Ai to graduate from Morning Musume

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Re: Ai to graduate from Morning Musume

Post by stoveroad »

I'll miss Ai. Maybe she's not the most dynamic personality to be leader, but she's a born performer. I hope for her greater success outside of Morning Musume.

OK, Risa. I've always believed there was more to you than being a filler member. This is your time to prove your worth. Don't screw it up.
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Re: Ai to graduate from Morning Musume

Post by eri »

Aww well, I'm happy she's ready to go. 10 years is insane and its sweet it is happening on her terms and on her 10 year anniversary. I'm also happy they told us WAY in advance because it is a big farewell.

I'm pretty confused by all the investment in 1 person. If the group didn't explode when Abe fucking Natsumi graduated, then it is safe forever. Also, Takahashi's vocal skills are not the norm and they never were. It was shocking when she joined because she has always been a cut above the rest. In the past, the median group ability might have been better than it was circa 2009 but there were no standout soloists back then. Morning Musume has always, always been like a pretty good girls-choir. Or, in short, no one needs to "replace" her role as the best singer.


So, I can't believe I'm going to make these next few points but here goes.

Risa is not a big deal and I hate this selective-memory-oh-my-gods routine that people have about the past.

1. Risa has had an extremely prominent role as sub-leader -- far more prominent than any I've remembered. Part of that is because she's sort of a busy body but it is also because Takahashi is NOT a strong public leader. Risa is already a "leader" to the group. We've had shit leaders before (Kaori) and Risa will do a good job because she's energetic and so eager to do it.

2. Leader =/= center. Leader =/= most screen time on tv. In fact, leader has NEVER been that person but has just been behind the scenes most of the time. Leader just means she has to help manage the group and perhaps is the spokesperson for official awards (ha, like mm is getting any of those soon).

3. If Takahashi is leaving, that means Risa is on her way out next and pretty soon. We have 9 more months of Takahashi and a brief interlude of Risa that we won't even notice because we'll be too blinded by the charm of Riho.

4. Better than Tanaka, who only cares about herself. Better than Sayumi, who is too busy developing a bratty tv persona (strong leader would undermine this).
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Re: Ai to graduate from Morning Musume

Post by freezingkiss »

This is a shock so soon after Eri! I REALLY hope that after that there aren't any grads for a while, and where is Ai's solo album? She is a stellar performer, and I do not want to see her pushed to the side like a lot of other graduates. She's way too talented!! <img src=' ... #>/wub.png' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':(' />

Oh and I am happy that Risa is staying. Risa fan 4 lyfe!! lolz! <img src=' ... #>/wub.png' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':lol:' />
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Re: Ai to graduate from Morning Musume

Post by sadude »

[quote name='Em-El' post='91270' date='Jan 9 2011, 10:26 AM']She said 9 months in her statement[/quote]

Good ol' Takahashi, planning her exit due to getting knocked up well in advance.
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Re: Ai to graduate from Morning Musume

Post by neshcom »

[quote name='sadude' post='91295' date='Jan 9 2011, 01:03 PM'][quote name='Em-El' post='91270' date='Jan 9 2011, 10:26 AM']She said 9 months in her statement[/quote]

Good ol' Takahashi, planning her exit due to getting knocked up well in advance.


The first thing I thought.
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Re: Ai to graduate from Morning Musume

Post by momoirosaya »

Ai-chaaaaaaaan T_T My favorites keep graduating...first Koha, then Eri and the pandas, then Ai D: I was expecting it, but I'm more sad than shocked....

So now this means Sayu as a sub-leader, and Gaki led Momusu. Gaki's probably gonna graduate next year... D:
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Re: Ai to graduate from Morning Musume

Post by Miss Moonlight »

[quote name='eri' post='91283' date='Jan 9 2011, 11:49 AM']I'm pretty confused by all the investment in 1 person. If the group didn't explode when Abe fucking Natsumi graduated, then it is safe forever. Also, Takahashi's vocal skills are not the norm and they never were. It was shocking when she joined because she has always been a cut above the rest. In the past, the median group ability might have been better than it was circa 2009 but there were no standout soloists back then. Morning Musume has always, always been like a pretty good girls-choir. Or, in short, no one needs to "replace" her role as the best singer.[/quote]

Part of me thinks this is an excellent point, but on the other hand they HAVE always had someone to carry the vocal burden since Love Machine (since I don't think younger-than-17 Nacchi was all that strong yet). If we had 2004 Reina it would be a different story, but she seems to have broken or something. This will be the first time in a while that vocals will completely abandon the group, unless one of the 9th gen steps up.

