Ogata Risa goes on hiatus after private Instagram account was leaked

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Ogata Risa goes on hiatus after private Instagram account was leaked

Post by DonJuan »

Ogata Risa confirms that it was indeed her private account and that everything written on it was done by herself.
Official statements, translated by Lurkette on H!O:
Notice regarding the suspension of activities for Tsubaki Factory's Ogata Risa
As always, thank you for supporting Tsubaki Factory.
Regarding member Ogata Risa, for the time being, she will be taking a break from her activities.
Earlier, a situation that went against Hello!Project rules came to light, and Ogata herself acknowledged that it was true.
She proposed that she should refrain from participating in her activities, 
and so, taking into account the feelings of the other members, we decided that it would be best for Ogata to set aside some time for now
to suspend her activities. 
By all rights, it seems she was using SNS as a sort of diary that not just anyone could see,
but there were things written that were driven by her emotions at the time that included some subjective assumptions.
Still, complaining is something that everyone does.
Ogata herself is doing some serious reflection on this incident.
We want her to use this as a lesson, to take this time of suspension as a way to reflect on herself,
and we as a company will support her by keeping close to how she feels.
Additionally, after verifying what has happened here, we are of the opinion that we will make the best of this from here on.
I believe that all of the fans as well as others it may concern will be shocked by this sudden announcement.
I apologize for causing any worry or inconvenience.
I would appreciate your understanding and acceptance.
I humbly ask for your support for Ogata Risa as well as the other members going forward.
Representative Director Nishiguchi Takeshi
To Everyone, from Ogata Risa
As always, thank you for your warm support.
Now, because of my own immature actions,
I have caused you all to worry and be troubled, and for that I apologize.
There is no mistake that the subject of the controversy is all what I wrote.
However, regarding the content, what was written were my selfish, subjective impressions,
and there were many things that were factually incorrect. 
The responsibility for causing confusion is all mine,
so for the time being, I will be refraining from activities, and in this time I will be reflecting on myself,
and I will humbly do my best to grow as a person.
Please continue to support Tsubaki Factory.
What happened?
In mid-September an account on twitter (which was quickly deleted again) posted screenshots of an allegedly private instagram account of Ogata Risa. It showed her partying - which clashed with her idol persona she had shown so far - during Corona times, talking about boygroups, and saying she wants to quit Tsubaki Factory because she felt like management shoved her in the back. Some shots can be found online on matome sites.
The account apparently had selfies and other pictures of Risa that had not been published yet, giving it a feel of authencity. However, neither Up Front nor Risa herself reacted on the leak.
On September 30 new leaks were posted in which Risa badmouthed other members of the group, lamenting over Ono Mizuho's recent push, Onoda Saori allegedly having a new boyfriend and, maybe the worst of them, accusing Asakura Kiki of faking her hernia, which lead to her hiatus of nearly half a year in 2019, only to have a management member fired.
Tsubaki Factory had a release event on niconico scheduled that day, and Risa cried at the end of the performance. Some people linked her being emotional to the leaks.
/EDIT: This Japanese blog seems to have collected all screenshots in question: https://javelinmitsu.com/kokaratarisa/
- - -
Not gonna lie, at this point I definitely thought it was fake. Can't blame the girl for venting, but damn, at least make it so that nobody can link it to you, like no selfies on the same account, not naming names, etc.
Like with Oota Haruka I can't see her coming back. She lost her coworker's trust.
Last edited by DonJuan on Thu Oct 08, 2020 9:33 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Ogata Risa goes on hiatus after private Instagram account was leaked

Post by Anderei »

I think even if she comes back... then what? She can’t be a front girl again and now the whole group knows she’s aired their dirty laundry, and in situations like this it seems like it’s rarely ever just one member.

