Morning Musume '16 Shinseiki Auditions

In which we chat about Hello! Project. And TNX. And Nice Girl Project. Yup.

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Re: Morning Musume '16 Shinseiki Auditions

Post by arcobaleno »

Farrah, do you have any immediate links to these KSS? A bunch of KSS she worked with came out of the woodwork to wish her congrats more than I've seen stories of her being bad. If this is true, it would be nice to know with solid proof, because  
doesn't really cut it here.
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Re: Morning Musume '16 Shinseiki Auditions

Post by Farrah »

lmao man, people are seriously tense in this thread, it's getting a little ridiculous.
To answer your question, I'm referring to what was said a few pages ago in this post;

<blockquote class="ipsBlockquote">
And to add to what others said, one of my friends told me Ayano said she started to feel bad in Kenshuusei roughly when Kaga arrived, because of how unrespectful and mean Kaga was (with everyone). Also, from Green Room footages, her behavior towards other Kenshuusei could be questionnable at times.

This is speculation, not character assassination.  We discuss rumors and gossip on here all the time, this generation should be no exception.
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Re: Morning Musume '16 Shinseiki Auditions

Post by arcobaleno »

lmao man, people are seriously tense in this thread, it's getting a little ridiculous.
To answer your question, I'm referring to what was said a few pages ago in this post;

<blockquote class="ipsBlockquote">
And to add to what others said, one of my friends told me Ayano said she started to feel bad in Kenshuusei roughly when Kaga arrived, because of how unrespectful and mean Kaga was (with everyone). Also, from Green Room footages, her behavior towards other Kenshuusei could be questionnable at times.
This is speculation, not character assassination.  We discuss rumors and gossip on here all the time, this generation should be no exception.
It's reached past speculation. I think we can say that not just on here, but on H!O and other forums as well, pages decrying Kaede have gone well past speculation and into character assassination. There's a limit to simple gossip to when it becomes petty talk, especially with hardly anything solid to back it up on.
It's not like anything in this discussion is fun, either. We're talking about a girl who is being called a bitchy bully, not just "salty." If this is true, it's worrying. If not, it's pathetic, because 85% of the people seem to believe these nigh-baseless accusations.
Now the Green Room footage... I'm lazy, I'm not going to actively check on that, at least not this minute. Some general hints on what episodes these were would be nice. What your friend told you is possibly true, but again, it's just way too much hearsay on a more serious aspect of a person's character. Even Koharu's difficult shit compares not to an actual bully. People have brought up Nakazawa, Mikitty, that's fine, they were "salty" but had good, big hearts.
A bully doesn't.
No matter who it is, things like this need to be backed up because otherwise people will take it and run with it, which they already have. Hence Thea's comparison to Riho being a smug bitch.
It's not getting ridiculous, really. What's getting ridiculous is the wealth of "speculation" without direct links and sources.
Last edited by arcobaleno on Sat Dec 17, 2016 10:03 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Morning Musume '16 Shinseiki Auditions

Post by sayu1991 »

<blockquote class="ipsBlockquote" data-author="arcobaleno" data-cid="203402" data-time="1482040822"><blockquote class="ipsBlockquote" data-author="Farrah" data-cid="203401" data-time="1482034952">
lmao man, people are seriously tense in this thread, it's getting a little ridiculous.

To answer your question, I'm referring to what was said a few pages ago in this post;
<blockquote class="ipsBlockquote">
And to add to what others said, one of my friends told me Ayano said she started to feel bad in Kenshuusei roughly when Kaga arrived, because of how unrespectful and mean Kaga was (with everyone). Also, from Green Room footages, her behavior towards other Kenshuusei could be questionnable at times.</blockquote>
This is speculation, not character assassination. We discuss rumors and gossip on here all the time, this generation should be no exception.</blockquote>

It's reached past speculation. I think we can say that not just on here, but on H!O and other forums as well, pages decrying Kaede have gone well past speculation and into character assassination. There's a limit to simple gossip to when it becomes petty talk, especially with hardly anything solid to back it up on.

