts of S/mileage and will go to a happy space. <img src=' ... nceman.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':)' />
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Re: Lady Gaga is out of her fucking mind

Post by november »

[quote name='eri' post='77486' date='Mar 22 2010, 02:45 PM'][quote name='The☆AEUGNewtype' post='77479' date='Mar 22 2010, 10:57 AM']in a very harsh and very mm-bbs fashion[/quote]

Hm, well, this reasoning relies on some flexible and empty notion of "mm-bbs fashion" that can be stretched to apply to any situation but....

I always liked to think of mm-bbs as a place where a somewhat higher level of discussion can exist outside the echo halls of h-o or jpm or the giant 14-year-old-boy circle jerk of nozomi. In line with that, I don't get the sense that anyone is upset that, "gasp, someone dislikes the popstar I like." People here get offended by stupidity (which includes typos), lack of logic in defending their positions, and/or the inability to articulate their likes/dislikes. It is fine if november dislikes Lady Gaga for his/her personal tastes. What seems to be aggravating is the illogic of the stated "reasons" why Lady Gaga should die in a fire.

A parallel example:

"I dislike S/mileage because I don't like any of their songs and there are other H!P groups to drool over" = accepted on this board.

"I dislike S/mileage because I hate these manufactured jpop girl groups, especially when they don't ever have to campaign to get more publicity" = not accepted on this board because its categorically misaligned with the whole damn board and factually incorrect.

But whatever! I am distracted now by thoughts of S/mileage and will go to a happy space. <img src=' ... nceman.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':)' />


Why are you taking this WHOLE thing way out of context and being so emo about it?

I just stated my exceptional hatred for gaga in more than a few simple words and that it mainly stemmed from me being unable to get away from her on the radio. That's my opinion and I see people do it here quite often.

Why aren't you in the Kesha thread protecting her? "you don't know the real kesha, I thought we would make well-informed opinions on this board". I don't appreciate her being called a skank <img src=' ... #>/sad.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':)' />.

Damn, you're putting way too much effort into the internet with all of this.

Oh and your constant replies on this matter negate what you stated just 2 posts ago. <img src=' ... >/wink.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=';)' />
Last edited by november on Mon Mar 22, 2010 1:40 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Lady Gaga is out of her fucking mind

Post by showraniy »

[quote name='The☆AEUGNewtype' post='77479' date='Mar 22 2010, 01:57 PM']Man, the butthurt in this thread is out of control. All he did was say he was disinterested in her and her stuff in a very harsh and very mm-bbs fashion and everyone is acting like he just insulted your entire family. Get over it.[/quote]

I disagree. What I see is people reacting negatively to unfounded claims backed up by an overly aggressive voice and disinterest and anger at being told otherwise.

As stated, no one cares about anyone disliking Lady Gaga. If anyone is truly upset by that, then that's another thing, but when told something contrary to his (or her, sorry if I'm wrong) belief about Lady Gaga, he or she reacts with "butthurt" snappish replies and direct attacks on members.

I'm not trying to sound high and mighty by saying this, but you can't expect everyone to write that off as "mm-bbs fashion" and be cool. There may be certain people desensitized to that behavior, but you cannot reasonably expect everyone to be.
Last edited by showraniy on Mon Mar 22, 2010 2:04 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Lady Gaga is out of her fucking mind

Post by JPope »

[quote name='The☆AEUGNewtype' post='77479' date='Mar 22 2010, 01:57 PM']Man, the butthurt in this thread is out of control. All he did was say he was disinterested in her and her stuff in a very harsh and very mm-bbs fashion and everyone is acting like he just insulted your entire family. Get over it.[/quote]

Nah, he did more than that, but don't let that get in the way of your roll ("When the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor...") No one here gives a fuck if november dislikes Lady Gaga, and have said as much, which pretty much puts the lie to your whole "All he did was say he was disinterested in her" line of reasoning. People objected to his characterization that Gaga doesn't put any time into her career and just sings whatever her puppet masters put in front of her. It was a characterization that is so ridiculous on its face that it was chum in the mm-bbs ocean. People here don't care so much about opinions as they do about the foundation those opinions are built upon. november built his opinion on the sandy burial ground of a family of strawmen, and he was correctly chastised for it.
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Re: Lady Gaga is out of her fucking mind

Post by eri »

[quote name='november' post='77494' date='Mar 22 2010, 12:51 PM']Why are you am I taking this WHOLE thing way out of context and being so emo about it?[/quote]

<img src=' ... /laugh.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':whistling:' /> dude you make NO SENSE and the more defensive you get, the funnier this whole thing is <img src=' ... /laugh.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':cryalot:' /> Just give up.
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Re: Lady Gaga is out of her fucking mind

Post by Special Needs Tricycle »

I don't care about this argument at all, but I'm curious.

