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Re: Movies

Post by neshcom »

[quote name='DarkRidley' post='85122' date='Sep 15 2010, 05:54 PM']My god, if they dare fuck up Avatar by making some shitty live action movie. It looks pretty fake, though. For one thing, that trailer looked decidedly mature for a movie based on a series with a large young fanbase. It would be a strange move if they aimed it at an older demographic.[/quote]

[quote name='DarkRidley' post='85122' date='Sep 15 2010, 05:54 PM']My god, if they dare fuck up Dragon Ball Z by making some shitty live action movie. It looks pretty fake, though. For one thing, that trailer looked decidedly mature for a movie based on a series with a large young fanbase. It would be a strange move if they aimed it at an older demographic.[/quote]

[quote name='DarkRidley' post='85122' date='Sep 15 2010, 05:54 PM']My god, if they dare fuck up Dead or Alive by making some shitty live action movie. It looks pretty fake, though. For one thing, that trailer looked decidedly mature for a movie based on a series with a large young fanbase. It would be a strange move if they aimed it at an older demographic.[/quote]
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Re: Movies

Post by DarkRidley »

Point taken. But I'm still hoping that it's not real. I mean, guns? In Pokemon? I'd watch it solely for the laugh if they did that.
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Re: Movies

Post by neshcom »

[quote name='DarkRidley' post='85124' date='Sep 15 2010, 06:02 PM']Point taken. But I'm still hoping that it's not real. I mean, guns? In Pokemon? I'd watch it solely for the laugh if they did that.[/quote]

Really? Chances are that you would do more than laugh at that.
Last edited by neshcom on Wed Sep 15, 2010 3:06 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Movies

Post by DarkRidley »

Hah. Well. It's still a weird fucking move to make Pokemon darker and edgier. Besides, it's not so much the guns as the whole presentation of it as something to be taken seriously. Even in the controversial anime episode, it says that they were intended for comic effect, not to make it more mature.

And it's not like all these things come to fruition. There are still rumours about Uwe Boll directing a Metroid movie, after years and years of hearing it. And they're bullshit, in Boll's own words.
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Re: Movies

Post by al kusanagi »

It was John Woo that was attached to Metroid a few years ago. And that Pokemon one was a clever fake.
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Re: Movies

Post by Melon »


Oh yeah, I recently watched Machete. Just the type of campy fun I love. The campy take on immigration and mexican culture is hilarious. Even more funny was this bald older white dude coming out of the theater and is like "I LOVE THAT MOVIE. IT IS MY FAVORITE OF THE YEAR! RIGHT GUYS!?" Oh look! A group of mexicans! Better let them know I am not like those other white people! No really, it was hilarious and I gave the dude a righteous high five because I am that white too! The "reverse racism" articles done by idiots is even funnier. Rodriguez, you have redeemed yourself! and you're so hot i want to jump your bones but i'd rather guillermo del toro father my children don't take it personally okies!?!?!!? okie!!!
Last edited by Melon on Thu Sep 16, 2010 10:47 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Movies

Post by surasshu »

[quote name='Al Kusanagi' post='85130' date='Sep 16 2010, 12:21 AM']It was John Woo that was attached to Metroid a few years ago.[/quote]

This is the only thing that could save Metroid now.

EDIT: And yes Machete is awesome!
Last edited by surasshu on Fri Sep 17, 2010 8:32 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Movies

Post by Melon »

Watched "Devil" this weekend.

"Idea by M. Night SHABALAGA" - Oh no. Eff that crap. At least he's not directing.


Alas, my baby bro was all "i wanna see it and no one wants to go wahh waaah" and since I'm a softy I had to go. As the movie starts with some stupid irrelevant shit and finally gets to the elevators, I realize that this is the shitty trailer I'd seen before and knew what the movie was about, finally.

