Anime Expo 2010 travel arrangements

In which we chat about Hello! Project. And TNX. And Nice Girl Project. Yup.

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Anime Expo 2010 travel arrangements

Post by AEUGNewtype »

Ok, the time is getting pretty close to start finalizing this stuff, and I just went to try and do my registration and everything. It ends up if I have no one to room with, I'll be paying nearly $800 before I even GET to LA, so I'm trying to see if there's anyone who still hasn't finalized hotel arrangements and stuff, cause it just seems like a huge waste of money to pay almost $600 for a hotel, and if no one can share it, I may just forget the whole trip. While it would be great to see AKB and a few of the other acts there, its just getting way too costly at this point if things can't be whittled down. Has anyone else finalized their arrangements or need a place to stay? The hotels I found nearby are, at lowest, about $110 a night, which isn't terribly bad if there was anyone to share it with, but that's the kind of pricing we're looking at. I'm still not 100% sure that Ukyo will be going, he has complications with work and money, and won't know until very close to the time of the con.

What I'm looking at right now:

$300 plane ticket

$90 con registration

$110 a night for hotel.

This is already probably about twice as much as how much the ENTIRE con cost me last year, including all of my frivilous spending on merchandise and food, so I need to find out if there's a way to ease the cost out.

If anyone has their arrangements figured out, post here to give an idea of what you're in for.
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