
In which we chat about Hello! Project. And TNX. And Nice Girl Project. Yup.

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Post by eri »

Just your occasional bbs poll. Rank the current line up from your favorite (or least hated) to your least favorite (or most hated, you haters). At the end of March, I'll calculate all the responses and bump this thread with our bbs stats.

This is the current line up

Takahashi Ai

Niigaki Risa

Michishige Sayumi

Tanaka Reina

Mitsui Aika

Fukumura Mizuki

Ikuta Erina

Sayashi Riho

Suzuki Kanon
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Re: Ranking

Post by eri »

I'LL GO FIRST <img src='http://mm-bbs.org/public/style_emoticon ... nceman.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':danceman:' />

Most loved to slightly less loved:

1. Takahashi Ai

2. Suzuki Kanon

3. Michishige Sayumi

4. Sayashi Riho

5. Fukumura Mizuki

6. Tanaka Reina

7. Niigaki Risa

8. Ikuta Erina

9. Mitsui Aika

It is not to soon to rank the 9th gen. Just go with your gut. If I had no "favorites" I just went with interest -- I asked myself, "if there was a youtube link with ____ member's name on it, would I click to watch it?"
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Re: Ranking

Post by rob »

Suzuki Kanon

Mihishige Sayumi

Takahashi Ai

Fukumura Mizuki

Sayashi Riho

Tanaka Reina

Ikuta Erina

Mitsui Aika

Niigaki Risa
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Re: Ranking

Post by al kusanagi »

1. Sayumi- because AWESOME

2. Ai- because quirky and Ai-butt

3. Riho- because adorable perfection

4. Aika- because Kansai represent!

5. Risa- because getting more attractive and less annoying as the years go by

6. Erina- because glimpse of future sexiness

7. Mizuki- because good all around but otherwise unremarkable

8. Kanon- because re-re

9. Reina- because a decade later she's still trying and failing to be Maki Goto
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Re: Ranking

Post by Melon »

Oh goody!

1. Ai

1.5 Riho

2. Kanon

3. Sayumi

4. Aika

5. Mizuki

6. Erina

9. Reina

10. Risa
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Re: Ranking

Post by Mukuro »

From favourite to least:









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Re: Ranking

Post by emily »

1. Sayu- has a lot of frosting on her cake, but don't doubt that there's some serious cake under there.

2. Ai- has been single-handedly carrying the group for years. respect. props to her mean spirited humour on this week's bijo gaku.

3. Riho- cute as a bug and badass. how can a little girl generate this much force within a short time?

4. Reina- I don't like her personally but I think she's good for the chick fanbase that she brings in

5. Aika

6. Risa

7. Mizuki- somehow looks like Sailor Moon to me

8. Erina

9. Kanon

***5-9: pointless members***
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Re: Ranking

Post by Noa »

1. Sayashi Riho

2. Tanaka Reina

3. Takahashi Ai

4. Suzuki Kanonn

5. Niigaki Risa

6. Fukumura Mizuki

7. Michishige Sayumi

8. Ikuta Erina

9. Mitsui Aika
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Re: Ranking

Post by Shoujo Q »

1. Suzuki Kanon - She's got spunk and charisma and I hope only good things come with her in the group and she doesn't fall into a Makoto or Kago/Tsuji trap.

2. Takahashi Ai - Takahashi's blog and personality have won me over through the years. I'll miss her when she's gone. <img src='http://mm-bbs.org/public/style_emoticon ... ryalot.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':cryalot:' />

3. Sayashi Riho - She's an ace, I just hope she doesn't fall into the Reina trap.

4. Michishige Sayumi - Her voice sucks ass but she makes up for it with her personality and good looks. If I were to ever buy a solo photobook it would be hers.

5. Mitsui Aika - She would be top but there can only be one at the top. I think she's growing out of her 8th gen. shadow nicely and becoming a good sempai to her younger Musume. She's like the Kei/Yuko of the group now but without the nice voice. <img src='http://mm-bbs.org/public/style_emoticon ... hawhaw.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':hawhaw:' />

6. Tanaka Reina - How far she's fallen! D: She was once my favorite but she's pretty much low because she hasn't improved in my eyes.

7. Fukumura Mizuki - She's a great girl but she hasn't done much of anything yet to make her stand out to me besides usual new member stuff.