It's like a long episode of the Twilight Zone, except it's poorly written, directed, and acted. I am pleased it follows the death rule for horror films - UGLIES DIE FIRST NO ONE WANTS TO LOOK AT YOUR FUGLY FACE. I was PISSED it took so long for the female to die. UGH She was annoying. The screen would go black (your first clue someone will bite the dust) and I'd sit there "please let it be the dumb bitch please let it be the dumb bitch GOD DAMMIT"

It sucks because it could've been more. I would've cut the outside out completely (hurr durr guess what ZE TWEEST is once you meet MR. Detective with a hardon for his sad past from five years ago and one of the elevator dudes) It even has a fake bomb freakout! And PIGEONS. I KNEW THOSE BASTARDS WERE EVIL! THEIR POOP IS THE SIGN OF THE DEVIL!

Anyway, keep it in the elevator and move the mexican into the elevator so he can be all "dis iz a ztoree me mamas tolded me when i was children" and provide nothing of note to the plot. Seriously, this whole spirituality thing is forced into it and it's boring. Not to mention the constant cuts outside of the elevator killed any suspense that was building.

Damn I need to go hump some execs and squeeze my way into the biz.
Last edited by Melon on Mon Sep 20, 2010 7:48 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Movies

Post by neshcom »

We watched Songs From The Second Story in class today. I absolutely loved it. Unfortunately, 20 young adults in a dark room watching 90 minutes of Swedes slowly disintegrate leads to people talking. Nothing infuriates me more than people talking during a movie in a small room (theaters are a little more lenient to me). They kept complaining during the last five scenes that the movie was too long. Well sooooorry. They could've just left too; the teacher was gone. It's so jarring to go from watching this delicate and subtle movie to hearing the loudmouth behind you talking on and on about how each scene is the same. Hey, how about fuck you? You talk after the movie, jackass. I know we were supposed to watch for the amazing mise en scene, but that doesn't give you the right to complain that the camera is in the same place for every scene. I'm actually still terribly flustered about it <img src=' ... dammit.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':lol:' />

Still, if you have 90 minutes, take some time to watch it because it really is great.
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Re: Movies

Post by Ap2000 »

The more you think and read about Inception, the better it gets.

I am very well aware, that Inception was released months ago, but that just proofs how good it actually it is.
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Re: Movies

Post by surasshu »

[quote name='Petit Melon' post='85520' date='Sep 21 2010, 04:48 AM']Watched "Devil" this weekend.[/quote]

SMT: Digital Devil Demon Death Devil Saga of the Devil.

I recently (re)watched Raw Deal, a classic 80s action flick with Schwarzenegger in the lead role. This came courtesy of The Ruthless Guide to 80s action, which jolted my memory of this movie. It's one of the most absurd action movies of the 80s, as that site describes it, a Bronson movie with Arnie filling in for Bronson since he was becoming a big star at that point. However, the action is really well-directed, and the movie is hilariously campy at times. There's no sense that this movie was trying to tell a story or be taken seriously in any artistic sense. It just wants to entertain and be extremely good at it, and it is.

The action in the movie encompasses what I love about 80s (and some 90s) action movies--no shaky cam, no close ups, no fucking lens flares, no bullshit on the lens, and make sure the sequence makes some Goddamn sense. Good stuff. Check out this amazing sequence. Note how no target just gets shot, he notices each and every one before shooting them, the way a real human being would. Nolan, learn from this shit.
Last edited by surasshu on Sat Oct 09, 2010 7:26 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Movies

Post by Ap2000 »

[quote name='Ap2000' post='86214' date='Oct 10 2010, 03:45 AM']The more you think and read about Inception, the better it gets.