It's not like anything in this discussion is fun, either. We're talking about a girl who is being called a bitchy bully, not just "salty." If this is true, it's worrying. If not, it's pathetic, because 85% of the people seem to believe these nigh-baseless accusations.</blockquote>

I honestly don't think that anything that has been said on this forum counts as "character assassination." Certainly nothing that has gone beyond speculation based off of green room footage and hearsay. I can't speak for H!O or any other forum because I'm not part of them but I will say that regardless of whether or not they're assuming these rumors to be true and assassinating her character, that has nothing to do with us. We're not H!O and we bear no responsibility for whatever they assume or say. If they're frustrating you, go take it out on them but I don't think that it's gotten to that level here. All I've seen here is some people saying that they think she's a crybaby and are worried about the rumors that she's a bully. I agree with Farrah, the tension in this thread is getting ridiculous.
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Re: Morning Musume '16 Shinseiki Auditions

Post by arcobaleno »

<blockquote class="ipsBlockquote" data-author="arcobaleno" data-cid="203402" data-time="1482040822">
<blockquote class="ipsBlockquote" data-author="Farrah" data-cid="203401" data-time="1482034952">
lmao man, people are seriously tense in this thread, it's getting a little ridiculous.

To answer your question, I'm referring to what was said a few pages ago in this post;
<blockquote class="ipsBlockquote">
And to add to what others said, one of my friends told me Ayano said she started to feel bad in Kenshuusei roughly when Kaga arrived, because of how unrespectful and mean Kaga was (with everyone). Also, from Green Room footages, her behavior towards other Kenshuusei could be questionnable at times.
This is speculation, not character assassination. We discuss rumors and gossip on here all the time, this generation should be no exception.</blockquote>

It's reached past speculation. I think we can say that not just on here, but on H!O and other forums as well, pages decrying Kaede have gone well past speculation and into character assassination. There's a limit to simple gossip to when it becomes petty talk, especially with hardly anything solid to back it up on.

It's not like anything in this discussion is fun, either. We're talking about a girl who is being called a bitchy bully, not just "salty." If this is true, it's worrying. If not, it's pathetic, because 85% of the people seem to believe these nigh-baseless accusations.</blockquote>

I honestly don't think that anything that has been said on this forum counts as "character assassination." Certainly nothing that has gone beyond speculation based off of green room footage and hearsay. I can't speak for H!O or any other forum because I'm not part of them but I will say that regardless of whether or not they're assuming these rumors to be true and assassinating her character, that has nothing to do with us. We're not H!O and we bear no responsibility for whatever they assume or say. If they're frustrating you, go take it out on them but I don't think that it's gotten to that level here. All I've seen here is some people saying that they think she's a crybaby and are worried about the rumors that she's a bully. I agree with Farrah, the tension in this thread is getting ridiculous.
Anderei is on H!O, as well as Juan, and they have been ones, along with TicTac, bringing these topics up the most. So H!O's drama is bleeding over into here, whether you check it or not. I do, because things get slow around here and I'm a sucker for the ridiculous fighting they have over there, but even if we "pure" BBS members (which I am not, as well as Thea, we're both on H!O though rarely ever do we post. Well, Thea might a bit more than me because of the Riho thread, but I digress.) aren't responsible for it, that doesn't mean we are exempt from it, especially if others are checking H!O and coming back with their information from there.
I'm not going to go over there and talk to those people because it's one needle in a haystack of people over there and it'll get lost in the flow. Here, however, things move at a humanly pace and I am able to say my piece without it being buried 10 pages later.
Past the incident with JPope and I, which was isolated entirely from any of you, there is absolutely no tension on this thread past the meltdown after the additions were added. Ironically, I felt more tension and drama going on while everyone was crying over Ruru and talking unfounded shit about Kaede. Yet now that people are defending her, there's tension? Isn't that a little bit strange to you?
A forum is a place for opinions and discussion. We're not here to always agree on everything and be happy and peaceful. It's great while it lasts, but honestly, like I've stated before, considering that it usually comes by people biting their tongue, what's the point? Nothing being said here is harsh or destructive to one's mental health, there's no personal attacks and wars being fought.
What are we supposed to do when we disagree with something this much, just let it be? I fully disagree with what I personally perceive as a mini smear campaign. You don't, but how much of it is supported by your own stated Ruru bias and "meh I guess she's okay, don't care" bias? It's all fine and dandy to you, but it wasn't when it was Ruru getting shafted for the millionth time. Perspective.
My own perspective?
Thea likes Kaede, so I've been partial to her. She's worked hard, she debuted. Happy for her, mainly happy because of Thea. Then talking about her personality comes out. Because of Thea, I deleted my question asking about Kaede's personality out of respect for her happiness. However, TicTac responded. I found it vague, but I told her thanks anyway because it's the polite thing to do. But then people just keep going on and on and no one gives a shit until Thea finally is like "fuck this" and says something.
Then suddenly it's just speculation and gossip and tension, but it was RIGHTEOUS when it was Ruru!!!!!!
We're all goddamn biased here, OK? No one is in the right, but I think we can agree tolerating practically baseless "harmless gossip" about someone just because you don't care about them is pretty weird on moral level, especially when you're quick to defend the honor of a girl you love.
I have no special favors for Kaede past her association with Thea. I speak from a very neutral perspective here. And even if I didn't, I don't see how that personally undermines my opinion other than "Well, you see it as hate, but it's just fine to me who gives less than a rat shit!" which is an argument that goes 'round and 'round and 'round.
OK, so here's what I'm saying, since I'm going on a tangent.
While meltdowns about Ruru and bitching about how unfair it was wasn't tension, posts in defense of Kaede are now tension. Logic?
People don't give a fuck about a girl they don't like or care about being claimed as a bitchy bully. That's normal, that's called our shitty bias as humans that we'd all like to think we don't have but do.
However, just as you have the right to defend your own opinion that it's just "tension", I have my own right to staunchly defend my own position, and honestly? I would very much like to be able to do it on here without it being treated so negatively. Or all we all bots who follow the flow and never go against it now?
The flow in this thread, if you haven't noticed by now, people are only speaking up after Thea made her post, is "Kaede seems to be a pretty huge salty bitch." Whether people like that (Madara, show) or not (Practically everyone else) depends, but there's your obvious fact right there, just go back and read. All I'm asking for is actual proof, not just "my friend of a friend of my cousin's dog said." Now that Thea's post is made and people are showing up to defend it and post their own defenses of Kaede, suddenly there's tension and negativity? That happens when a small minority goes against a majority in anything, lol.
It's life.
Last edited by arcobaleno on Sat Dec 17, 2016 11:01 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Morning Musume '16 Shinseiki Auditions