8. Ikuta Erina - No offense to Erina but she's down here only because I have nowhere else to put her at the moment.

9. Niigaki Risa - She's never appealed to me and I doubt she ever will.
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Re: Ranking

Post by freezingkiss »

1. Risa - Always, always been my favourite.

2. Sayumi - Bumped up after Eri left.

3. Ai - Gorgeous, gorgeous, gorgeous in every way.

4. Erina - She's cute and shy, and I like her unsurity.

5. Kanon - Big smile, SO happy to be there. Love her.

6. Mizuki - Talented girl with a voice that has serious potential.

7. Riho - She's still good and definitely a great choice, but just not my fave from 9th gen.

8. Reina - I dont know, she's bugged me for a few years now. She never used to. It's weird. I think I get this 'holier then thou' feeling from her.

9. Aika - I don't like her. I never have. She's just kind of there.
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Re: Ranking

Post by eri »

[quote name='emily' timestamp='1300729352' post='95773']

7. Mizuki- somehow looks like Sailor Moon to me


Its like a light-bulb went off in my head.

And, she was a shugo chara mascot girl.
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Re: Ranking

Post by zlilzlilzlil »

1) Riho - because she is new she is very intersting.

2) Risa - I love her voice and USOs.

3) Ai - because it's ai...

4) Sayumi - I just like her better then the following

5) Mizuki...

6) Kanon

7) Aika

8) Reina - I just don't really like her...

9) Erina - she is plain weird in my opinion.
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Re: Ranking

Post by Anderei »

1. Sayumi - can't sing, but she's thoroughly entertaining which makes up for it

2. Kanon - also entertaining, something this lineup sorely lacks

3. Aika (yes really) - just because. Aika has magically endeared herself to me over the years

4. Mizuki - Seems like a hardworker and genuinely adorable

5. Reina - She's really just kind of in the middle, although she gives off a bit of that diva vibe.

6. Erina - Neutral. She's cute, but she'll never be interesting unless she breaks out of that shell.

7. Riho - Kind of bores me. Has the dancing, but has nowhere near the vocals to be another Maki or Ai.

8. Ai - Obviously quite talented, but wouldn't know how to be interesting if her life depended on it.

9. Risa - Ai's less talented and infinitely more annoying buddy.
Last edited by Anderei on Mon Mar 21, 2011 1:50 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Ranking

Post by Ap2000 »

Hate away !

Sayashi Riho - The most interesting person right now in MM (and all of H!P probably). As somebody described in the 9th Gen Thread, "the complete package". Now all she needs to do is grow up and become a great entertainer.

Takahashi Ai - Good singer obviously, can be funny sometimes, but often she's a bloke and boring.

Fukumura Mizuki - The definition of a nice girl. We yet have to see wether she's boring or not.

Tanaka Reina - I used to like her a lot, especially after Yossie became the leader and wasn't as funny anymore. Which is sad, because Yossie was probably the funniest person ever in H!P, but then, that's my theory, the UFA guys pushed her into a more mature role. Anyway, after some time it seemed as if Reina started to do her own thing and not really care about MM and the other members anymore.

Suzuki Kanon - Could become a funny person, who knows. Right now she's a little mess and could thrive into all kinds of directions. Either becoming a funny Aibon or a disgusting kohashit.

These two I don't care about, but also don't really think they deserve their place in MM.

Ikuta Erina - Boring. Can't smile.

Niigaki Risa - Boring. USO!

--- HATE TIER ---

Mitsui Aika - Worthless, horribly boring and her mouth is very weird. Obviously doesn't deserve to be in any media except for those fucked up cosmetic surgery reality shows.

Michishige Sayumi - Conceited bitch that, for whatever reason, thinks she's actually cute when she has a rather sub-par face and a body that's not special either. Can't sing and can't talk unless sounding like a complete moron.
Last edited by Ap2000 on Mon Mar 21, 2011 1:46 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Ranking

Post by tsukinobyouin »

Suzuki Kanon

Sayashi Riho

Takahashi Ai

Michishige Sayumi

Niigaki Risa

Fukumura Mizuki

ikuta Erina

Mitsui Aika

Tanaka Reina

It was hard to choose between Kanon and Riho, I love them almost equally right now. I used Eri's method - which would I be more likely to watch a youtube video of first. It was also hard to place some of the other 9gen members - I really like Mizuki, but I've liked Risa for longer so....she went above. I can't believe where I put Sayumi - so much has changed! But her blog really won me over. She still annoys me on TV though, for some reason.
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Re: Ranking

Post by Duncan »

1. Takahashi Ai - I actually can't believe I'm listing her as #1, but she is an amazing performer. Ai basically held Morning Musume together for years. Her photobooks are also usually smoking hot, which I can't say for the rest of the girls here. Eri most likely would have been in this spot, now that I think about it.