I am very well aware, that Inception was released months ago, but that just proofs how good it actually it is.[/quote]

I think this is done by some Germans, but I nearly pissed myself anyway.
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Re: Movies

Post by aine »

Nobody watched anything in a month? <img src=' ... ek3run.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':rimshot:' />

Inception - don't remember if I already wrote about it haha. But anyway, as a fan of recreational lucid dreaming I was excited to the max about it. And all the time when watching it in a theatre I was like OMG >9000/10 BEST MOVIE EVAR. However, the excitement deflated to some 7/10 and faded pretty soon, maybe even too soon. Because after all, it's little more than a solid workmanship action movie. But then I feel like I'm appreciating it more with time, if only for the ability to pull out and carry on such multi-layered narration and have it still make sense. I know I'll want to rewatch it in a bit. And I could be watching the hotel hallway fight on repeat, because that bit IS >9000/10. The whole movie, for now, stands at strong 8/10.

UP - FUCK YOU PIXAR. I'll probably be ostracised, but I don't think it deserves the hype it received. Nor the Academy Award. Don't get me wrong, it's a sweet movie and it made my eyes moisten a few times. I also really appreciated the somewhat gloomy mood lingering in the background. I think it's great to show to kids to get them used to the idea of ageing and passing away. But as a movie on its own... I think it's the Pixar's first that is less than the sum of its parts. And the first that failed to keep my disbelief firmly suspended (mind you, I did not watch A Bug's Life and Cars). And it's nowhere near the overwhelming powerfulness of Ponyo which should have competed for and won the Oscar and I'll never forgive them for that. Anyway, it's definitely enjoyable and worth watching, just not quite meeting the expectations. 7/10.

Blood Diamond - a must-see movie for every girl who likes the little sparkly things on her fingers, ears, and necks. <img src=' ... tongue.png' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':wota:' /> Very good social-drama-action piece in the usually unexplored setting (Africa) and Leo's solid performance. 8/10.

Stuff watched during the recent flight to and from Australia. I love those modern entertainment systems, it's like checking the pirate bay without having to wait or worry about seeds. <img src=' ... /laugh.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':lol:' />

Toy Story 3 - good sequel, and I'm having a vague feeling it was even better than TS2. I just wish there was less Barbie and Ken crap. And what's with the gloominess in the recent Pixar movies (vide UP)? Did they decide their audiences are growing up? I'm not complaining at all here. Also, TOTOROOOOOOOOOOOO. <img src=' ... /weeeh.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':weeeh:' /> I think that's what sold the movie for me. I could not get rid of that silly grin on my face ever since his appearance. 8/10.

Salt - seasonal bullshit action blockbuster. But I just felt like watching one. It's like the Bourne movies, except with a girl and much crappier (but thankfully with less shaky hand-held cam work). And with very dumb and forced plot twists that felt completely disconnected from the main plot. The highlight? Daniel Olbrychski's part. He's one of the most regarded and respected actors in Poland (and by me too) I had no idea he went Hollywood. I had to skip to credits on the spot because I could not believe it was him haha. 5/10.

Outrage - I fell asleep, sorry Kitano. I'm sure there is some merit to the hard Yakuza movies, but it just didn't do it for me and I couldn't get myself to care much for the characters or the plot. Might need to give it another try tho. 6/10.

Kikujiro - now that's the Kitano I like, simple, somewhat bittersweet and philosophical, and very enlightened. It's nowhere near the greatness of Dolls, but if you're looking for a simple silly movie to make you feel better and appreciate life, that's the one. 8/10.

The Machinist - holy damn BMI 12, Batman! I don't know how to describe this movie, but it's very muted, dark, and has a very thick atmosphere of an obscure mental institution. It reminded me of the earlier Jeunet movies, except with no humour whatsoever. It's not pleasant or enjoyable to watch at all, but pretty hypnotic at the same time. And you get to see Christian Bale like you would have never expected to see him. 8/10

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Re: Movies

Post by Ap2000 »

The Machinist is my favourite Christian Bale movie. I love how it quotes itself during the haunted house ride.

I personally thought Dolls was boring and I'd give Kikujiros Summer a 10/10, I even bought the DVD. But I really need to catch up on all the Kitano movies he made lately...
Last edited by Ap2000 on Sat Nov 13, 2010 3:08 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Movies

Post by Melon »

The last movie I watched was ummm... Jackass 3D.

