Morning Musume; Ranking!Project'22

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Shoujo Q
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Morning Musume; Ranking!Project'22

Post by Shoujo Q »

[Rank all of Morning Musume, Past and Present]

Rank you favorite Morning Musume members, Past and Present.
Where do the new place compared to the old? It's time for you to decide!

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Re: Morning Musume; Ranking!Project'22

Post by DonJuan »

01. Hitomi Yoshizawa
02. Risa Niigaki
03. Kaori Iida
04. Kanon Suzuki
05. Haruna Iikubo
06. Akane Haga
07. Miki Fujimoto
08. Reina Yokoyama
09. Nozomi Tsuji
10. Riho Sayashi
11. Sayumi Michishige
12. Kei Yasuda
12. Rika Ishikawa
14. Haruka Kudo
15. Eri Kamei
16. Ayumi Ishida
17. Aika Mitsui
18. Reina Tanaka
18. Maria Makino
20. Homare Okamura
21. Ai Kago
22. Maki Goto
23. Natsumi Abe
24. Kaede Kaga
25. Mei Yamazaki
26. Rio Kitagawa
27. Yuko Nakazawa
28. Ai Takahashi
29. Asami Konno
30. Mari Yaguchi
31. Erina Ikuta
32. Aya Ishiguro
33. Linlin
34. Sakura Oda
35. Asuka Fukuda
36. Miki Nonaka
37. Junjun
38. Mizuki Fukumura
39. Masaki Sato
40. Makoto Ogawa
41. Haruna Ogata
41. Sayaka Ichii
43. Chisaki Morito
43. Koharu Kusumi

This was incredibly hard.
Most of the time I have a certain ranking in my head, and my top 8 seem to be accurate (I just couldn't kick out Yossy after all the years). But in general there's different emotions among them, as in - do I really like Homatan more than Yaguchi? Or is it because I haven't cared for Yaguchi in years? But who brought me more joy in the group?
After a short check it seems to be mostly correct though. Of course... Asuka could be higher, Takahashi seems to be a bit too high, how the heck did Mei and Rio end up above Yuko? lol Masaki and Mizuki seem unfair, but at the same time I didn't really enjoy them that much in MM (though if I did this manually I'd definitely put Masaki higher). Takahashi (gotta pick her up again) probably ended up that high because of her current releases with Reina and Miyabi, by the time she graduated I was so glad she was gone, but well, times change.

I might do another sorter later, but this is it for now.
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Re: Morning Musume; Ranking!Project'22

Post by Vikitty »

Mine has changed a bit in the last few years, mainly due to Yossi's DUI controversy nuking a lot of my love for her (but not all of it) and also I stopped following MM during Takahashi's reign as leader until 9th gen joined, so I kind of blew through those choices for the girls whose voices I'm not as familiar with.

A lot of my choices were nostalgia triggered too, seeing a MM22 member against someone like Rika who I didn't love at the time just had me feeling like "I MISS YOU IN MM SO MUCH!!!"

1. Suzuki Kanon
2. Nonaka Miki
3. Sato Masaki
4. Yoshizawa Hitomi
5. Kago Ai
6. Michishige Sayumi
7. Yasuda Kei
8. Iikubo Haruna
9. Yokoyama Reina
10. Ogawa Makoto
11. Niigaki Risa
12. Fujimoto Miki
13. Yamazaki Mei
14. Kudo Haruka
15. Kitagawa Rio
16. Nakazawa Yuko
17. Fukumura Mizuki
18. Junjun
19. Iida Kaori
20. Goto Maki
21. Ishida Ayumi
22. Ishikawa Rika
23. Mitsui Aika
24. Konno Asami
25. Linlin
26. Abe Natsumi
27. Ikuta Erina
28. Ogata Haruna
29. Makino Maria
30. Ichii Sayaka
30. Yaguchi Mari
30. Ishiguro Aya
33. Fukuda Asuka
34. Kusumi Koharu
34. Kaga Kaede
36. Okamura Homare
36. Morito Chisaki
38. Oda Sakura
39. Haga Akane
40. Kamei Eri
41. Tsuji Nozomi
42. Tanaka Reina
43. Sayashi Riho
43. Takahashi Ai
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Re: Morning Musume; Ranking!Project'22

Post by arcobaleno »

Here’s mine! I wanted the pretty ranker :lol:


The only big comment I have is that Koharu is probably the only person in the D box that I dislike, the others I’m pretty much neutral or just don’t know/care a lot about.
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Re: Morning Musume; Ranking!Project'22

Post by JPope »