2. Sayashi Riho - An awesome ball of energy that has so much potential. Her personality is a little unknown at the moment, but I'm chalking that up to being 12 years old and having limited exposure to her on TV. Better to have an "unknown" personality than a blank one.

3. Suzuki Kanon - Really interesting chick, and seems delighted to be there. Injecting some much-needed humor and personality into the group. Her voice isn't terrible, and it looks like she will definitely improve.

4. Niigaki Risa - Her voice is unique and interesting (If not "good"), and I think she's toning down on the gags that made her incredibly annoying. Or maybe it's just that we don't see much of her on TV anymore...hmmmmm....

5. Michishige Sayumi - I'm just beginning to think of her as a random Talento inserted into a girl group, and I'm liking that idea more and more. She's basically the anti-Takahashi, which makes for an interesting dynamic.

6. Fukumura Mizuki - Very cute, and obviously hardworking. Haven't really seen much of her personality yet, but crying after hearing her first CD obviously shows that all of this means a lot to her. I can easily see her being in my top three a year from now.

7. Tanaka Reina - Everything about this girl stopped growing when she was around 16 years old. It's creepy.

8. Mitsui Aika - Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz. I keep looking at the Kikkawa Yuu videos and wondering "what if". I certainly don't hate the girl, and her love of animals is very endearing. But she's just like your weird aunt being in an idol group.

9. Ikuta Erina - :|
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Re: Ranking

Post by momoirosaya »

1.Takahashi Ai - she's just full of awesome dancing and singing power, which makes up for her lack of peronality, except for on TV shows she's kinda meh. <img src='http://mm-bbs.org/public/style_emoticon ... umbsup.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':thumbsup:' />

2.Michishige Sayumi - Sayu is hilarious and wonderful, what she lacks in singing, she makes up with her personality! she should really get her own show like Yagu did when she graduates <img src='http://mm-bbs.org/public/style_emoticon ... /weeeh.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':weeeh:' />

3.Sayashi Riho - an amazing adorable dance machine <img src='http://mm-bbs.org/public/style_emoticon ... nceman.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':danceman:' />

4.Fukumura Mizuki - I've always liked her, she's sweet and pretty and has a nice voice! I wonder how she feels about having to be the 'sexy one' <img src='http://mm-bbs.org/public/style_emoticon ... deways.png' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':sideways:' />

5.Mitsui Aika - adorable personality, she used to be in last place, but she won me over in Bijo Gaku with her energy <img src='http://mm-bbs.org/public/style_emoticon ... /dance.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':dance:' />

6.Niigaki Risa - Risa used to be #2 but she's falling down...I miss her more energetic funny self, I guess she's just more mature now? <img src='http://mm-bbs.org/public/style_emoticon ... #>/huh.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':huh:' />

7.Ikuta Erina & Suzuki Kanon - I'd like to see their characters develop more, I don't have much to say about them right now. <img src='http://mm-bbs.org/public/style_emoticon ... joyful.png' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':joyful:' />

9.Tanaka Reina - I think the reason I don't like her as much is because she doesn't mesh with the others as much, but now that MM hasn't been Reina Reina Reina for the past 5 months, I like her more. <img src='http://mm-bbs.org/public/style_emoticon ... mellow.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':mellow:' />
Last edited by momoirosaya on Mon Mar 21, 2011 3:51 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Ranking

Post by Miss Moonlight »

1. Ai







2. Sayu

3. Riho

4. Kanon

5. Risa

6. Mizuki

7. Aika

8. Erina

9. Reina

Sayu was dead last for the majority of my MM fandom. I 95% stopped paying attention the day Miki got kicked out, and then when I randomly started paying attention again somewhere around Shouganai Yume Oibito, I really liked Sayu for some reason.

I used to like Reina quite a bit more. But then again, she's a shadow of her former self. WTF happened to her voice??
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Re: Ranking

Post by al kusanagi »

If you hate Sayu, y'all bein' trolled!