Post by MejraThea »

Drinking game: Look through Ryan's post history and take a shot every time you see Thea.  :whistling:
I couldn't not.
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Re: Morning Musume '16 Shinseiki Auditions

Post by JPope »

Ah well, it was good three year run.  :facepalm:
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Re: Morning Musume '16 Shinseiki Auditions

Post by Farrah »

Wasn't quoting myself so it's not my friend, it's from a post by Meikochi on page 12. 
You clearly have a lot of feelings about this but honestly, if you can't take a few people saying "This kid is unlikable/egotistical/salty/spoiled." then it's time to toughen up buttercup, 'cause this is MM-BBS and although we're much more cuddly than we were back in the day, this is still not a forum where any of our faves are gonna be coddled.
Some people find this girl off-putting for various reasons (her behavior on Green Room, her behavior on stage) - that's life.  I mean, many people find me off-putting!  I have a pretty long-standing reputation in real life for being kind of a stuck up bitch and it has hold strong for 10+ years LOL but you don't see me wringing my hands about it. 

People get criticized, it's part of being human, and public figures get criticized even more so - I do agree that it can cross a line, that it can get nasty and personal and not okay (especially when discussing minors), but I do not think "She kinda seems bitchy." is all that bad and if you do, I'm not sure how you've survived this forum for so long. 
Last edited by Farrah on Sun Dec 18, 2016 12:09 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Morning Musume '16 Shinseiki Auditions

Post by JPope »

I think the beginning of the three year period of more-or-less drama-free MM-BBS began right around the time Farrah and I starting agreeing on literally everything, lol.
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Re: Morning Musume '16 Shinseiki Auditions

Post by Farrah »

Honestly, this is refreshing.  Bring on the flame wars of yore LOL!  :shlick:
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Re: Morning Musume '16 Shinseiki Auditions

Post by JPope »

The AUEG-Jpope slash fic was epic.
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Re: Morning Musume '16 Shinseiki Auditions

Post by Ap2000 »

What is going on here?