I think she could have come back from the party girl stuff, but not the rest of it.
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Re: Ogata Risa goes on hiatus after private Instagram account was leaked

Post by DonJuan »

Yeah, everything was fine until she talked about the others. Private account, partying, boys talk, even saying she wanted to quit... easy. She's a young woman who probably feels restricted in idol live (her own choice but eh). That's nothing too bad though.
Accusing some girls of things that really tarnish their reputation - the whole Kiki stuff, also confirming Saori's boyfriend rumour - is shitty. That puts the other members in a bad light which could actually damage the group's reputation.
I've already seen people say Tsubaki sold less because of that (there's covid of course, but some people really were pissed to see that Tsubaki is "on ANGERME's level now").
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Re: Ogata Risa goes on hiatus after private Instagram account was leaked

Post by Anderei »

That’s just Tsubaki fans deflecting because their sales are how they make themselves feel better about the fact that no one thinks they’re talented. I don’t put much stock in it.

Up Front are however offering refunds for events Ogata was supposed to take part in.
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Re: Ogata Risa goes on hiatus after private Instagram account was leaked

Post by WonderBuono »

<blockquote class="ipsBlockquote" data-author="Anderei" data-cid="221024" data-time="1602168773">
The lag in response was making me think it was fake but damn.</blockquote>

My guess is they were waiting until after release week for their single so as not to hurt sales.
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Re: Ogata Risa goes on hiatus after private Instagram account was leaked

Post by Elpis »

I’m disappointed that this is all true. I’m surprised they put her on hiatus instead of just straight up firing her. But maybe they’re waiting for a contract to end or something. I don’t really see her coming back from this. I hope it doesn’t hurt the group in the long run.
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Re: Ogata Risa goes on hiatus after private Instagram account was leaked

Post by TicTacAnyone »

I get that we're in a whole new era of idols in terms of social media. You've got so many platforms to have a private account on and plenty of complaints about your job. But come on. How can you expect to talk shit about your coworkers and have it end well, in any job? And why? It seems like the stuff she's complaining about in terms of the group are relatively nitpicky. Members get pushed to the front and back often, obv girls have boyfriends and that can affect their job performance but it's nothing horrible, and to just straight up accuse someone of faking? Even if she did, what do you care? You still got pushed during that time. If you're that upset, just graduate from the group and move on.
This is pretty bad, I don't know why they'd let her back in. Tsubaki might have some bumpy roads ahead. True Tsubaki wota are gonna be upset.

ETA: going through and reading some of these leaks and what she said... wooooow.... I think I saw her mention Ami in there, too? This is just....

ETA2: I put the info in the shout box, but I never learned how to properly use the box so I couldn't link the thread, sorry DonJuan lol
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Re: Ogata Risa goes on hiatus after private Instagram account was leaked

Post by Anderei »

<blockquote class="ipsBlockquote" data-author="TicTacAnyone" data-cid="221032" data-time="1602184857">

I get that we're in a whole new era of idols in terms of social media. You've got so many platforms to have a private account on and plenty of complaints about your job. But come on. How can you expect to talk shit about your coworkers and have it end well, in any job? And why? It seems like the stuff she's complaining about in terms of the group are relatively nitpicky. Members get pushed to the front and back often, obv girls have boyfriends and that can affect their job performance but it's nothing horrible, and to just straight up accuse someone of faking? Even if she did, what do you care? You still got pushed during that time. If you're that upset, just graduate from the group and move on.

This is pretty bad, I don't know why they'd let her back in. Tsubaki might have some bumpy roads ahead. True Tsubaki wota are gonna be upset.

ETA: going through and reading some of these leaks and what she said... wooooow.... I think I saw her mention Ami in there, too? This is just....

ETA2: I put the info in the shout box, but I never learned how to properly use the box so I couldn't link the thread, sorry DonJuan lol</blockquote>What she said about each member according to the leaks:

Kiki: lied about the hernia, self centered, doesn’t deserve to be ace but always expects to center, fans suck

Ami: doesn’t try

Mizuho: didn’t deserve her push

Kishimoto: pain in the ass

Saori: confirmed boyfriend rumor

As a whole: doesn’t really think of them as her teammates

It looks like she mostly leaves the less popular members out of it so she’s definitely giving off a green eyed monster vibe.

