[2016.11.23] Morning Musume '16 - Sexy Cat no Enzetsu / Mukidashi de Mukiatte / Sou Janai

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Re: [2016.11.23] Morning Musume '16 - Sexy Cat no Enzetsu / Mukidashi de Mukiatte / Sou Janai

Post by MejraThea »

<blockquote class="ipsBlockquote" data-author="arcobaleno" data-cid="200592" data-time="1474894435">
Anyway, has it lost a lot of its meaning from batshit fans who think their favorite is an ace in everything? Sure.

RIHO. ACE. (Insert angry neanderthal SpongeBob smashing things)

<blockquote class="ipsBlockquote" data-author="kitaoji" data-cid="200613" data-time="1474919849">
However, as with large institutions like H!P, project (aka, song production & promotion) goals are allowed to vary, and Marketing didn't want to push Riho's singing abilities for Oh My Wish. Yes, they gave the dominant lines to Haruka and Kanon, but it's not as if they shoved the front line members in the back: Mizuki, Ayumi, and Riho had very prominent dance showcases.

I do have to point out here: they did use her singing abilities on OMW.  ^_^ She was the only person that did harmonies. They're quite wonderful, I have them ripped. It's what made OMW worth listening to for me. Although, admittedly at the time I was thrilled to have a Kudou center. But other than that I never really enjoyed the song, only the harmonies.

<blockquote class="ipsBlockquote" data-author="kitaoji" data-cid="200613" data-time="1474919849">
Finally, since I've pissed off Thea & Arco (among others) with this Wall of Text, here's a link to a Trigger, brought to you by Morning Musume DVD Magazine 84  ^_^ :

Spoiler: [+]


Nah, man. This is fun! But awwww thank you for sharing  :cryalot: I love that clip, I've payed it so many times before.
Last edited by MejraThea on Mon Sep 26, 2016 1:31 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: [2016.11.23] Morning Musume '16 - Sexy Cat no Enzetsu / Mukidashi de Mukiatte / Sou Janai

Post by arcobaleno »

