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Re: What are you playing?

Post by Sabaku Ika »

Does anyone here play Minecraft on OSX? I think it's possible, but I haven't tried yet.
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Re: What are you playing?

Post by neshcom »

[quote name='Sabaku Ika' post='85763' date='Sep 25 2010, 10:44 AM']Does anyone here play Minecraft on OSX? I think it's possible, but I haven't tried yet.[/quote]

I don't, but it is possible. You can play in-browser or through a stand alone client for Windows OS X, and some type of Linux. You can play some older versions of MC for free too.
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Re: What are you playing?

Post by surasshu »

It's Java, so it definitely should work.
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Re: What are you playing?

Post by neshcom »

Dead Rising 2 initial impressions: Damn. Pretty good fun. NPC shot me with a shotgun while trying to save him though, so I ragequit for the night. I'll probably start over? I don't know. My save file is fine though. Also, there are three save slots. That is something you wanted, right? I wish there was a life bar instead of life blocks. Still, fantastic first impressions.

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Re: What are you playing?

Post by neshcom »

I'd like to take this post to share with you one of the most extreme situations I've ever encountered in the history of the vidya. (TOTES SPOILS)

In Dead Rising 2, during your first night segment, there is a side mission in the open-air plaza of the resort. One of your rivals from the game show that you star in (where you kill zombies by riding motorbikes with chainsaws attached to the sides) comes to settle the score. He throws you the keys to a locked motobike (no chainsaws mind you) and challenges you. He then proceeds to circle you for about 20 minutes as you hurtle through swarms of zombies trying to figure out how you hurt someone on a bike with chainsaws attached. After tirelessly avoiding your rivals lunges (on foot because your motorcycle blew up because it was so absolutely useless) and whacking him on the back with a 2x4, he concedes. You follow him limping back to his trailer and he begins to donut in front of you. His bike is...wet? "Remember, I'm number one! Quadruple points," he yells as he tightens the angle between his bike and the ground. His chainsaws scrape against the concrete and spark. Then it hits you. Gasoline. His bike and his body catch fire before shouting his swan song, "I'm the best!" He and his bike burn to a crisp. You have no time to emote; you've got things to investigate.

You follow your mysterious mental guide arrow and notice it avoids the much quicker route of cutting through a nearby casino floor. You turn around and enter the Yucatan.

A man darts in front of you between virtual poker machines. You shout out for him as you follow. Your vision blanks, you've been knocked out.

You awaken to the back side of a large man. He is dragging you feet-first. Your destination? Snowflake's den. Snowflake is a bengal tiger, her food supply has gone rotten, and you're being marinated by the noticeably thick man. "Let's just take this nice and slow," you say in a whispered voice, "Nice...and...slow."

"SLOW?!" the man screams, waking his tiger friend. He sics Snowflake on you. With no time to rest, you are now fighting Snowflake, the hungry tiger, and Ted, Snowflake's slow keeper. You grab a shotgun from a nearby corpse and begin unloading clip upon clip into Ted's rippling skin. You finish the deed by stabbing him with a pitchfork you had saved. In his final moments, Ted rolls onto his back and gives himself to Snowflake, his duty done in his death.

Your time is running out; you need to find medicine and if you don't investigate the underground, you'll never clear your name. You leave the feral tiger on the casino floor and you exit north.

Game Of The Year: All Years.
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Re: What are you playing?

Post by Melon »

[quote name='neshcom' post='85890' date='Sep 28 2010, 11:59 PM']Game Of The Year: All Years.[/quote]

This makes me want to try the game before it hits the bargain bin.

And on another note, WTF JAPAN, srsly WTF IS WRONG WITH YOUUUUUUU. I'd expect this from a eroge company, not... nippon icchi?! Punishment Time made me lol hard though. Punishment indeed.
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Re: What are you playing?

Post by Ap2000 »

[quote name='Petit Melon' post='85903' date='Sep 29 2010, 05:54 PM']And on another note, WTF JAPAN, srsly WTF IS WRONG WITH YOUUUUUUU. I'd expect this from a eroge company, not... nippon icchi?! Punishment Time made me lol hard though. Punishment indeed.[/quote]

What's special about it ?

Seems like a normal hentai rpg.
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Re: What are you playing?

Post by Vikitty »

SO close to beating DQIX...
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Re: What are you playing?

