H!P historical group ranking.

In which we chat about Hello! Project. And TNX. And Nice Girl Project. Yup.

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Re: H!P historical group ranking.

Post by Mierna »

Kind of a current H!P purist right now, so:

1. Buono!

2. C-ute

3. Berryz Kobo

4. Morning Musume

Mano and S/mileage are still fairly new so I'm giving them time to show what they can do.
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Re: H!P historical group ranking.

Post by eri »

So Hangry & Angry don't count, right?

1. Morning Musume Despite 10+ years of whining and bitching, the flagship group is still the one that I'm most fond of.

2/3 tie. Buono! Arguably one of the best groups, despite their anime-tie in. They basically took the 3 of the most talented, popular and/or "charistmatic" H!P kids and gave them great, upbeat song and a VERY cute image change.

2/3 tie. Country Musume One of my favorite groups of all time and how I loved Rinne. Even the inclusion of Rika wasn't too bad - it lead to lots of chicken jokes and the song "Byebye Saigo no Yoru."

4. Pucchi Moni
First generation Pucchi-Moni wins out over second generation, but both incarnations had the most fun songs and PVs. I used to exercise to their album "Zenbu Petit Moni"!! Also, Pittari X-mas and Chokotto Love have pretty much never left my mp3 playlist.

5. 3-nin Matsuri...does that count? I know it was a one time deal but it was a cute explosion. I first learned about Matsuura (in her cute and fun years) through this PV.

6. Tanpopo
This is placed so low because 3 gen Tanpopo had Risa and the most ANNOYING PV for Be Happy. Of course, I love them otherwise.

7. Berryz
The first time I paid attention to any of the kids! It was years and going "awww" and enjoying the songs, despite the shittiness of their collective vocal ability.
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Re: H!P historical group ranking.

Post by troubleshoot »

Morning Musume




Country Musume


Petit Moni

The kids are booooorrrriiiinnnnngggg.
Last edited by troubleshoot on Wed Mar 03, 2010 2:34 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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