Thank you, kitaoji, for finally offering up a solid line of defense, a meaningful post other than "lmao!1!" or something. Seriously, it's annoying to try to debate or do anything with people who can't respond with something of content.
First off, I don't really doubt Maria is going to be the next pushed member. Going back and reading my post, I think the more I studied about how wota deem "ace" to be, etc, Maria does fit the definition some wota would use. Ace girls have joined when others were still getting the biggest pushed, but still received their own.
Personally, I'll wait until 13ki to call Maria the true ace. One of those girls may usurp her.
I don't disagree with any of the evidence you posted in favor of her being called an ace; I hate her, but I cannot deny, one bit, that she's pushed in many, many ways.
On the defined aces, I did include Miki, as well as Reina. Rika I left out since while she was ~face~-y, it was only really about the time of her graduation, which it even says right next to her name in the link. Ai-chan, I debated since I'm not sold on the "becoming" part, myself, but I digress.
As for the rest of the section you posted, it's mainly just a difference in opinion between us; there's still not set definition what ace is. That's why I brought up the wota, because if we're to look at the creators of the terms in an idol context, not any other context, they would usually have what the term is supposed to be used for, having created it.
However, in this case, though it was likely inspired by said term, because of how many different approaches there can be to defining an ace, by that very lack of definition, the wota themselves cannot define it.
It's not to end discussion, it's just to simply say that going 'round and 'round and 'round in a circle, debating what the True Meaning is is just pointless and will get us nowhere. But, it does pass the time by quickly.  :thumbsup:
Also, I can speak only for myself, but I don't really dislike 12ki. They are the most untalented generation to ever join, especially considering they've been there nearly 2 years now and not one of them can sing without looking like she's being tortured, but they are nice girls themselves. I've translated each of their blogs in my own time, and while Maria is fake to the point of disgusting me (personally), the other 3 are all sweet girls.
And I am very sorry, but I'm sports illiterate, so I don't think I fully understood the football comparison, but from what I gleaned, you're basically saying a girl can "become the ace", right? Once again, that's just mainly a difference in our opinion; you believe they can become one, I believe that the TRUEST1!!111 aces are there from the start, taking over and dethroning everyone.  :tongue:
I'm going to skip the part about talent, since I have no real meaningful opinion in that regard to share.
In terms of the origins of ace, thank you for sharing for the others where it came from; I wasn't clear on that, since I found it unimportant despite the cultural prominence of baseball. Its usage in baseball vs idoldom seems different to me, like I said a bit earlier, so while the inspiration most definitely came from baseball, I don't think all of the connotations carried over, personally.
But "personally" is the main thing here; we're both debating with what we FEEL is the right thing. We're not debating what is right via facts and ultimate proof (except in terms of who management pushes, like I said in my previous post), we're debating over our own way we see the term ace. And because it's something different that we both see our opinion being "right", I don't think we can really convince each other of our own positions enough that we can agree, just come to an understanding of where each party is coming from.
Like you said, you think the definition we use is silly, and that is fine. But that's just the difference in opinion, rather than me, or Thea, being factually and obvious horridly wrong on a level that can be refuted with concrete facts, so we're kind of going all over the place with no real conclusion.
Anyway, tackling point 2, which I pretty much already did, the intent was not to kill discussion, but rather, save everyone from the back-and-forth that's pretty much happening right now. I prefer to argue my side if I have solid, solid, solid, SOLID facts to back me up, otherwise a) I'll look like a complete fool, and b) it gets the discussion nowhere.
I consider the Japanese fandom to be the ones we should look to when discussion Japanese-originated terms in idoldom, since they are the ones who made them. If we're discussing the lexical differences, it's best to look at the source and see what was meant by it. And, of course, like I've said and am becoming a broken record about, the source itself cannot agree on it.
We can discuss 'till we're blue in the face, but the takeaway is that neither of us are wrong, but neither of us are right, because we have an opinion that isn't morally wrong or harmful in any sense, so there's really no middle ground we can do.
I agree about the ace usually getting the center position in some way or another. Riho is what I consider to be the ace of the group in her time, but if we're talking talent, she is widely, widely, widely agreed on as THE dancing ace of MM, so they showcased the ace front-and-center as well as her main claim to fame as a talent-ace, dancing. Two for one.
I would argue that it was still more of a Riho showcase; the other 3 were just the only other ones who could really dance without looking like a dying chicken, particularly Ayumi.
On your defense of Masaki, I do appreciate it. I can't say I personally care for her, but it's not a strong dislike.
Why I dismissed her is only because in my own personal definition of ace, she received absolutely nothing during her first two singles, something that destroys the chance of an ace for me. Maria, however, got pushes in her second single, continued in her third. Far more than Masaki received. Masaki only started getting a bit of something in OTT, and it wasn't until Wakuteka that it really emerged.
That was the reason I discredited her as ace; since I don't believe in becoming an ace, she simply cannot be one to me. Her talents and abilities are hers, and I don't discredit her for them at all.
And I just want to end this by saying that none of your reply actually made me mad! If anything, I was happy to finally be able to debate in very much a lots of words way with someone, without any real jerkiness on either side. Though, of course, I was being rather shady and harsh in my last post since I feel like some of you guys can be a bit too stubborn in trying to understand a person's position.  :cop:
I fully understand your opinion, kitaoji, and I respect it. I just want to call this as a truce, because, in flat-out honesty, none of what you wrote moved my own opinion an inch to think "wow, I was so wrong", rather, I just got a great understand of your own opinions, which is still valuable in and of itself.
But, seriously, thank you for writing such a well-written and detailed response. It was great.
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Re: [2016.11.23] Morning Musume '16 - Sexy Cat no Enzetsu / Mukidashi de Mukiatte / Sou Janai

Post by Kalle »