BBS dick just inches from my face!
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Re: Morning Musume '16 Shinseiki Auditions

Post by Derby »

"Why 13ki is 1.000 times superior to 12ki" Episode #72: The Salty Bitch debate.
On next week's episode: Is Yokoyama a masonic puppet?
I'm on the list of people who embraces the bitch-Kaede. It would be a lot better if her (ALLEGEDLY) negative character was balanced with a variety of other outstanding positive characters in the group instead of what we have now but...
And Yokoyama is very pretty... in 3 o 4 years when she's a woman and her looks have matured enough she'll easily be one  (if not the most) of the most good-looking members to ever be in MM 
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Re: Morning Musume '16 Shinseiki Auditions

Post by Shoujo Q »

As some who bounces from Jplop (because screw H!O, especially since they won't fix the pic board) and Facebook, it's refreshing to come here and step into a whole new world. I didn't realize Kaga had such salty fans. Because that's where I think it all stems from. ever since the great "Dawa is a racist" debacle, I kind of thane anything that comes from H!O at half truth unless there's clear solid proof of anything.
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Re: Morning Musume '16 Shinseiki Auditions

Post by showraniy »

I like everyone on the board right now (which is not something I could say years ago), but you've got to calm down, arco. People are going to shit talk other people, especially celebrities, but there's nothing being said here that even marginally counts as character asassination. You can't let yourself love a celebrity enough to defend his/her honor to this extent, because it hinges on side-eye unhealthy IMO. Of course there's a reverse of obsessing over a celebrity's downfall that's ALSO unhealthy, but none of that is going on here yet. Instead, you and Thea's triggered defense of Kaede just comes off exceedingly intense.

I'm just trying to be helpful here, so no hard feelings and hey I'm making this post from my toilet, so fuzzy warm feelings all around.
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Re: Morning Musume '16 Shinseiki Auditions

Post by Shoujo Q »

My only bias at the end of the day is that I like Hello!Project, warts and all. I see past the flaws, the bad singing, the awkward dance moves, the tacky costumes and the questionable choice is instrumentals. Because at the end of the day, there's just something about the brand Up-Front has made that makes me come back in. The same can be said for here. I left my nest for greener pastures and I could have stayed away, but I came back home to roost. This place is my home. You, dysfunctional people are my people and I wouldn't have it any other way. That's one reason I like this place. Colorful opinions with a hint of rose tinted color. 
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Re: Morning Musume '16 Shinseiki Auditions

Post by MejraThea »

'cause this is MM-BBS and although we're much more cuddly than we were back in the day
I was actually lamenting this just yesterday, that it's so much softer than the BBS of old. Granted, I wasn't here for that BBS, but I've read a lot and it of course had the reputation, haha.
I think the beginning of the three year period of more-or-less drama-free MM-BBS began right around the time Farrah and I starting agreeing on literally everything, lol.
You shouldn't have done that! You took away the spirit  :tongue: lol
Honestly, this is refreshing.  Bring on the flame wars of yore LOL!  :shlick:
I agree! But I've made that obvious, I think. It's nice, actually, to see people get heated and discuss/debate/argue, that's why I love the BBS, even if it's more cuddly now. 
I like everyone on the board right now (which is not something I could say years ago)
Instead, you and Thea's triggered defense of Kaede just comes off exceedingly intense.
I agree! We have our tizzies, and things like this lol, but everyone that posts regularly, I like them all! We're a closer community here than other boards, I think.
Mine was definitely triggered, that's the best description for it. I still stand by it, but that's true. After seeing one girl go through this, then to see another one immediately go through it... it makes it seem like people just can't be a fan without having one fan to blame for everything anymore. (Blame management, people!) Before Riho it was Ai, right? Although I don't know who it was before Ai lol. The sad thing is, though, that Kaede isn't even center or anything yet and getting the hate, and that is sad to me. But I'm not alone in thinking so, as evident by the posts after mine, at least!  :joyful:
[quote="Shoujo Q"]
The same can be said for here. I left my nest for greener pastures and I could have stayed away, but I came back home to roost. This place is my home. You, dysfunctional people are my people and I wouldn't have it any other way. That's one reason I like this place. Colorful opinions with a hint of rose tinted color. 
Although I already said something of the same ilk to Show a moment ago, I think you worded it perfectly! :)
Edit: Oh, and by the way, here are all of the Green Room KSS segments for more Kaede footage!
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Re: Morning Musume '16 Shinseiki Auditions

Post by arcobaleno »