I’m seeing people say that the members already didn’t have that great a chemistry together and now people are worried it’s just gonna get worse.
Last edited by Anderei on Thu Oct 08, 2020 12:54 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Ogata Risa goes on hiatus after private Instagram account was leaked

Post by DonJuan »

[quote="Anderei"]It looks like she mostly leaves the less popular members out of it so she’s definitely giving off a green eyed monster vibe.[/quote]
Yeah, and that definitely leaves a bad taste. Adds to the whole "management doesn't care about me anymore" despite still being an ace. I wonder what Kisora, Ami or Riko think when they read stuff like that lol
ETA2: I put the info in the shout box, but I never learned how to properly use the box so I couldn't link the thread, sorry DonJuan lol
No problem :lol: I guess people will look after all when there's some activity after all that time.
Last edited by DonJuan on Thu Oct 08, 2020 1:10 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Ogata Risa goes on hiatus after private Instagram account was leaked

Post by TicTacAnyone »

I agree, it does seem there's some definite envy or insecurity in her position/self that seems to come through all of these complaints.

She's just going to have to learn the valuable lesson that just because you think you work the hardest, or you're the most talented, or you're the most serious about your work.... doesn't mean everything is just going to come to you. Lazier people get the promotion instead of you, prettier women sell more merchandise, and idiots become CEOs. Half the time, your talent and work ethic can only take you so far when so much of careers is based on subjectivity such as do your customers and boss like you more than they like someone else? You can't let that negativity for things out of your control taint you.
Kind of getting deep and little reachy there, but I think her complaints could be viewed as valid things she really feels... But that still doesn't change how reality works in these situations. Kiki may have faked and went on hiatus, but she was still put as center right when came back. Ami might not try hard or be super talented, but management hasn't kicked her out. Mizuho's fanbase grew and she got pushed to the front. These are things out of Ogata's control, so she should either learn to overcome these annoyances or move on to another career. Or work on trying to change the management style of a major company.... but good luck with that one.
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Re: Ogata Risa goes on hiatus after private Instagram account was leaked

Post by WonderBuono »

It’s always so interesting to me when this stuff comes out because idol groups give the illusion on stage that they are best friends and then I’m reminded... that’s not usually how it works in reality. ????

Can someone explain to me the bit about Kiki getting a member of management fired? I don’t understand the connection.
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Re: Ogata Risa goes on hiatus after private Instagram account was leaked

Post by TicTacAnyone »

It’s always so interesting to me when this stuff comes out because idol groups give the illusion on stage that they are best friends and then I’m reminded... that’s not usually how it works in reality.

Can someone explain to me the bit about Kiki getting a member of management fired? I don’t understand the connection.
Apparently Risa thinks Kiki faked her hernia to get away from a manager she didn't like? Which then would explain why that manager got fired (Kiki avoiding him).... At least that's what I've seen floating around.
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Re: Ogata Risa goes on hiatus after private Instagram account was leaked

Post by JPope »

<blockquote class="ipsBlockquote" data-author="Anderei" data-cid="221024" data-time="1602168773">
The lag in response was making me think it was fake but damn.

My guess is they were waiting until after release week for their single so as not to hurt sales.
This makes sense. I thought it was bullshit after we hadn't heard anything for over a week, but yeah, new single.
Like everyone else, I don't see how she comes back from this. Literally everything can be reasonably explained as just "blowing off steam" -- except outing Saori. That's an unforgivable breach of trust for an idol, and regardless of how well the rest of the girls get along professionally, what happens in Vegas needs to fucking stay in Vegas. I suspect she's done, and Up Front being the compassionate company that they are, is offering Risa a softer exit than she probably deserves.
This sucks for a couple of reasons for me: First, I'd grown to like Risa; and second, I always hate seeing behind the curtain like this. I even hate hearing about rock bands that don't get along, but it's even worse with an idol group, because "happiness" is such an integral element of idol groups. We all know that there are personality conflicts and arguments behind the scenes, but when they're made public, it's such a drag.
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Re: Ogata Risa goes on hiatus after private Instagram account was leaked

Post by Ap2000 »

