Kobushi Factory are disbanding

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Kobushi Factory are disbanding

Post by Anderei »

<a data-ipb='nomediaparse' href='http://helloproject.com/news/11547/' class="bbc_url" title="External link">http://helloproject.com/news/11547/</a>

Final show 3/30.

Wada is retiring.

Inoue staying with H!P.

Other three aren’t retiring but no word on where they’ll end up.

Individual member statements per Lurkette at H!O:

Hirose says she will start attending music school in April, so that explains the timing of the final show. She says she gained a lot of experience doing chorus work and learned a lot about writing music and would like to continue in that vein of the industry.

Nomura says she really wants to go into acting and will pursue that route post-graduation.

Hamaura likes singing and dancing but also gained experience in modelling and acting while in the group so she's exploring her options but wants to stay in entertainment.

Inoue seems the most upset in the personal statement, probably because she still wants to be an idol as she is the only one remaining in H!P proper. She says she will absolutely support the other members in their new paths in life.

Wada says that she wanted to continue being an idol as the 5 member Kobushi or nothing at all, and she wants to gain new experiences outside of entertainment so she will not be staying with the agency.
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Re: Kobushi Factory are disbanding

Post by DonJuan »

I honestly, literally spit out my coffee when I saw this thread.
To be fair... I kind of had a feeling this would happen. Their sales are bad and management didn't want to fix it with members (though to be fair, I think their last releases were all rock solid).
I will miss the acapella songs.
Also I'm kind of surprised to see that Hamachan isn't up there with Rei to stay in H!P.
I wonder where the girls will end up. I can see Ayaka doing some Up-Front work - she's not popular, but she could go somewhere to Bitter and Sweet and stuff. I do hope that Minami decides to stay in H!P as well - she just started to bloom. Sad to see Sakurako go, but she was never really going anywhere. Once again I wonder what Hamachan will do.
Rei will be the big question mark, though. Is this going to be another Manaka-situation? I can't really see her anywhere since she was in a semi-ace like position in Kobushi. Then again I couldn't see Manaka joining Juice either.
- - -
Now on the dirty parts. Apparently a few days ago there was a photo going around of a guy posting a picture of his girlfriend on instagram - the girl could be seen from behind. He was posting in celebration of their one year anniversary. I couldn't quite make out what the comments were like on 2ch, but one said "oh no, not Kobushi again".
I do wonder if the girls were tired about having to hide their love life or whether or not the girls were even being blackmailed.
/EDIT: I'm surprised to see that H!O has already picked it up: http://www.hello-online.org/index.php?/topic/22000-hamaura-ayano-浜浦彩乃/?p=2138101
Girl seems to be Hamachan. That also explains why she doesn't stay with H!P. Personally I thought of Rei the first time I saw the picture, but well.
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Re: Kobushi Factory are disbanding

Post by Anderei »

Hamaura is the alleged girlfriend.

The story UPF are saying is that the discussion started early last year when Hirose brought up possibly graduating and apparently when management discussed it with the others they decided they didn’t want to continue without her.
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Re: Kobushi Factory are disbanding

Post by Mukuro »

This is so upsetting I can't believe we're losing Kobushi so early into their career.
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Re: Kobushi Factory are disbanding

Post by WonderBuono »

They debuted in ‘15 right, so five years? Not bad for an idol group but still pretty sad. I don’t think any of us expected Tsubaki to actually do better than them by the end of it but here we are.
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Re: Kobushi Factory are disbanding

Post by Anderei »

<blockquote class="ipsBlockquote" data-author="WonderBuono" data-cid="219565" data-time="1578493212">They debuted in ‘15 right, so five years? Not bad for an idol group but still pretty sad. I don’t think any of us expected Tsubaki to actually do better than them by the end of it but here we are.</blockquote>

Yeah about five years. Honestly, almost no one has really had a fantastic career when they leave H!P so I’m of the opinion that if you want to do other things it’s best to get out early so I’ll give them props for that.
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Re: Kobushi Factory are disbanding

Post by Shoujo Q »

Wow. Didn’t see that coming. I’m in shock. I really liked their last album too. I glad some of them will continue on their journey. Sad to see Wada go. I wish the best of luck to Hirose.

I’m interested to see what they do with Inoue. Add her to a group or make her a soloist? I think it would be funny but adding her to Tsubaki Factory might be an interesting move. She could even do well in Juice.

I don’t see any kenshuusei ready at the moment for a new group to be honest.

And I don’t see her doing well as a soloist.
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Re: Kobushi Factory are disbanding

Post by Zange »

This makes me so sad >.<

It's funny, for a while back in 2017, I was calling Kobushi "Poisoned Magnolias" because of how quick they were losing members... Seems that's come full circle now. Also sheesh, two groups gone in less than six months, I don't know how to process that.

I'm gonna miss them all, especially Wada bc she was my favorite. Wonder what Inoue will end up doing, tho?
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Re: Kobushi Factory are disbanding

Post by momoirosaya »

Wow I wasn’t expecting this! But it does feel like management hasn’t cared about them since all their scandals. Plus BEYOOOOONDS is kind of taking their place with interesting powerful songs.