You're playing right into her adorable, calculating hands.
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Re: Ranking

Post by Ap2000 »

[quote name='Al Kusanagi' timestamp='1300754323' post='95799']

If you hate Sayu, y'all bein' trolled!

You're playing right into her adorable, calculating hands.


I actually had written something like "but I'm sure somebody will say, but that's just her on-screen character !", but then I deleted it to be a smartass later on. <img src='http://mm-bbs.org/public/style_emoticon ... eeping.png' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':sleeping:' />

I knew that one person would be you. You became predictable, Al.
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Re: Ranking

Post by al kusanagi »

It's called "lulling my enemies into a false sense of security."

PS. Haters gonna hate!
Last edited by al kusanagi on Mon Mar 21, 2011 6:09 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Ranking

Post by Ap2000 »

Thread is called "Ranking", not "I can't cope with others disliking members I love, so I have to post about it".
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Re: Ranking

Post by Haru »

Sounds like we need "I Hate Your Favourite Member! 3.0"

I was hoping this would be an entire H!P ranking. But I'm cool with this too.

1 - Mizuki. No funky names as of yet. But she reminds me a lot of Iida (I've said this in past threads), so I have big hopes for her. I also loved her in SCE 2.0.

2 - Aibutt. Regardless of the fact she's been shoved down our throats for thirty-something singles now, it's undeniable. She has a great voice and a great stage presence. ANd who can resist a girl who in her spare time learns English slang and curses? (I wonder how far she's moved up now.)

3 - Sayumin. I'm going to be quite frank, and I know Al will punch me for it, but she's gotten a little on my nerves as of late. She's still great, and I still love her. She's photogenic as fuck. But the whole "I'm cute I'm cute I'm cute!" and the sudden change in voice kinda soured me on her.

4 - Mayuge-beam. I don't know what it is about her, but I've taken a liking to her as of late. I'll like her a lot more once her hair grows out though, because I hate her hair this short. She's trying to be Yossie and it just doesn't work for me.

5 - Riho. She's sassy. I have a feeling she'll go up in my list.

6 - Erina. She's kind of there for me, but there's something about her I like.

7 - Mittsi. I'm kind of meh on her. She's cute, but her voice bugs me.

8 - Kanon. Again, she's just kind of there. But I do have to give kudos for her derpy faces. Even if they're unintentional, they're cute.

9 - Reinya. I all but want to burn her at the stake as of late...she was so cute around the time that "GIRL" came out, and before that she had a lot of potential. But now she's switched into this gyaru-lite mode and I just don't like it. Also, her voice. What the hell happened to it?
Last edited by Haru on Mon Mar 21, 2011 8:37 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Ranking

Post by loli-tan »

1. Riho

2. Aika

3. Risa

4. Sayu

5. Ai

6. Erina

7. Reina

8. Kanon

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Re: Ranking

Post by Pi Mako »

Aika Mitsui - So much hate for Aika here, but oh well. I've liked her since the auditions (I feel that Yuu should've also made 8th gen, so chill everyone). She showed a lot of promise in the beginning... was cute as hell, and then someone got ahold of her hair and destroyed her image. And then she sunk into the background after H!M@ or whatever the show's name was ended. But now that she's a senpai, hopefully she'll be getting more attention <3

Kanon Suzuki - My prayers have been answered! A cute girl with a PERSONALITY and decent singing voice? It can't be. Just please don't turn into Makoto 2.0

Mizuki Fukumura - I'm a bit cautious with this one. She has the potential to become Ai 2.0 with a questionable personality and strong(ish) singing voice. But she's gorgeous, has a very sweet personality, and has lots of potential.

Sayashi Riho - The very "thing" that Morning Musume needed. NEW TALENT. She's really cute, has a decent singing voice, and doesn't seem as full of herself as I thought (except for when it comes to dancing. I like how you see a vulnerable side to her when she sings). Please don't become Reina 2.0 with a holier-than-thou attitude.

HUGE GAP - not much separates my bottom 5. At all.

Risa Niigaki - Okay, I'm not sure what the hell she's doing here up so high on my list, but this ranking now becomes a battle of who I like the least. I know her personality is annoying as hell, but a few years ago her singing voice became pleasant and I think her voice adds a good balance to the group.

Erina Ikuta - Girl has a sweet personality. Nothing else going for her at the moment. Someone should put some make up on her face and make this world a better place. ;D Kidding, I understand she's going through an awkward stage being 13 and all, but she needs to show more personality, better vocals, and now I'm worried about her dance skills. Not sure what this girl adds to the group for now.