... so uh the song is okay I guess. Kinda samey, if we're being honest.
I'll probably never be able to get over the name 'Sexy Cat' though. That's a song that's either gonna knock it out of the park or be completely underwhelming.
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Re: [2016.11.23] Morning Musume '16 - Sexy Cat no Enzetsu / Mukidashi de Mukiatte / Sou Janai

Post by Vikitty »

tl;dr aces aren't necessarily the most talented. I like the comparison to AKB48, that makes more sense to me about the differences.
I do like the song, though.  :wota:
Last edited by Vikitty on Mon Sep 26, 2016 5:41 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: [2016.11.23] Morning Musume '16 - Sexy Cat no Enzetsu / Mukidashi de Mukiatte / Sou Janai

Post by Shoujo Q »

Raise your hands if the Sexy Cat costumes should have cat ears and if they don't, I suggest a nice cocktail of kerosene thrown at the UF building. Who's with me? 
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Re: [2016.11.23] Morning Musume '16 - Sexy Cat no Enzetsu / Mukidashi de Mukiatte / Sou Janai

Post by Elpis »

If they're calling it Sexy Cat, I figured it was going to come with cat ears.
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Re: [2016.11.23] Morning Musume '16 - Sexy Cat no Enzetsu / Mukidashi de Mukiatte / Sou Janai

Post by Shoujo Q »

This is Morning Musume. When was the last time you expected one thing and got something else? The costume department isn't exactly the most reliable of UF's departments. I'm expecting something horrible and... fluffy. Probably with that shiny fabric I hate so much.
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Re: [2016.11.23] Morning Musume '16 - Sexy Cat no Enzetsu / Mukidashi de Mukiatte / Sou Janai

Post by aine »

<blockquote class="ipsBlockquote" data-author="Shoujo Q" data-cid="200625" data-time="1474936901">http://i.imgur.com/Xc8m6xZ.jpg</blockquote>
W-what are those made of, bubble wrap and duct tape? :popper:

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Re: [2016.11.23] Morning Musume '16 - Sexy Cat no Enzetsu / Mukidashi de Mukiatte / Sou Janai

Post by Vikitty »

OH my god those are awful.
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Re: [2016.11.23] Morning Musume '16 - Sexy Cat no Enzetsu / Mukidashi de Mukiatte / Sou Janai

Post by Elpis »

The outfits look pretty bad. I don't get why MM has to have at least 1 white outfit in each single when the white ones usually end up looking worst.
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Re: [2016.11.23] Morning Musume '16 - Sexy Cat no Enzetsu / Mukidashi de Mukiatte / Sou Janai

Post by JPope »

<div>You're right, I absolutely disagree with all of that. Especially the idea that a girl can't truly be an "ace" unless she is pushed from the beginning of her tenure in the group. </div>
<div> </div>
<div>Who the fuck made that a rule, and why do they get to make it? That is simply preposterous. To say that one of the two overall most talented members -- and arguably the most talented singer/dancer -- who fronted the group for nearly six years running can not be considered an "ace" due to some arbitrary starting point is ridiculous. </div>
<div> </div>
<div>You guys seem to be ignoring the most important context: Takahashi  fronted the group for longer than any other member, was a better singer and dancer than nearly every other member, and did all of this with a much higher level of talent around her than any other MM "ace". But because UF fucked up and pushed a  mediocrity like Ogawa instead of her first, she can never ascend to the title of "ace", despite doing all of the things that an "ace" does, and doing them better and for a longer period of time than the rest. Yes, you're right. I disagree with this wholeheartedly, because it's absurd.</div>
<div> </div>
<div>Ai Takahashi was never one of my favorite members of MM, but even I can admit that she holds more claim to the title of "ace" than any other member of Morning Musume ever. I'm stunned that people find this obvious fact to be in any way controversial or debatable. </div>
<div> </div>
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Re: [2016.11.23] Morning Musume '16 - Sexy Cat no Enzetsu / Mukidashi de Mukiatte / Sou Janai

Post by JPope »