Post by Sabaku Ika »

[quote name='Sabaku Ika' post='85763' date='Sep 25 2010, 10:44 AM']Does anyone here play Minecraft on OSX? I think it's possible, but I haven't tried yet.[/quote]

So I must have been reading about something else, 'cause the Minecraft website has a perfectly straightforward .app that runs with no problem on my Macbook. Now I just have to figure out how to do things. Punching trees and cows isn't accomplishing much so far.
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Re: What are you playing?

Post by surasshu »

Punching a cow gets you meat!

Punching a tree gets you wood!

Build a meat-tree!

I'm playing Dead Rising 2 also. Fun stuff so far, if VERY similar to the first game. They were clearly TERRIFIED of the fan reaction if they changed anything. Even the mall music's still the same (although there are some awesome new tracks too).
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Re: What are you playing?

Post by Sabaku Ika »

[quote name='///' post='85963' date='Sep 30 2010, 11:35 AM']Punching a cow gets you meat!

Punching a tree gets you wood!

Build a meat-tree![/quote]

Yay! I guess I didn't punch them enough. I'll try again. I did succeed in picking flowers, but I haven't found a use for them yet.
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Re: What are you playing?

Post by neshcom »

[quote name='Sabaku Ika' post='85965' date='Sep 30 2010, 11:46 AM'][quote name='///' post='85963' date='Sep 30 2010, 11:35 AM']Punching a cow gets you meat!

Punching a tree gets you wood!

Build a meat-tree![/quote]

Yay! I guess I didn't punch them enough. I'll try again. I did succeed in picking flowers, but I haven't found a use for them yet.


Fun hints!

Punching tree blocks gets you logs. Logs, as they are, are, for all intents and purposes, useless. Take them into your inventory and put them on a single craft block. That crafts you wood. It's most efficient to make your shelter out of dirt (but don't make dirt floors lest you spawn pigs in your house!). If you're not on Peaceful mode, you'll encounter monsters at night or in caves, so be sure to keep ham on you at night or when venturing under ground! When digging, try to use torches or sign posts to mark your way out. Only make a few wooden tools; stone tools are a bit faster. Keep iron tools with you, but only use them when digging for gold, redstone, etc because they need an iron or better pick. Using sand in a furnace gives you glass tiles, but be careful when placing them; glass tiles that you break don't leave behind any materials.

Check out the Minepedia all the crafting recipes.
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Re: What are you playing?

Post by surasshu »

I think the most important thing is to get a good axe and pickaxe. Finding diamond is a pain in the ass, but it's well worth it.
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Re: What are you playing?

Post by Sabaku Ika »

Thanks! My problem was that I didn't know you could hold the mouse button to continuously punch things. I have been using minepedia.
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Re: What are you playing?

Post by neshcom »

[quote name='///' post='85963' date='Sep 30 2010, 11:35 AM']I'm playing Dead Rising 2 also. Fun stuff so far, if VERY similar to the first game. They were clearly TERRIFIED of the fan reaction if they changed anything. Even the mall music's still the same (although there are some awesome new tracks too).[/quote]

Hmm...I wonder how our experience's will differ. I've only ever played about an hour of the first game, so I don't have much context (other than "I've covered wars"). I keep thinking about DR2 and I honestly can't find any major, glaring flaws with the game. I love the case/Zombrex style of narrative and the save system seems to be much improved. My own problem really is the unexpected fight events and how these fights are intensely one-sided. I'm not saying I need a shining weak point, but I can only think of one fight that I entered and beat in my first take (btdubs, it was the Snowflake one above). Granted, I've only restarted once, but...c'mon! I'm two days in and, barring any impossible fights, I could beat it. :T
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Re: What are you playing?

Post by al kusanagi »

You'll soon learn to hate DR2's controls during some of the bigger psycho fights, and the item system still frustrates me to no end ("Swing your weap- No! Don't drink the goddamn juice! Put the fucking donut away! WEAPON!!!") I finished it with the "good" ending last night, so now I'm gonna start checking out the bad endings and collecting achievements.

Also: DO WANT!!!
Last edited by al kusanagi on Fri Oct 01, 2010 10:57 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: What are you playing?

Post by Ap2000 »

30h in Civ and STILL at my first game.