I know this had to happen, but I feel like the preparation could have been a little better. Mostly right now my feeling is just oh dear...
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Re: Ai to graduate from Morning Musume

Post by makky »

I noticed this on ameba this morning, and my inital reaction was like WHAAATTTT NOOOOOOO~~~~. T^T

But then, like lots of others have said, she has been in the group for 10 years, and though I love her, I always thought she'd be better off either solo or as a center in a biyuuden-esque group. Ai is kind of old now compared to the other members, especially since the inclusion of the cookies, but I honestly feel like this is going to be a good move for her, and I sincerely hope she won't fade into nothingness a la mass OG graduation.

I need another subgroup of old members to get excited about. <img src=' ... #>/sad.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':lol:' />

So, I really hope that they either do something awesome with Ai like stick her with the Pandas, or something like that. Because even though she has a more subtle personality (and I hated her at first), I have grown to love Aichan over time, and I don't want to see her go the way of all the OGs...T^T *sniff*

But seriously, I am really, really excited for Niigaki Musume. Risa is going to be an awesome leader, and hopefully, like past leaders, she'll just get kind of pushed back a little and we can all enjoy some more cookies, Aika, Tanaka, and Sayumin. <img src=' ... nceman.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':(' />

I'm gonna go out on a limb here and after the awesomeness that's already happened with 2011 (awesome 9th gen, Kikka going solo) and be hopeful about the whole thing.

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Re: Ai to graduate from Morning Musume

Post by emily »

God save the Queen.

Morning Musume is losing its only good singer, but on the bright side, we're probably going to get a great year out of the group. It shall definitely be an awesome graduation concert. Also, Sayumi will be the new subleader if it is based on age. Hell yes.
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Re: Ai to graduate from Morning Musume

Post by tsukinobyouin »

Sad. <img src=' ... #>/sad.png' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':lol:' /> All this good news lately had to come with some disappointing news, I suppose. I do hope that this means big things for the 9th gen and big changes for MM in general.

MM has always had a girl or two that took most of the spotlight or consistently got a few more lines than the others, but somewhere around the addition of Koharu the singles started to really heavily focus on the same core group of girls (Ai-Reina-Miki, then Ai-Reina-Eri/Risa) with everyone else only getting a line or two that might not even be in the performance cut. I've always loved Ai's voice, so it's never bothered me to hear a lot of her. But imagining that same set up without her? That's a whole lot of Reina that I don't want to hear.

It would be nice to see them take the opportunity to push the 9th gen the way they did the 4th. Keep them in the background for a bit for their first single, get them integrated and trained. Then do a song like I Wish, where Takahashi could be the lead but the newbies could have really memorable supporting parts. Give Riho an equivalent of that epic Kago ending solo. <img src=' ... /laugh.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':(' /> Then by the time Takahashi is gone, hopefully 9th gen will be fully grown into the idol shoes and will be ready to pull the group forward in a new direction.

I do also hope that the well-in-advance announcement means they're preparing a real career for her post-Musume. None of that Koharu-type shit where they're like uuhhh maybe she'll write a blog Ai is too talented to let it go to waste.
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Re: Ai to graduate from Morning Musume

Post by michikodesu »


And that's why Koharu is only writing a blog about....whatever. Ai-chan has the talent. Koharu just

I think Ai's graduation was already in the making. I'm sure that either Tsunku or Yama-P already has plans for her. They were just waiting for what they thought would be the right moment. Meanwhile, Morning Musume is getting another revamping. That's what they do.

I'm with eri. I don't understand the investment in only 1 member and then abandoning ship when she's gone. If that was the norm, then I would have stopped being a fan since Yuko's graduation. I was a fan of Morning Musume and their music first; before I knew any of their names.

As for voices that will be left, I think a lot of ya'll are forgetting that Risa does have a decent and consistent voice. Reina will still be there and Aika will be awesome if Tsunku will continue to give her parts in her normal lower range. It also won't take long for Riho to catch on, Kanon and Erina will be shaky at first; but I think they will improve within a year (which will be plenty of time), and the Egg (I can't remember her name) is pretty well established with singing live and on PVs so I'm not in a panic or worried. I'm actually now more intrigued to see Morning Musume in 2011 and 2012!!
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Re: Ai to graduate from Morning Musume

Post by momoirosaya »

I don't get why everyone hates Risa, personally I love her <3

I'll think she'll do a great job leading Momusu, as someone mentioned earlier, she has a very prominent role as sub-leader, and will be a good leader.