Conversations that never took place:
<div>Tsunku: What is your goal as a new member of Morning Musume?</div>
<div> </div>
<div>Mediocre New Member: My goal is work as hard as possible to improve my singing and dancing skills so that one day I might be the ace of Morning Musume!</div>
<div> </div>
<div>Tsunku: Forget it, kid, you can never be the ace.</div>
<div> </div>
<div>Mediocre New Member: But why not?</div>
<div> </div>
<div>Tsunku: Because you're not good enough to be the ace right now.</div>
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Re: [2016.11.23] Morning Musume '16 - Sexy Cat no Enzetsu / Mukidashi de Mukiatte / Sou Janai

Post by aine »

I'd like to interject for a moment to make a distinction between who the company may (often wishfully) call an ace, and who truly is an ace in the eye of the reasonably objective fans.

To put it simple, whatever the company says is meaningless. They called Koharu an ace. It's like when the company has to release a product due to market and investor pressure, they've already blown a lot of R&D money on a product that failed to launch, they've blown R&D money again, the new product is still shit and everyone in the company knows that, but then can't face another product cancellation embarrassment so they will push it out and of course the marketing department will call the turd the nugget of purest gold and spin it as the best thing since sliced bread. You catch my drift?

So what matters is who can truly be called an ace based on their skills and - what I think is the line between an ace and a simply very good member - them being larger than the sum of their parts. Much larger.

IMO, the only two unarguably true 0-day aces were Maki and Riho. Arguably, Reina makes the third one. And unarguably Takahashi was an ace too, however she got to that spot only through hard work and personal development, which perhaps makes her achievement higher than that of those who were handed their greatness on a silver plate from the get go and in some aspects did disproportionately little to further it - I'll admit Riho is guilty of that, though perhaps no through fault of her own but due to management's wishes/constraints.

So really, to me an ace is a combination of skill, charisma, personality and showmanship that makes someone naturally stand out of from the group, even when they are not the centre of the group and/or song.

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Re: [2016.11.23] Morning Musume '16 - Sexy Cat no Enzetsu / Mukidashi de Mukiatte / Sou Janai

Post by arcobaleno »

Who the fuck made that a rule, and why do they get to make it?
JPope, I've been trying to play nice to get you to understand, but you keep misunderstanding so I'm going to flat-out say it:
It is simply opinion, one of MANY varied ones wotas hold on what an ace means. Nothing I'm saying is fact other than that there is no set meaning on what ace is. It's all what you, yourself believe.
Stop with the melodrama, already. (And yes, I know my obvious "he's snapped!1!1" is drama in and of itself; it doesn't negate my message) Not a single person in this whole discussion has said it was A Rule Written In Thread (and seriously, even if it was, there's no point crying about it since we can't change it), and I've tried extremely goddamn hard to make that clearer than crystal to you, to seemingly no avail. If the post is really long and you just skim over it, that's fine, but for the love of GOD, don't reply when it's clear you haven't read the whole thing.
All of this ace business is just simply opinion and conjecture, no basis in fact.
Please, you know there's people here who feel Koharu is an ace in the way aine defines it. People can be objective despite their bias, but most are not, and that's just called human nature.
Ace means something different to every person.
And you know what, NOW I am going to close this discussion because it's gotten nowhere at all, just like I said it would, and we have better things to discuss than basically arguing over which color is the best color, okay? So continue on talking about the single, horrible outfits, etc.
Last edited by arcobaleno on Tue Sep 27, 2016 8:12 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: [2016.11.23] Morning Musume '16 - Sexy Cat no Enzetsu / Mukidashi de Mukiatte / Sou Janai

Post by Shoujo Q »

My two cents and I'll leave it at that because you know I'm not going to think any differently and your not going to change my mind on this. I've been around the block of H!P long enough to have a basic understanding on how they operate.

Aces in the past are much different than they are today. You have your dancing ace [Ayumi], your singing ace [Sakura/Masaki], and your visual ace [Haruka/Maria/Mizuki] . They obviously separated them when at one point they were one. Perhaps with Riho they realized they couldn't have the whole package. This could also be said for Maki but they burn out way too quickly! Even in Angerme I can see the split of Aces.I honestly would rather four aces that work in harmony together to make the group better than one girl that overshadows the hard work everyone else is doing.