This is partially because the loading times are so looooooong, even cIV didn't take that loooooooooooong. I now have a pretty good CPU (Phenom II x4 955) and I can't even begin to imagine how loooooooooooooooooooong it must take for the game to do the AI moves on a dual-core.

Also, F1 2010 is a pretty good game.

I've been training the first course for about 2h yesterday and today. I finally was able to make it to place 6 in the qualifying.

Then I start the race and what happens ? Fucking Barrichello pushes me off the goddamned race track in the first turn. :|

Luckily you can restart a race without any penalties.
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Re: What are you playing?

Post by neshcom »

[quote name='Al Kusanagi' post='85994' date='Oct 1 2010, 12:37 PM']You'll soon learn to hate DR2's controls during some of the bigger psycho fights, and the item system still frustrates me to no end ("Swing your weap- No! Don't drink the goddamn juice! Put the fucking donut away! WEAPON!!!") I finished it with the "good" ending last night, so now I'm gonna start checking out the bad endings and collecting achievements.[/quote]

Just finished my first run. I got the A/"okay" ending, but I wasn't very satisfied, so I went and got the S/good ending after OVERTIME. Holy christ. What a whirlwind. Granted, everything story-wise was pretty obvious and I'm wondering how the "truth has disappeared"/fail a case game plays if the story extends past 72 hours and the whole military thing. I'm surprised I beat it without restarting again, frankly, and I only started at level 7 which isn't much by the end of the game. I ended on level 30 and got 32 with the S ending. I think I'd want to play through and just do, say, the side-missions or even see what happens if you don't do the Zombrex things.

Also, I did not realize you could (spoiler?) give Katy presents. I never thought of that at all. Does that make me a bad person? Needless to say, I got no PP at the endgame from it...

The one major flaw I see in the game, at least narration-wise, is that, even if you win at TIR at the start of the story, everyone treats you like you don't know how many wheels are on a motorbike. Still, the overall game, at least from a newcomer's point, is really solid and really a good length for the gameplay. The sound design is rock-solid and one of the strongest points. When you slice a zombie, your hear it perfectly and you feel it. When you take a sledgehammer to, like, 8 zombies at once, you get this amazing audible satisfaction. Another amazing point is that, in this day and age, a major videogame company made a graphically solid game that could be played on a large amount of PCs. I'd say, barring shadows, DR2 is close to GTAIV and the RAGE engine in quality (kind of close), but DR2 runs so much better than GTAIV. Dead Rising 2 is a carnal pleasure that offers a mountain of action while taking peeks into the minds of people on the brink of destruction (...usually before you destroy them). Definite recommend.
Last edited by neshcom on Fri Oct 01, 2010 9:29 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: What are you playing?

Post by surasshu »

Everybody treated Chuck like shit for almost no real reason. But y'know, I played Chuck in Dead Rising 2. And even I felt like he cosmically deserved what he got during the course of the game. Seriously, how beta do you have to be to bribe people into letting them be rescued by you? It really went too far for me. For being such a badass dude, he's really a pussy. I even ended up yelling at him for being so incompetent when I screwed up due to the controls. <img src='http://mm-bbs.org/public/style_emoticon ... /laugh.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':puppyeyes:' />

I got the A and S endings, but I don't know if I'll play the game again. I was disappointed there wasn't an endless mode as well, and I also didn't see a hard mode or something like that either (but maybe the restart is for that). I don't know if those are Xbox features, I got the PC version since it was 20 bucks cheaper, but I think they're the same.

I think the game is amazing fun and everything, but it did bother me that the game was so similar to the first one, flaws included. It's still pretty much impossible to pick up the right item if there are a couple lying in the same area, and that can seriously screw up the boss fights.

All in all, I had a lot of fun playing it, but I have to say the first one is almost certainly better.
Last edited by surasshu on Mon Oct 04, 2010 2:16 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: What are you playing?

Post by Melon »


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Re: What are you playing?

Post by AEUGNewtype »

I'm pretty sure I'm actually going to write a letter of hate mail to Capcom for making the worst fucking online mode in the history of video games. Seriously, the TIR online mode is the most ill-conceived, laggy, shitty, and just plain AWFUL thing I've ever played. It encompasses everything I hate about modern zombie-related products and rolls it all into one really stupid package. What a goddamn joke. I'm already done with all the other achievements in the game, otherwise, and I was really underwhelmed with the game overall. Glad I just rented it instead of buying. I think I'll just be popping in Lords of Shadow instead.
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Re: What are you playing?