ETA2: I put the info in the shout box, but I never learned how to properly use the box so I couldn't link the thread, sorry DonJuan lol
Thanks, I came here because of it. lol
Girl's an idiot and deserves to be fired!
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Re: Ogata Risa goes on hiatus after private Instagram account was leaked

Post by MejraThea »

<blockquote class="ipsBlockquote" data-author="TicTacAnyone" data-cid="221032" data-time="1602184857">
ETA2: I put the info in the shout box, but I never learned how to properly use the box so I couldn't link the thread, sorry DonJuan lol</blockquote>It uses BBcode, dearest TicTac. ???? [ url=link]text[/url] Remove space before first url to activate!

Also, this sucks for so many people. I feel really bad for Tsubaki, Risa was stupid as fuck to air this anywhere anyone could even remotely see it. I see wota turning on her, she has officially ruined her career.
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Re: Ogata Risa goes on hiatus after private Instagram account was leaked

Post by momoirosaya »

Yeah I feel like she’s not a great person and I know she’s young, but she’s still old enough to know better. She always did seem off in group videos. I guess the reason was that she just hates everyone.
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Re: Ogata Risa goes on hiatus after private Instagram account was leaked

Post by DonJuan »

[quote="Thea"][...] Risa was stupid as fuck to air this anywhere anyone could even remotely see it.[/quote]

Yeah and honestly that's where I don't understand some people defending her. I've seen people say it's not a big deal because everyone needs to rant. However Risa did so on an instagram with 30 followers, revealing her face, names and everything. That's just dumb. It's different from venting in a diary that you keep underneath your pillow or on a LiveJournal account that cannot be linked to you and the only people following you have no idea about your private or work life.

Hell, even an insta account that didn't show her face or real names would've been fine. Rant about "wow my coworker faked an illness to get a higher-up fired" without faces and names and nobody would have thought it was Risa.
Seriously, Risa is 21, not a child.
Short rant ahead:
Lately I'm seeing a lot of people talking about how the members in the groups are actual babies and can't know how to follow rules. Risa is one example, another one is Oota Haruka - and I might even let this slip because Oota is 16. I still think 16 is old enough to have a work contract and follow the rules in said work contract (and in my 29 years of life every contract I signed said I wasn't allowed to talk about inside information to anyone outside the company) but she also seems to be... not the sharpest crayon in the box, to put it mildly.
Maybe it's my age talking but I remember when social media became more widely used people got fired left and right because they talked shit about their company on their accounts. This is... really a thing you shouldn't do.
Sucks, I like Risa, and I can't blame her for ranting. I can blame her for doing it in the most stupid way, though.
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Re: Ogata Risa goes on hiatus after private Instagram account was leaked

Post by WonderBuono »

Seriously I’ve been told by so many people to be careful what you put online because potential employers could see it. Anyone her age should know that what you post on social media travels fast. It’s so naive for her to think she could just have a “private” account and nothing would get leaked.
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Re: Ogata Risa goes on hiatus after private Instagram account was leaked

Post by JPope »

There will always be people who think they're clever enough to ride the tiger without falling off and getting eaten. 
I wonder how this will affect the rest of the group? It could bring them closer together, or it could demoralize them. Also, I wonder how much time is left on Risa's contract?
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Re: Ogata Risa goes on hiatus after private Instagram account was leaked

Post by DonJuan »

Good question. Wasn't there a rumour they usually give the girls 4-year-contracts?
Riho graduated after 8 years in H!P (3 years after her MM graduation).
Aika graduated after 12 years... but also 6 years after she had left MM, which kind of throws the 4-year-contract thing out of the window.
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Re: Ogata Risa goes on hiatus after private Instagram account was leaked

Post by arcobaleno »

What if instead the contracts aren't so much tied to the group they are in but rather to H!P itself? Considering how the other girls got swapped around (e.g. Country Girls basically disbanding, Rei going to J=J), maybe, if they do have 4-year contracts, it's more a contract with the agency/"umbrella" itself rather than one particular group?
Definitely correct me if I'm wrong, just throwing out a half-baked theory, lol...
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Re: Ogata Risa goes on hiatus after private Instagram account was leaked

Post by momoirosaya »

^Yeah their contract Is with up-front, not the group specifically. That’s any agency. Although the contract will still outline what work they will do.

