Question about sexual harassment in the Japanese music industry

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Question about sexual harassment in the Japanese music industry

Post by Madara »

Given all the sexual harassment scandals in Hollywood, the media, the music industry, etc., I was wondering what the extent of sexual harassment was in the Japanese pop music industry. To be honest, I've never heard any stories, other than the standard way the girls are often restricted in their behavior, which is not what I'm referring to. I'd be very surprised if I heard anything like this coming from Up-Front, but what about the AKB empire or AVEX or other corners of the industry? Do these things simply not happen because of the way these organizations are structured and the way the girls are protected or do we simply not hear about them because they're covered up so well? I was just wondering if anyone had ever heard any stories like this or, if not, had any insights into why things are different there.
I'd love to be able to say, "It doesn't happen here," meaning in J-pop, but I don't want to sound foolish or naive if it's not true.
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Re: Question about sexual harassment in the Japanese music industry

Post by Anderei »

If it is happening, I'd imagine the way Japanese society works would lead to it basically never coming out.  It's especially hard to be that first person who says that it's happening. I think the sheer number of cases we're getting in the US now is because people are gaining courage after seeing others come out with their stories and receiving support.
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Re: Question about sexual harassment in the Japanese music industry

Post by mrsross »

I know it's happening for sure. I think the only reason not much of it has come out is the same reason why we are just hearing sexual harassment stories now. People weren't/aren't comfortable to reveal these stories in fear of being blacklisted or something worse just like how it is in the western entertainment industry.
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Re: Question about sexual harassment in the Japanese music industry

Post by DonJuan »

Yeah, I was about to mention Johnny's. And personally I'd say some "jokes" by mostly older male entertainment business stars are at least some verbal harassment, but eh.
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Re: Question about sexual harassment in the Japanese music industry

Post by momoirosaya »

Yeah somtimes Ive noticed a male comedian will say something to idols or an actress and the girls just have to laugh and play it off.
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Re: Question about sexual harassment in the Japanese music industry

Post by Ap2000 »

Male comedians also get shat on all the time and that's exactly what I love about Japanese variety shows and what makes things like Gaki no tsukai and Mechaike so wonderful.
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Re: Question about sexual harassment in the Japanese music industry

Post by Mukuro »

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Re: Question about sexual harassment in the Japanese music industry

Post by Ap2000 »

Hopefully she's not going to be the only one coming forth.
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Re: Question about sexual harassment in the Japanese music industry

Post by DonJuan »

Yes, it's very important that people start it. I think it's also problematic that problems are usually just ignored in Japan to not disturb anyone. Just needs someone to actually speak up.
Then again, that Johnny's guy also never faced consequences.
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