Sayumi Michishige - Well. Her voice still sucks after 8 years of being in the group. She's ridiculously conceited, but at the same time she is very aware of her faults (i.e. sucky singing) and isn't afraid to admit them. So she gets some credit for that.

Ai Takahashi - God just fucking graduate already. ... I know that's so mean, but she's dominated the last 5-6 years of the group. Just go away already and give someone else a chance. Please. I know you seem to be the ideal "idol" with beauty, kindness, talent and voice, but zzzz... had enough of you. Enough of your 50 photobooks, dominating each song and not allowing other members to sing enough. Displaced anger probably, but I don't care.~

Reina Tanaka - Never liked her, probably never will. SO FULL OF HERSELF. I can't stand people who are so freaking conceited. Major turn off. Whiny voice. Obnoxious personality. Takahashi will always have more talent than you and is able to not come across as someone who thinks her shit tastes like ice cream.
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Re: Ranking

Post by Vikitty »

Trifecta of Promising Awesomeness:




Hey, We're Still Relevant:




Tier of "Meh"ness:



Dead, rotting in the gutter last:

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Re: Ranking

Post by mrsross »

1. Riho

2. Kanon

3. Aika

4. Mizuki

5. Sayumi

6. Risa

7. Erina

8. Ai

9. Reina
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Re: Ranking

Post by aine »

1. Michishige Sayumi

2. Mitsui Aika

3. Takahashi Ai

4. Sayashi Riho

5. Niigaki Risa

6. Tanaka Reina

7. Fukumura Mizuki

8. Ikuta Erina

9. Suzuki Kanon

The order of the older girls is fixed. I don't yet have enough opinion on the cookies to make an educated rating so they may move up or down in the ranking. Except for Kanon, unless a miracle happens. <img src='http://mm-bbs.org/public/style_emoticon ... hawhaw.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':hawhaw:' /> Anyway, that's why they're on the bottom, except Riho whom I'm putting a lot of hopes in and hope not to be disappointed.

Before you ask, yes, it's Aika above Ai, if only by this little. She totally took my heart at Japan Expo with her natural cuddly girl-next-door attitude. And Ai went down a notch or two due to the 90% of her blog posts being fashion drivel. <img src='http://mm-bbs.org/public/style_emoticon ... >/hmph.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':hmph:' />
Last edited by aine on Tue Mar 22, 2011 4:24 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Ranking

Post by strawberryjam »

1. Takahashi Ai - I LOVE her fashion posts unlike someone. <img src='http://mm-bbs.org/public/style_emoticon ... >/geof.png' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':geof:' /> Last year, she'd been near dead last for her boringness. <img src='http://mm-bbs.org/public/style_emoticon ... hahaha.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':hahaha:' />

2. Michishige Sayumi - I like her, but I think I have some Jun Jun conflicts with her being too similar to me. <img src='http://mm-bbs.org/public/style_emoticon ... >/sigh.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':sigh:' />

3. Ikuta Erina - Shy and cute.

4. Fukumura Mizuki - I don't really know anything about her except that she seems really neutral. <img src='http://mm-bbs.org/public/style_emoticon ... hahaha.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':hahaha:' /> That is why she is in the middle of the list.

5. Sayashi Riho - It's great she's talented, but she's too little girly to look cute still.

6. Mitsui Aika - She waved at me at JE. Therefore, yay. Otherwise, I don't think I like her. Too granny and uncute.

7. Tanaka Reina - Girl, you haven't changed one bit. It's boring. And you like using an excessive amount retarded emoticons.

8. Niigaki Risa - You're too fake and while you pretend to try to be awesome, you're not! But tomorrow will be a better day. How was your day?

9. Suzuki Kanon - The worst that could have happened..a NEW Risa/Koharu. <img src='http://mm-bbs.org/public/style_emoticon ... >/sick.png' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':sick:' />
Last edited by strawberryjam on Tue Mar 22, 2011 5:07 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Ranking

Post by freezingkiss »

[quote name='Miss Moonlight' timestamp='1300754012' post='95796']

I used to like Reina quite a bit more. But then again, she's a shadow of her former self. WTF happened to her voice??


Oh my god! I had actually forgotten how good she was. She used to be way up on my list too.
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