Part of me hopes they’ll put Rei in ANGERME. It will balance out vocals with Funaki gone.
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Re: Kobushi Factory are disbanding

Post by DonJuan »

Also sheesh, two groups gone in less than six months, I don't know how to process that.

While part of me thinks the same this also means more writers for the other groups. At least in Kobushi's case, since Country rarely released anything anymore.
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Re: Kobushi Factory are disbanding

Post by Madara »

I'm sorry to hear this, but glad that Minami wants to go into acting. She has a perfect face for film acting. You can shoot her in any kind of light from any angle and she'll always look good. And I do hope Hama-chan continues in entertainment in some fashion.
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Re: Kobushi Factory are disbanding

Post by Solarblade »

Also, their final single is set to release on 3/4

[quote="Shoujo Q"]
Wow. Didn’t see that coming. I’m in shock. I really liked their last album too. I glad some of them will continue on their journey. Sad to see Wada go. I wish the best of luck to Hirose.

I’m interested to see what they do with Inoue. Add her to a group or make her a soloist? I think it would be funny but adding her to Tsubaki Factory might be an interesting move. She could even do well in Juice.

I don’t see any kenshuusei ready at the moment for a new group to be honest.

And I don’t see her doing well as a soloist.
Well maybe that contingency plan with that KSS Unit will probably be pushed more
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Re: Kobushi Factory are disbanding

Post by Shoujo Q »

I’d rather a new KSS group able to stand on their own without a senior member. It would be like Country Girls all over again. What is Reí decided she wanted to leave? Management has proven they can’t rebrand established groups no matter how hard you think they are trying.
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Re: Kobushi Factory are disbanding

Post by JPope »

I saw the post about Ayano on H!P before I went to bed, so this is not a total shock other than how quickly we went from rumor to KF announcing their break-up. I'm kind of bummed, but it was obvious that they were spinning their wheels compared to the rest of H!P. Even their good releases felt like they missing the mark to me, and the a capella stuff, while impressive, had drifted into gimmick territory with the ever-present beat-box and bass line parts. I think the soul of the group was lost in 2017, and they were never able to fully recover from that.
Part of me hopes they’ll put Rei in ANGERME. It will balance out vocals with Funaki gone.
I love this idea so much that I want to put a ring on it.
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Re: Kobushi Factory are disbanding

Post by AquaChan »

Woah didn't say this coming, I won't say I'm sad. Kobushi had lost their spark for me when the 3 girls left.
<blockquote class="ipsBlockquote" data-author="Saya" data-cid="219569" data-time="1578497290">Part of me hopes they’ll put Rei in ANGERME. It will balance out vocals with Funaki gone.</blockquote>
I kinda dig this. I just hope she won't land in Momusu of Juice=Juice (the balance of J=J seems good right now).
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Re: Kobushi Factory are disbanding

Post by Anderei »

Juice Juice is very obviously gearing up for graduations so I can see her ending up there just because of that. I highly doubt she’d end up in MM or Angerme.

They do have that Kenshuusei unit. Maybe they’ll debut her with those girls.
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Re: Kobushi Factory are disbanding

Post by TheParuProject »

Sad to see Sakurako go, she's my favorite. But I'm not surprised by her decision, she has no reason to stay in the industry.

Hamachan isn't a huge surprise to me either, I'm certain I remember reading something before about her having insecurities about singing. She has my least favorite voice anyways, so I'm fine with not having to hear it anymore.

Ayaka and Minami are the biggest losses IMO. Ayaka can sing her ass off, and Minami has developed a huge stage presence. Going to miss them both immensely.

I'm happy that Rei gets to continue on, but I really don't feel like any group in H!P has a spot for her right now (not that it's stopped them up until this point lol). I think she'd fit in with ANGERME, but maybe she'll get added to Juice=Juice if they lose a member. Maybe she's the new vocal lead MM needs? (Not likely.) The only thing that's definitely not happening is her being thrown into BEYOOOOONDS.

I think they'll make her the leader of a new group.. or throw her into Tsubaki Factory. Almost everyone in TF is an adult now, surely someone is thinking about graduating. Or Kiki might finally succumb to her condition and snap in half on stage, haha.
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Re: Kobushi Factory are disbanding

Post by JPope »

MM, TF and BYNDS isn't happening. MM just added the most exciting new generation in ages, and they all seem to be excelling; TF will never get new members; BEYOOOOONDS is new and killing it right now. J=J and Angerme both make sense from a "fit" perspective, and while I've been all over the internet saying Angerme needs her more, but the more I look at it, I'm starting to move towards Anderei's position. I don't think anyone will leave Angerme after Funaki this year, but J=J will almost certainly lose Tomoko, and maybe Karin, as well. They're pretty stable, but Sayubee and Akari are both in their 20s, so who knows how long they will want to continue. Honestly, I'd be cool if Rei joins either group, because she would immediately make either one better.
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Re: Kobushi Factory are disbanding

Post by Noa »