The contract length might also be shorted after their first ones.

I’m sure health reasons are also a valid reason to terminate the contract early (ie Aika).
Last edited by momoirosaya on Mon Oct 12, 2020 5:40 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Ogata Risa goes on hiatus after private Instagram account was leaked

Post by Zoe »

Surely there would be morality clauses in the contracts though.
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Re: Ogata Risa goes on hiatus after private Instagram account was leaked

Post by DonJuan »

^Yeah their contract Is with up-front, not the group specifically. That’s any agency. Although the contract will still outline what work they will do.

Oh, that makes sense. Total brainfart on my side here.
So we're looking at Up-Front Promotion here, since that's where the active H!P idols seem to be under. Some OGs like Harunan moved to J.P Room or Up-Front Create, but that's a different topic...

If Kenshuusei time counts Oota would have had her 4th anniversary under Up Front this July. If not she's in her 2nd year. But I doubt they'll keep her hanging for two more years. To be fair I thought she'd be back by now since they're basically done with promoting the single. But they also didn't announce a birthday event despite her birthday being on the 21st of October...
(For Risa it's her 6th year under Up-Front Promotion, and her 5th as a debuted member.)
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Re: Ogata Risa goes on hiatus after private Instagram account was leaked

Post by Anderei »

<blockquote class="ipsBlockquote" data-author="Zoe" data-cid="221056" data-time="1602506400">
Surely there would be morality clauses in the contracts though.</blockquote>

I would be very surprised if there wasn’t.
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Re: Ogata Risa goes on hiatus after private Instagram account was leaked

Post by TicTacAnyone »

Hilarious that now Youtube is recommending me Kiki vs Risa videos  :excited:
Such as this one
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Re: Ogata Risa goes on hiatus after private Instagram account was leaked

Post by Anderei »

<blockquote class="ipsBlockquote" data-author="TicTacAnyone" data-cid="221063" data-time="1602537624">
Hilarious that now Youtube is recommending me Kiki vs Risa videos :excited:

<a data-ipb='nomediaparse' href='https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O13WJvAo45k' class="bbc_url" title="External link">Such as this one</a></blockquote>

They’ve got a gravure shoot they did together coming out this month too!
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Re: Ogata Risa goes on hiatus after private Instagram account was leaked

Post by JPope »

<blockquote class="ipsBlockquote" data-author="Saya" data-cid="221055" data-time="1602506328">
^Yeah their contract Is with up-front, not the group specifically. That’s any agency. Although the contract will still outline what work they will do.
Oh, that makes sense. Total brainfart on my side here.
So we're looking at Up-Front Promotion here, since that's where the active H!P idols seem to be under. Some OGs like Harunan moved to J.P Room or Up-Front Create, but that's a different topic...
If Kenshuusei time counts Oota would have had her 4th anniversary under Up Front this July. If not she's in her 2nd year. But I doubt they'll keep her hanging for two more years. To be fair I thought she'd be back by now since they're basically done with promoting the single. But they also didn't announce a birthday event despite her birthday being on the 21st of October...
(For Risa it's her 6th year under Up-Front Promotion, and her 5th as a debuted member.)
I'd bet a dollar that whatever deal they have under KSS is voided upon debut, and that a new contract is signed.
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Re: Ogata Risa goes on hiatus after private Instagram account was leaked

Post by Shoujo Q »

Ogata Risa has been removed from Tsubaki Factory and Hello!Project. She’ll remain in UpFront for now. (Probably to finish out her contract?) http://www.helloproject.com/news/12711/
This is a place where a signature goes. Enjoy some Airi instead.
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Re: Ogata Risa goes on hiatus after private Instagram account was leaked

Post by DonJuan »

Probably. If anything she's in the same situation as Oota, just older. Which means she's less likely to do anything in the agency.
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