[quote name='november' post='77177' date='Mar 16 2010, 01:21 PM']I prefer artists that put time into their careers, not ones that just voice whatever shit is given to them.[/quote]

What in the living hell does this mean?
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Re: Lady Gaga is out of her fucking mind

Post by AEUGNewtype »

[quote name='eri' post='77552' date='Mar 23 2010, 04:24 PM'][quote name='november' post='77494' date='Mar 22 2010, 12:51 PM']Why are you am I taking this WHOLE thing way out of context and being so emo about it?[/quote]

<img src=' ... /laugh.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':whistling:' /> dude you make NO SENSE and the more defensive you get, the funnier this whole thing is <img src=' ... /laugh.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':cryalot:' /> Just give up.


Haha, its so pathetic and condescending telling someone to rescind from an debate and stop defending themselves. This thread follows that same suit very well now and should be put to an end. That's all.
Last edited by AEUGNewtype on Tue Mar 23, 2010 7:38 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Lady Gaga is out of her fucking mind

Post by tsukinobyouin »

Well *I'm* not going to end it because I want to keep talking about Lady Gaga. Let's all just agree that the whole november vs. various people argument is probably not likely to be resolved and just move on.

Because there are much more important things to talk about. Namely, our hero, JpopYuna, has covered Lady Gaga.

I bring you, Lady Yuna - Telephone

She makes a great Gaga, don't you think?
Last edited by tsukinobyouin on Tue Mar 23, 2010 8:10 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Lady Gaga is out of her fucking mind

Post by Melon »

Well *I'm* not going to end it because I want to keep talking about Lady Gaga.

Oh hell yes! I'm pleasantly surprised there are so many other fans on the board.

Let's all just agree that the whole november vs. various people argument is probably not likely to be resolved and just move on.

Because there are much more important things to talk about. Namely, our hero, JpopYuna, has covered Lady Gaga.

I bring you, Lady Yuna - Telephone

I'm almost too scared to listen!

[edit in]

Her karaokes are so inspiring, I hope someday I can attain her level of tenacity and dedication to her work. I cannot decide which track is my favorite. Alejandro forces a lower register and has great moments of accent imitation; Poker Face's mixed song structure makes for supreme mixing of singing styles; her experiments with an autotune-esque program reveal a technical mind in Bad Romance; and her brassiness comes through in Paparazzi.

While loveGAME played, I became scared. I realized her true purpose. Once she hits the magic number, which is probably nearing the jackpot, little animals disguised as cute care bears will come with their demon voices chanting "hold me and love me/I just wanna touch you for a minute" taking the children under their demonic clutches of sharing is caring and since we have such a long gestation period we will not be able to bring the population back under control and the world will become a giant hot mess of free love and free diseases! -breeeaaatthhhheeee- Oh my, it terrifies me! [tinytext]Really, it was unexpected and it creeped me out. D:[/tinytext]

She makes a great Gaga, don't you think?


Please tell me that is not her, really, because be blunt, it reminds me of Humpty Dumpty or Tweedledee/Tweedledum. Wait, I get it, pixels and stuffs. :|
Last edited by Melon on Wed Mar 24, 2010 6:20 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Lady Gaga is out of her fucking mind

Post by neshcom »

Well *I'm* not going to end it because I want to keep talking about Lady Gaga. Let's all just agree that the whole november vs. various people argument is probably not likely to be resolved and just move on.

Because there are much more important things to talk about. Namely, our hero, JpopYuna, has covered Lady Gaga.

I bring you, Lady Yuna - Telephone
i love you i love you i love you i love you i love you i love you

If you look under The Yuna Monster, you'll see she's covered a number of Gaga's songs. I take back everything I've said about Beckii Cruel, Yuna is truly our new Downsy Monster.

She makes a great Gaga, don't you think?
"The great thing about the Gaga isn't covering her music, it's showing everyone online that I did."
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Re: Lady Gaga is out of her fucking mind

Post by Special Needs Tricycle »

Love Game, Poker Face, and Bad Romance are also highly suggested, critically acclaimed tracks. I seriously think she might be some sort of genius.
Last edited by Special Needs Tricycle on Tue Mar 23, 2010 8:34 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Lady Gaga is out of her fucking mind

Post by Melon »

Not to interrupt the Lady Yuna love, but this guy did a pretty nice piano cover of Telephone.
Last edited by Melon on Wed Mar 24, 2010 6:26 am, edited 1 time in total.
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