One song, one girl. Another song, another girl.

And on the topic of outfits, I don't see what the big deal is. It's simple and clean. They've had worse. Much worse!
Last edited by Shoujo Q on Tue Sep 27, 2016 6:48 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: [2016.11.23] Morning Musume '16 - Sexy Cat no Enzetsu / Mukidashi de Mukiatte / Sou Janai

Post by JPope »

Dude, all I've been saying is that anyone who doesn't believe that Takahashi was an "ace" is full of shit. Really, that's what it boils down to.
You can shout at me all you want about context -- and you've done a lot of that -- but my point all along has been that there is no context in which Takahashi was not an ace. Anyone who claims otherwise is wrong.
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Re: [2016.11.23] Morning Musume '16 - Sexy Cat no Enzetsu / Mukidashi de Mukiatte / Sou Janai

Post by arcobaleno »

I know I said this topic is done, but I owe you this, so I'll revive it for this, sort of.
Well, I do want to apologize for losing it; I get beyond frustrated when I write those dreaded Walls of Text and nothing seems to sink it at all. It makes me feel like I'm a Martian trying to communicate with humans and am failing really badly at it. The responses you were given me didn't clue me in like this one that you were defending Ai's ability to be called an ace in all contexts, rather, it was coming off to me just that you were being really stubborn, not reading fully, and like... willfully ignoring all of the points I was trying to bring up in favor of my position.
Kind of like a kid plugging their ears and going "lalalala, can't hear you!" And then that last one, especially after Arco vs Kitaoji, really made me snap because I thought, having read all of that jazz, you would've understood, etc.
But, it's not you, it's me and my own misunderstanding, so I apologize, deeply.
But, from your response, I know, myself, what your position is; you understood, basically, what I was saying, you just, like... pretty much all of us who have been going back and forth, that what you hold is moreso The One Truth. In 100% honesty, that's how I feel, too, and I think this is the kind of issue that is hard to settle, because we all have such a different place that we define as an ace.
In my own personal context, like I explained, I see it as very much the instantaneous one-hit wonder, not the one who works hard behind the scene. For me, that means Takahashi was never an ace, since she worked to get where she was. For me, the ace means the usurper, the dethroner, the revolutionary of the group. It's very much a rare position to me, the one who changes the landscape seemingly overnight.
That's just my opinion, which I think everyone on the BBS who has read this thread now understands.  :rofl:
Anyway, that's really the last thing I have to say on that, because this thread really has truly derailed. A lively discussion, yes, but not an on topic one... and that's on me for starting it.  :whatthe:
But, mostly, I do want to apologize for snapping at you so badly. It was overly critical and harsh, and honestly, though I wanted to be very "I Don't Give Any Fucks Mikitty" about it, you do have to temper your anger with a mature calmness or else it just degenerates into name-calling, which I pretty much was half a step away from doing.
But, I understand where you are coming from fully, now, so thank you for explaining your side so that I finally got it.
Carrying on, I agree with Q that the outfits aren't that bad, but I don't know whether I'm so unfazed by H!P outfits or just complete lacking in a fashion sense.  :lol:
...Probably both.
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Re: [2016.11.23] Morning Musume '16 - Sexy Cat no Enzetsu / Mukidashi de Mukiatte / Sou Janai

Post by aine »

<blockquote class="ipsBlockquote" data-author="arcobaleno" data-cid="200659" data-time="1474998716">Anyway, that's really the last thing I have to say on that, because this thread really has truly derailed. A lively discussion, yes, but not an on topic one... and that's on me for starting it.  :whatthe:</blockquote>
It's mostly about MM so it's on-topic enough. And I encouraged it anyway. =3=

It's a good discussion, just no need to get this worked up about it. :lol:

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Re: [2016.11.23] Morning Musume '16 - Sexy Cat no Enzetsu / Mukidashi de Mukiatte / Sou Janai