1. Fujimoto Miki
2. Nakazawa Yuko
3. Kago Ai
4. Sato Masaki
5. Yasuda Kei
6. Iida Kaori
7. Ishikawa Rika
8. Takahashi Ai
9. Michishige Sayumi
10. Goto Maki
11. Tsuji Nozomi
12. Niigaki Risa
13. Oda Sakura
14. Kudo Haruka
15. Yamazaki Mei
16. Tanaka Reina
17. Yoshizawa Hitomi
18. Ogawa Makoto
19. Kamei Eri
20. Sayashi Riho
21. Abe Natsumi
22. Ishiguro Aya
23. Kaga Kaede
24. Makino Maria
25. Suzuki Kanon
26. Yokoyama Reina
27. Fukuda Asuka
28. Yaguchi Mari
29. Nonaka Miki
30. Ichii Sayaka
31. Kitagawa Rio
32. Haga Akane
33. Iikubo Haruna
34. Okamura Homare
35. Fukumura Mizuki
36. Ikuta Erina
37. Ishida Ayumi
38. Konno Asami
39. Linlin
40. Morito Chisaki
41. Mitsui Aika
42. Junjun
43. Ogata Haruna
44. Kusumi Koharu

This was less difficult than I thought it'd be. The top 5 and bottom 5 were foregone conclusions, and I'm not surprised by much in between. Kamei ended up higher than I would've expected and Maria landing in the top 25 is classic recency bias, but when I look at each member by their general position on the list rather than relative to other members, everything looks right. I judged using DJ's metric of "who brought me more joy in the group?"
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Re: Morning Musume; Ranking!Project'22

Post by MejraThea »

01. Riho Sayashi
02. Ai Takahashi
02. Haruka Kudo
04. Mari Yaguchi
05. Linlin
06. Miki Fujimoto
06. Hitomi Yoshizawa
06. Reina Tanaka
09. Natsumi Abe
10. Yuko Nakazawa
10. Eri Kamei
12. Mizuki Fukumura
13. Sakura Oda
14. Risa Niigaki
15. Makoto Ogawa
15. Kaori Iida
17. Kaede Kaga
17. Ayumi Ishida
17. Kei Yasuda
17. Haruna Iikubo
21. Sayumi Michishige
22. Kanon Suzuki
22. Miki Nonaka
22. Haruna Ogata
22. Akane Haga
22. Asami Konno
22. Aika Mitsui
29. Junjun
30. Aya Ishiguro
30. Asuka Fukuda
30. Rika Ishikawa
30. Nozomi Tsuji
30. Ai Kago
30. Sayaka Ichii
31. Masaki Sato
31. Maki Goto
31. Koharu Kusumi
31. Erina Ikuta
31. Maria Makino

I omitted the new girls except Kaga. 1-13 matter. 14-30 don't, but still fond of some. 31s belong where they are.
Last edited by MejraThea on Thu Jun 02, 2022 4:40 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Morning Musume; Ranking!Project'22

Post by Shoujo Q »


I tried to kind of envision my last 20 or so years when making this list. I would have totally not even added Hitomi if it wasn't for the fact I enjoyed her personality in Morning and she brought a lot of humor to the group which I appreciated.

Best Girls - Kago and Oda are my top two, but Miki, Eri and Kanon get top billing too because they were just as important to me.
Post Kago, Miki, Eri and Kanon where who held me onto Morning.

All Around Favorites - Girls whom I grew to like, but haven't given me that OSHI spark that usually happens.

Loved Talent They Brought - They brought a special something to Morning which I appreciated but again, no oshi sparks flying.

Mood Makers - They make me happy with their personality, but singing, they don't catch me as much. Some girls more than others. (Still holding on Mei to move up in my ranks, which, if she sticks around, probably will end up in All Around Favorites.

Like but not Like Like - They were girls I liked, or like, but for whatever reason never really moved from the middle of the pack. Homare still has a shock of moving up. :ph34r:

Don't Care for them Much - Mostly full of girls I just never really got to know, so they are in limbo. And then there's Tsuji and Maria. Meh. They are nice enough but just not for me.

Like, but not dislike - I just don't like them in Morning , but I have no hard feelings for them. They have great personality.

Bottom-I wont hate, but I wont like either.
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Re: Morning Musume; Ranking!Project'22

Post by freezingkiss »

My top ten:
1. Risa Niigaki
2. Maki Goto
3. Yuko Nakazawa
4. Makoto Ogawa
5. Ai Takahashi
6. Miki Fujimoto
7. Sayumi Michishige
8. Eri Kamei
9. Mizuki Fukumura
10. Kanon Suzuki

I'm ranking how I feel about them right now at this moment. Yossi tumbled down my list. I used to adore her back in the day but things change.

Full list: ... 0K5cZDZupA

(sorry I'm on a phone)
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Re: Morning Musume; Ranking!Project'22

Post by MejraThea »

I just noticed on the github sorter you can rank the Eras, haha:

1. Colorful Era (2011-2014)
2. Platinum Era (2007-2010)
3. Golden Era (1999-2004)
4. Fukumura Mizuki Era (2014-present)
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Re: Morning Musume; Ranking!Project'22

Post by Ap2000 »

Was really weirded out by the pic the had for LinLin tbh.
Risa's haircut looks terrible! I wonder if that's the reason she is so low...
Except for Ayumi, Mizuki and Erina, all the "orange background" ones were literal whos to me. :lol:
I would not rate Mari, Sakura and Sayaka so low, but I think it ranked it so low since I just did "tie" for all the orange middle ones.

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Re: Morning Musume; Ranking!Project'22

Post by Shoujo Q »

Your ranking is berry cute Ap. XD
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