If my interest in H!P wasn’t long gone by now, it would be. My favorite and second favorite groups, gone.
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Re: Kobushi Factory are disbanding

Post by TicTacAnyone »

While I can say I was caught off guard, I wasn't particularly shocked by the announcement. Going back and now reading that Hama-chan thread.... yikes. Management will never come right out and admit it's her, but it looks pretty damning atm. Management's best bet was doing what they're doing now--disbanding them quickly but making it seem like it's been thought about for a while. 
2016/2017 me would be heartbroken to hear Kobushi is disbanding. 2020 me could... sadly... care less. I was a huge Kobushi fan when they debuted, but as members started to leave and they changed their sound I was just sort of over it all. Then more dating "scandals" involving Hirose and Hama had surfaced and I just knew not to get invested in Kobushi. They're all great singers but their performances still couldn't draw me in in the end. 
It's a sad ending to the group, but I feel like it's better for the members and management to just cut their losses while they can.
What we also learn from this is probably almost every idol dates, lol. I can't imagine that's a Kobushi-exclusive situation unless Hirose herself just didn't care if members dated (since I assume other members know if their coworker is dating.)
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Re: Kobushi Factory are disbanding

Post by Anderei »

Even if Hirose did care, what is she even supposed to do about it?

I still don’t think those photos have anything to do with it. You can’t plan all this in the span of one day. Hamaura’s been caught before anyway.
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Re: Kobushi Factory are disbanding

Post by JPope »

 You can’t plan all this in the span of one day. 
Probably not, but that doesn't mean the photo wasn't the spark that set this off. March 4 will be eleven months since their last single, and five months from their album. They were due for a new single, and this "final" single was likely already in the works as their "next" single. Same with their final concert. I don't know if the photo set this off or not, but the fact that they had dates set for a single release and concert isn't evidence of anything in either direction. 
Here's what I find implausible: the idea that UF would fund the production of a full-length album for KF knowing that, five months after its release, the group would disband. 
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Re: Kobushi Factory are disbanding

Post by Revangelis »

This announcement makes me really sad, I have always enjoyed Kobushi. Now I am interested to see what they are going to do with Rei, hopefully there is something good for her.
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Re: Kobushi Factory are disbanding

Post by Anderei »

<blockquote class="ipsBlockquote" data-author="JPope" data-cid="219597" data-time="1578552275"><blockquote class="ipsBlockquote" data-author="Anderei" data-cid="219595" data-time="1578541174">
You can’t plan all this in the span of one day.

Probably not, but that doesn't mean the photo wasn't the spark that set this off. March 4 will be eleven months since their last single, and five months from their album. They were due for a new single, and this "final" single was likely already in the works as their "next" single. Same with their final concert. I don't know if the photo set this off or not, but the fact that they had dates set for a single release and concert isn't evidence of anything in either direction. 


Here's what I find implausible: the idea that UF would fund the production of a full-length album for KF knowing that, five months after its release, the group would disband.

Most groups end up with a final album anyway.
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Re: Kobushi Factory are disbanding

Post by MejraThea »

Looks like I got out at the right time, y'all. I missed the initial death of Kobushi and now their burial too.

But in seriousness, I feel sorry for Sako and Inoue. And I agree that the photo must have been a spark. Riorio, Renako, Gucchi, they're all expendable yeah? But not Hama, not the wota favorite. Hama can't cheat on them, that just won't do.
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Re: Kobushi Factory are disbanding

Post by Farrah »

<blockquote class="ipsBlockquote" data-author="JPope" data-cid="219597" data-time="1578552275">
<blockquote class="ipsBlockquote" data-author="Anderei" data-cid="219595" data-time="1578541174">
You can’t plan all this in the span of one day.

Probably not, but that doesn't mean the photo wasn't the spark that set this off. March 4 will be eleven months since their last single, and five months from their album. They were due for a new single, and this "final" single was likely already in the works as their "next" single. Same with their final concert. I don't know if the photo set this off or not, but the fact that they had dates set for a single release and concert isn't evidence of anything in either direction. 


Here's what I find implausible: the idea that UF would fund the production of a full-length album for KF knowing that, five months after its release, the group would disband.</blockquote>

Most groups end up with a final album anyway.
While this is true, I find it hard to believe that they would pass up the opportunity to advertise it as their final album - it would've hugely boosted sales.  
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Re: Kobushi Factory are disbanding

Post by Solarblade »

And a best album now would feel weird...although v-u-den had one just after one album sooo lol
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Re: Kobushi Factory are disbanding

Post by yuzuriha »

I feel like I should have something to say on this but I don't.  I loved Kobushi when they started out but after my favorite member decided to go and be a little shit my interest waned and I haven't been following them at all.  I hope this isn't over a stupid picture, which I doubt it is.  I hope they are able to do something productive with Rei, who I legitimately feel bad for.
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Re: Kobushi Factory are disbanding

Post by JPope »

I wrote about Kobushi Factory at my blog: Kobushi. RIP.
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Re: Kobushi Factory are disbanding

Post by JPope »

I also wrote about Rei's future: What Do You Do With A Girl Like Rei Inoue?
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