Post by MejraThea »

Regarding the outfits, it's not that they're not bad. They are bad, but they're on the same level as bad as everything else in the recent singles lately, over all the groups, that they're all starting to look the same. So even though they are bad, it's what we've become used to.
Regarding ace, I too believe it's from the get go, as previously stated, but I'm also a very "go with the flow" person and my own opinion isn't as strong as steel on it. I love Ai, so I'm biased, but I could definitely say she grew to be one, although then that clashes with what I think to be an ace, so I don't know. I think I'm just inbetween at this point.
Although if anyone's a true ace it's Ayaya -- she literally had it all. Looks, singing. She was in during a time of not much dancing, but what she did she did well. She was marvelous and I wish I had been around during her time.
Last edited by MejraThea on Tue Sep 27, 2016 2:59 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: [2016.11.23] Morning Musume '16 - Sexy Cat no Enzetsu / Mukidashi de Mukiatte / Sou Janai

Post by JPope »

One of my pet-peeves has always been the dilution of the definitions of words (and the concept of someone having "their own reality," but that's a different discussion altogether), which explains why I've been so obstinate regarding this otherwise trivial matter. My disagreement has always been with the idea that other people simply have a different definition of the word "ace". No. There is only one definition within this context, and Takahashi clearly fits that definition.
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Re: [2016.11.23] Morning Musume '16 - Sexy Cat no Enzetsu / Mukidashi de Mukiatte / Sou Janai

Post by MejraThea »

Except that there isn't only one definition, as there is no set definition. It isn't in the Idol Dictionary™. It's all a matter of opinion, and even yours is an opinion. So therefore, shouldn't you have a pet peeve with yourself, because you have an opinionated definition that differs from everybody else? What you say isn't law, it's an opinion just like the rest of us. So that's hypocritical of you.
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Re: [2016.11.23] Morning Musume '16 - Sexy Cat no Enzetsu / Mukidashi de Mukiatte / Sou Janai

Post by Farrah »

One of my pet-peeves has always been the dilution of the definitions of words (and the concept of someone having "their own reality," but that's a different discussion altogether), which explains why I've been so obstinate regarding this otherwise trivial matter. My disagreement has always been with the idea that other people simply have a different definition of the word "ace". No. There is only one definition within this context, and Takahashi clearly fits that definition.
I mean, I think "ace" has a solid definition in the colloquial conversational sense... but I think in the context of idols it's used in a completely different way and thus has a completely different definition within that world LOL.  In the general sense of the word I wouldn't call ANY of these girls aces because none of them are truly "ace" at any of their skills when you judge them with anything other than an idol measuring stick.  Since they're being measured the idol way, the word is being used the idol way.  The issue is, while I think the idol measuring stick is pretty set in stone ("Who is the least mediocre at x/y/z?" rather than "Who is legit GOOD at x/y/z?"), the definition of ace... not there yet.  
When I hear ace used to refer to idols, I genuinely just assume it is whoever is super pushed by the company rather than "Who is the triple threat?" - sometimes a person is both (Takahashi or Maki, for instance - looks, singing and dancing) but sometimes they're not (like Koharu or Rika, who are both monumentally untalented).  I don't feel like the word has lost it's meaning, just that the meaning differs based on what world it is being used in.
Last edited by Farrah on Tue Sep 27, 2016 9:26 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: [2016.11.23] Morning Musume '16 - Sexy Cat no Enzetsu / Mukidashi de Mukiatte / Sou Janai

Post by JPope »