Post by al kusanagi »

Other than the actually connecting to other players part, I haven't had a single problem with TIR mode. It's just a goofy, fun mini game collection while the ACTUAL online portion is the co-op mode.

And good luck with Castlevania. The cinema scenes looked okay, but considering every 3d Castlevania game has been shit and I've yet to see a single review for it (meaning that they've must have embargoed the fuck out of it), things aren't looking too positive.
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Re: What are you playing?

Post by Melon »

[quote name='Al Kusanagi' post='86109' date='Oct 5 2010, 08:39 PM']And good luck with Castlevania. The cinema scenes looked okay, but considering every 3d Castlevania game has been shit and I've yet to see a single review for it (meaning that they've must have embargoed the fuck out of it), things aren't looking too positive.[/quote]

Too bad user impressions are great and several euro rags have reviewed it already, which I may add, were positive.

So, no, I will not walk away. The game is made by Mercury Steam, overseen by Kojima, and does not involve Iga in any way.

Last edited by Melon on Tue Oct 05, 2010 8:39 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: What are you playing?

Post by al kusanagi »

Well if you can point me the way of the good word of mouth and reviews I might get it, but none of the sites I frequent have put up anything beyond trailers and with a shit ton of games coming out over the next couple of months Castlevania will most likely have to wait until it hits the 30 buck mark.
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Re: What are you playing?

Post by Ap2000 »

Gamerankings has it at ~81% right now.

I'm not interested, but, while being nothing special, it seems better than many expected.
Last edited by Ap2000 on Wed Oct 06, 2010 4:08 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: What are you playing?

Post by al kusanagi »

The demo's out now and I gave it a shot, but it's not for me at all. It looks and sounds amazing, but I'm just not into that whole God of War/Dante's Inferno gameplay style for the most part. And then it started throwing in all the required quick time events in order to even finish a fight... Ugh.

Hopefully all the cinematics will make it up on youtube soon and I can just watch the story.
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Re: What are you playing?

Post by Ap2000 »

[quote name='Al Kusanagi' post='86137' date='Oct 6 2010, 11:58 PM']The demo's out now and I gave it a shot, but it's not for me at all. It looks and sounds amazing, but I'm just not into that whole God of War/Dante's Inferno gameplay style for the most part. And then it started throwing in all the required quick time events in order to even finish a fight... Ugh.

Hopefully all the cinematics will make it up on youtube soon and I can just watch the story.[/quote]

I agree with you that quick time events are cancerous pieces of shit that should die.
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Re: What are you playing?

Post by AEUGNewtype »

I'm enjoying Castlevania quite a bit, as I don't mind the Dante's Inferno type gameplay, though its not one of my favorite kinds of games, if the game is made well enough, it can be pretty enjoyable. The only real downside to the game that I've found is that you can't adjust the camera manually, which gets annoying at times, but they actually did a good job of moving the camera to a decent angle whenever it needs to be. And also as a good note, the static camera can ofter make it so you don't veer off to uneccesarily investigate an area that you won't find anything in, because the camera won't follow you there if you're not supposed to be there. I'm gonna delve further into it tonight, and I've heard the game is also very long, as I've not even finished half of the first chapter and I've been playing for a little over 2 hours. And the game is on 2 discs, as well.
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Re: What are you playing?

Post by Melon »

I had 45 minutes to myself today and played a bit of Castlevania. It's great for the bit I played~ DAT TEXTURE DAT RAIN

Patrick Stewart narrating from the get go was a-w-e-s-o-m-e~
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Re: What are you playing?

Post by Geof »

[quote name='The☆AEUGNewtype' post='86146' date='Oct 7 2010, 12:01 AM']The only real downside to the game that I've found is that you can't adjust the camera manually, which gets annoying at times, but they actually did a good job of moving the camera to a decent angle whenever it needs to be.[/quote]

From what I played in the demo, this has pretty much un-sold me on the game. If any store around here still rents games, maybe I'll give the full thing a try, but the demo just kinda let all the air out of my anticipation for this game.
[quote name='CO2 Blasted Idols' post='91599' date='Jan 12 2011, 06:50 PM']Also, this is MM-BBS, the BBS that hates the H!P fans in almost all other forums.[/quote]
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