I laughed.

I nearly vomited (5 times - most during the fatmaninjoggingsuitsweatohgodi'mgagging - next was the train sequence - next was the poor steve-o in portopotty)

I keep meaning to see Due Date but the lackluster reviews are making me want to wait for the home release....despite my love for RDJ. Galifinakis (sp I'm sure) is a pretty funny dude too...

I forgot what shitty movies I watched on Halloween were, but man, not even MSTing was enough to save those wastes of film. Good thing Walking Dead saved the night.
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Re: Movies

Post by eri »

Just saw Harry Potter and found it....stressful but also pretty enjoyable.

Except the naked glossy making-out was weird.
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Re: Movies

Post by Ap2000 »

Watched Machete with my flatmate tonight, it was great in so many ways. Thought Black Dynamite was better.
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Re: Movies

Post by eri »

Black Swan - despite its flaws, I couldn't help but love the movie.
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Re: Movies

Post by Ap2000 »

I've managed to "trick" my flatmate and my Daft Punk (who also make the OST) fanboy, just like me, "into" watching Tron: Legacy in Jan 2011.
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Re: Movies

Post by Sabaku Ika »

<a class="bbc_url" href="">The Slowest of All Possible Elevators</a>
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Re: Movies

Post by Geof »

Tron: Legacy. Outstanding visuals & action scenes, loved the overall tone, Olivia Wilde's pretty awesome, and fucking FUCK there's a lot of talking inbetween cool shit. I still want the Adidas jacket though.
[quote name='CO2 Blasted Idols' post='91599' date='Jan 12 2011, 06:50 PM']Also, this is MM-BBS, the BBS that hates the H!P fans in almost all other forums.[/quote]
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Re: Movies

Post by sadude »

I watched The Legend is Born - Ip Man this past week. Twice, actually: once on the plane on the way there, and once on the way back. It was an on-demand service, so I picked it both times.

I was browsing through the movie list and saw Kung Fu Hustle on there, which put me in a kung fu movie mood. The trailer for The Legend is Born - Ip Man made it look good, and it didn't disappoint. I'm not a kung fu afficionado by any means, so take my review with a grain of salt if you are. Some of it is done on wires, but simply put, there's a lot of GREAT choreography and it was really fun to watch. Check out the trailer, and if it looks fun, check out the full movie.
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Re: Movies

Post by surasshu »

I saw The Social Network, and it's definitely my favorite Fincher movie. Usually I have at least some issues with his direction, but in this case it worked out really well. The story is of course really interesting, too, though I can't help but think it's been over-dramatized. The dialog writing gets tiring after a while, it's very TV-show-ish, but while that's okay for 30-45 minutes, it does stretch its welcome a bit over the 2 hours of the movie. Still, excellent stuff overall.
Last edited by surasshu on Fri Dec 24, 2010 5:01 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Movies

Post by Melon »

I have a rare day off tomorrow because I wanted to unwind.

What better way than watching films of my favorite director? (BTW to those that remember that chat from long ago...he directed films in english and spanish, and thus his filmography is not just 3 films LOL)

Cronos - a CC version was released recently squueeeaaaallll and it is really nice! my case was damaged in shipping though boooooooo (plus the new cover is drawn by Mignola <3333333)

Mimic - This was actually the first movie I ever saw by him. <img src=' ... /smile.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':puppyeyes:' />

The Devil's Backbone - an amazing film to those who havent' seen it yet. this and pan's labyrinth are his best works

Blade II


Pan's Labyrinth

The Orphanage (okay, so he was just a producer/consultant on that one...but it is one of my favorite movies of all time)

Hellboy II

Oh and del Toro+Doug Jones>del Toro+Perlman>>>Scorsesesesesese+DiCaprio>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Burton+Depp

As for movies I've seen recently....too many to count. I think I watched close to 10 last weekend - mostly documentaries about various things.