<blockquote class="ipsBlockquote" data-author="Farrah" data-cid="200677" data-time="1475036382">
<blockquote class="ipsBlockquote" data-author="JPope" data-cid="200666" data-time="1475014800">
One of my pet-peeves has always been the dilution of the definitions of words (and the concept of someone having "their own reality," but that's a different discussion altogether), which explains why I've been so obstinate regarding this otherwise trivial matter. My disagreement has always been with the idea that other people simply have a different definition of the word "ace". No. There is only one definition within this context, and Takahashi clearly fits that definition.
I mean, I think "ace" has a solid definition in the colloquial conversational sense... but I think in the context of idols it's used in a completely different way and thus has a completely different definition within that world LOL.  In the general sense of the word I wouldn't call ANY of these girls aces because none of them are truly "ace" at any of their skills when you judge them with anything other than an idol measuring stick.  Since they're being measured the idol way, the word is being used the idol way.  The issue is, while I think the idol measuring stick is pretty set in stone ("Who is the least mediocre at x/y/z?" rather than "Who is legit GOOD at x/y/z?"), the definition of ace... not there yet.  
When I hear ace used to refer to idols, I genuinely just assume it is whoever is super pushed by the company rather than "Who is the triple threat?" - sometimes a person is both (Takahashi or Maki, for instance - looks, singing and dancing) but sometimes they're not (like Koharu or Rika, who are both monumentally untalented).  I don't feel like the word has lost it's meaning, just that the meaning differs based on what world it is being used in.
Which is why I formulated my declarative statement thus: "There is only one definition within this context" (Emphasis added). Lots of Little League teams have a pitcher they call their "ace", because he's awesome at getting Little League batters out. Could he get MLB batters out. Of course not, he's not that good. But in the context of his world, that kid is considered an "ace".
Is there any J-idol-group based context in which you would consider Takahashi to NOT be an ace?
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Re: [2016.11.23] Morning Musume '16 - Sexy Cat no Enzetsu / Mukidashi de Mukiatte / Sou Janai

Post by arcobaleno »

Good job on completely evading the other comment because it wouldn't fit into "your reality."  :thumbsup:
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Re: [2016.11.23] Morning Musume '16 - Sexy Cat no Enzetsu / Mukidashi de Mukiatte / Sou Janai

Post by TicTacAnyone »

Here's a slightly better radio rip of Sou Janai...
Not horrible, but nothing to write home about. I like the parts around :46 and 1:03.
Last edited by TicTacAnyone on Sun Oct 02, 2016 9:13 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: [2016.11.23] Morning Musume '16 - Sexy Cat no Enzetsu / Mukidashi de Mukiatte / Sou Janai

Post by JPope »

Good job on completely evading the other comment because it wouldn't fit into "your reality."  :thumbsup:
I haven't evaded anything. I've made my case that people are subjectively creating new definitions for a word that has an objective set definition. Everything else is irrelevant. 
I really dig the arrangement of Sou Janai. That funky bass saw-lead is tasty as hell.
Last edited by JPope on Tue Oct 04, 2016 9:54 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: [2016.11.23] Morning Musume '16 - Sexy Cat no Enzetsu / Mukidashi de Mukiatte / Sou Janai

Post by showraniy »

What, I completely missed this single announcement and thread with my big move into the house! I just heard Sou Janai and I really like it. I generally don't listen to idol songs before the videos come out, but I half-doubted this single was real since I hadn't seen an announcement anywhere on the 'net yet and just happened upon a YouTube rip of it. The choreography and video may still disappoint, but the song doesn't.
It's interesting because this board tore Tokyo to iu Katasumi apart on the last single, but for me, that's the only song I go back and play again and again lately. That's the first time I've done that with an MM song since One Two Three, and it so far sounds like Sou Janai delivers even if it may not live up to the same replay value for me.
Last edited by showraniy on Mon Oct 10, 2016 8:56 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: [2016.11.23] Morning Musume '16 - Sexy Cat no Enzetsu / Mukidashi de Mukiatte / Sou Janai

Post by DonJuan »

Full Sou Janai rip


Sounds like something from 14shou. Hm. I find it pretty forgettable.
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Re: [2016.11.23] Morning Musume '16 - Sexy Cat no Enzetsu / Mukidashi de Mukiatte / Sou Janai

Post by Solarblade »

Single is now titled "Sexy Cat no Enzetsu / Mukidashi de Mukiatte / Sou Janai
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