Oh my god...  :facepalm: this isn't even close to a flame war at all. Christ, you guys need to calm down.
I'll say just this:
Farrah, I don't know what your idea of tough is, but I personally think shutting up and not defending your opinion as much as you can is the coward's way out. Not tough at all to lay down and let people step all over you because for some reason their opinion is "tough" and "right" for....  reasons! I though all opinions were supposed to be respected? It's other one or the other. We all sing and hold hands and praise Mother Earth :), or are all opinions are free-for-all. There's no sense behind certain topics being senseless while others are not.
Also, anyone who thinks this board has become cuddly really needs to wake up. It's not, lol. Why do you think I love it so much? It's the only place you can state your opinion without people getting TOO butthurt, and generally this place deals with actual informative, not baseless childish gossip.
I'm leaving it at this, though! Feel free to party on.  :party:
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Re: Morning Musume '16 Shinseiki Auditions

Post by JPope »

Only someone who has joined this bbs in the past four years could think that we are not more cuddly than ever. You honestly have no frame of reference.
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Re: Morning Musume '16 Shinseiki Auditions

Post by Derby »

I was about to suggest you guys to relax about it because both parties have contrary opinions and none of them see a glimpse of the other person's perspective but since you all look like you miss drama in this board I think you should have it for christmas.
I think the beginning of the three year period of more-or-less drama-free MM-BBS began right around the time Farrah and I starting agreeing on literally everything, lol.
By the end of this month TicTac and I will make 3 years in the forum so obviously we brought the☆peace to this place
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Re: Morning Musume '16 Shinseiki Auditions

Post by Ap2000 »

<blockquote class="ipsBlockquote" data-author="JPope" data-cid="203421" data-time="1482089603">Only someone who has joined this bbs in the past four years could think that we are not more cuddly than ever. You honestly have no frame of reference.</blockquote>
Yeah, people used to crap on eachother on a rather frequent basis. I think the BBS is a pretty normal forum now, just without the weeaboos.
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Re: Morning Musume '16 Shinseiki Auditions

Post by Mukuro »

Arco, you honestly need to realize that a majority of the people who were harsh back then are gone now. That was back when there was noob of the months threads where they welcomely bashed newcomers. This current BBS is so much better and a lot easier to post on without fear of getting yelled at.
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Re: Morning Musume '16 Shinseiki Auditions

Post by JPope »

We used to vote on who to ban for a week. For no reason, lol! Seriously, this place was fucking Thunderdome back in the day.
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Re: Morning Musume '16 Shinseiki Auditions

Post by Madara »

Yeah, it was pretty rough back then. You had to have thick skin, a sense of humor, and remember not to take any of it personally. And, in my case, I had to adapt. The upside was that you had intelligent ongoing conversations about H!P and J-pop, acquired a lot of new knowledge and insight and when you met other members in person, you were friends for life!
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Re: Morning Musume '16 Shinseiki Auditions

Post by momoirosaya »

We've lost our edge guys! Grab your shivs! If you don't have the same opinions as me you're going down!!! Then we can go hang out at the local dive bar and shit on Tsunku.
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Re: Morning Musume '16 Shinseiki Auditions

Post by arcobaleno »

I'm going to just cut my losses. I apologize.
I was in the wrong and I would like to move past this, learn from it, and move on with at least a hangnail of my dignity still intact.
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Re: Morning Musume '16 Shinseiki Auditions

Post by honey »

i was really proud of my avatar
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Re: Morning Musume '16 Shinseiki Auditions

Post by yuzuriha »

We used to vote on who to ban for a week. For no reason, lol! Seriously, this place was fucking Thunderdome back in the day.
This must have been either during one of my hiatuses from the BBS or I just legit blocked it out of my memory.
But hey guess what I like kaede and I also like ruru and like I don't really know yokoyama yet but I look forward to getting to know her so yay
Kaori • Risako 
 Sakura • Kananan •  Sayuki 
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Re: Morning Musume '16 Shinseiki Auditions

Post by momoirosaya »

I remember voting on the worst new person. They won the noob award and the hatred of everyone.
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Re: Morning Musume '16 Shinseiki Auditions

Post by JPope »

<blockquote class="ipsBlockquote" data-author="JPope" data-cid="203425" data-time="1482091481">
We used to vote on who to ban for a week. For no reason, lol! Seriously, this place was fucking Thunderdome back in the day.
This must have been either during one of my hiatuses from the BBS or I just legit blocked it out of my memory.
But hey guess what I like kaede and I also like ruru and like I don't really know yokoyama yet but I look forward to getting to know her so yay
It was a short-lived thing, but it happened, lol. 
My expectations for the new girls is low, so they won't have to be that good to meet or exceed them. I don't follow KSS, so I have have no first-hand knowledge of either of them. 
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