Last edited by Melon on Thu Jan 13, 2011 11:45 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Movies

Post by Sabaku Ika »

i was just thinking last night of watching all the del Toro movies I haven't seen yet. Sadly, Netflix's streaming software crashed on me at the beginning of Cronos and then I got distracted by something else. Will try again soon.

The last movie I saw was Splice. It was good, but reminded me just a little too much of Species.
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Re: Movies

Post by malakus »

I watched an old movie recently, Ichi the Killer. Surprisingly it's not as strong as the review I've been reading over the net..

and Kamen Rider the First and Next.. It was good for any Kamen Rider fan...

Watched Sen to Chihiro no Kamikakushi again... for the 10 times..
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Re: Movies

Post by aine »

Rewatched Love&Pop and reconfirmed Anno is a fucking genius. Too bad he decided to milk Evangelion again in an underwhelming way instead of putting out awesome new material.

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Re: Movies

Post by Ap2000 »

[quote name='aine' post='92664' date='Jan 26 2011, 11:25 PM']Rewatched Love&Pop and reconfirmed Anno is a fucking genius. Too bad he decided to milk Evangelion again in an underwhelming way instead of putting out awesome new material.[/quote]

The only live-action movie of him I saw was Cutie Honey, which was great.

I was never aware he already made several movies, I need to watch them sometime.
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Re: Movies

Post by Ap2000 »

Saw Tron Legacy in IMAX 3D on Tuesday.

We watched the first Tron movie at home just before going to the cinema.

My two friends haven't had seen the movie before.

I really liked the first Tron movie and while I saw it ~28 years after it was originally released, it was obvious that this movie was a milestone when it first came out.

Anyway, about Tron Legacy all I can say is it was a spectacular 2 hours long Daft Punk musicvideo.

The characters unfortunately were pretty flat. The action scenes were pretty well done though, but there was this slight boredom feeling I had all the way through the movie. I'm not sure why, probably because I didn't care about any of the characters at all. Despite Olivia Wilde being extremely hot and Jeff Bridges being a cyber version of The Dude.

This was also my first 3D and IMAX movie. The IMAX picture is extremely sharp, though the screen was smaller than the average cinema's screen I usually go to.

The 3D was rather underwhelming and this is probably going to be my first and last 3D movie I'm going to watch in cinemas. The 3D effect looked weird as soon as you tilted your head just a little bit, which is really annoying. At times, when there were some extreme angles it was quite impressive however. But sadly that was only the case in about 20% of the 3D scenes.

The sound of the IMAX was fucking fantastic though and this is the only way you should experience Daft Punk's great symphonies. Maybe turn down the bass ~10% (not that you can do that, but I mean the IMAX dudes should have done it) and it would have been perfect.

Imho 3D technology with movies is over-rated. I'd much rather try it out with a 120hz Monitor on my PC though.
Last edited by Ap2000 on Fri Feb 04, 2011 5:03 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Movies

Post by aine »

I missed seeing Tron Legacy in the theatres and I'm still pretty miffed about it. Same about missing Avatar in IMAX. It was to be my first IMAX experience too, so can't really say much about it. But 3D is definitely overrated, now that every piece of crap comes out in it. It has to be something of Avatar scale and production quality (whether you love it or hate it as a movie) to give justice to the technology and not make it a dumb marketing gimmick. And that's just not happening any time soon. Hell, Avatar is probably the only movie in the history ever really worth watching in 3D. At least until Jim decides to one up himself again in a couple of years.

I can see how Tron seems like a perfect candidate for 3D viewing material, but a quick retrospect of the past "virtual reality" movies and how well did they fare should make the failure of such thinking obvious.

Oh, and about Anno, he also directed the Ritual/Shiki-jitsu live action movie which I also definitely recommend. Unfortunately, this and Love&Pop is about all really worth attention in his post-NGE works. The Karekano anime is supposedly good too (at least up to the point where he was kicked out for being too weird), but I didn't watch it yet.

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