YES!!!! I'm gonna be in Japan next year for Ai's graduation!! I wanna buy tickets to the concert tour! XDDDD
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Re: Ai to graduate from Morning Musume

Post by JPope »

Now we know why Riho was added. Tsunku and UFA must really think they have a winner, and I hope they're right. Let the Riho Era begin.

Oh, and Risa is a much better singer than most people giver her credit for, IMO.
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Re: Ai to graduate from Morning Musume

Post by Anderei »

Was excited until I heard Risa is still sticking around. Ai may be a boring person with too much spotlight outside of performances, but I'd seriously have her instead of Risa. I say throw them both out and put an end to 5th gen once and for all.

As for vocals, they still have Reina and Risa. Not to mention, Fukumura's vocals seem to be pretty decent. Riho, Erina and Kanon's voices are still new so they could either become good or bad and it's still too early to tell.
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Re: Ai to graduate from Morning Musume

Post by showraniy »

Risa's live singing is the only thing I'm concerned about, but I guess it's nothing new for an MM possible lead singer to be questionable or just bad in general live.

I'm just really hoping the loss of MM's best singer will bring back the more evenly distributed lines. No one shines more than the rest vocally, so no one should be as much of a line hog as these past few years with Reina and Ai. I think 9th gen can step up to the plate. As long as they're hard workers and don't get discouraged with a few failed first attempts, they should do fine. Somehow I'm sad that we'll be back to a 9 nin Musume though. I'm kind of hoping they'll go back to being 10+ like they once were a long time ago, but maybe I'm asking too much with that. I feel like a little more competition for the spot light would force these girls to show more personality to get noticed like the OGs used to have to do; but maybe the new girls will be an impetus for the remaining soon-to-be-graduates (Sayu, Risa, Reina) to actually do more and stop being so comfortable in the group just doing the bare minimum of what they have to to be passable idols.
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Re: Ai to graduate from Morning Musume

Post by michikodesu »


I agree with you to an extent.

On another note, I'm not sure why everyone wants another "Ai". I mean, Ai is Ai. Once she's gone, no one should try to replace her. We don't really know if Riho actually has the vocal capacity to even touch Ai. She sounded good in a booth without moving and dancing. And as of right now, she'll have to be in the group for a good while to at least get to Ai's level of consistency, control, strength and stamina to make it through an entire concert. But, if anything, I think all the girls will need to be able to hold their own. And maybe we'll get a more even line distribution like everyone has been crying about as of late. And if they do go back to equal distribution, no one should be able to complain like they did when Ai and Reina were given the leads.......wait, wait, I take that back. Most fans are a superficial and emotionally stupid lot. They will find something to whine and complain about.
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Re: Ai to graduate from Morning Musume

Post by Farrah »

No one in 9th gen is going to be singing Ai's parts any time soon, or at least let's hope not. Even the best of the group (Riho) sounded shitty as hell in the booth. They've got a lot of growing to do. Step 1 - learn to match pitch. That's where they are right now. No, I'm guessing we'll probably be subjected to that wonderful foghorn voice Risa uses live and the I'm-a-kitten-getting-ass-raped squealing of Reina for a while <img src=' ... #>/sad.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':(' />

Anyway, I'm not surprised per se, but I feel like they announced this sort of suddenly, especially since her actual graduation is so far away.
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Re: Ai to graduate from Morning Musume

Post by Gerald »

[quote name='Ang' post='91315' date='Jan 9 2011, 09:40 PM']Anyway, I'm not surprised per se, but I feel like they announced this sort of suddenly, especially since her actual graduation is so far away.[/quote]

Perhaps it's to send out a message that MM is changing as well as to get a bit of extra publicity.
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Re: Ai to graduate from Morning Musume

Post by Madara »

Even though I saw this coming, I'm still saddened by it. In some strange way, it was Takahashi that drew me to Morning Musume in the first place. She was the one who stood out in all the pictures I saw of the group and the one whose picture called out to me from the cover of the very first H!P concert tape I bought. She was in the group for four years before I became a fan and she's been with it for the five-and-a-half-years since then. And she's been the leader for the last three-and-a-half years. And I'll never forget the smiles she gave me during my interview with them at AX in July 2009. She seemed to appreciate that I had done my research and knew enough about the individual members to craft a specific question for each of them. Plus, she's been one of the best singers and dancers in H!P during all this time.

I understand why it's happening and I won't protest. I happen to like Risa a lot and always have. She's been sort of the acting leader on stage for most of the last three years. She's the one pumping everybody up. She'll be fine. And I'm hoping the new girls will step up to the plate and and bring some new energy and spirit to MM. We'll see.

Last night, I was watching the extra numbers featured on the Blu-ray of the H!P Summer 2010 concert. MM did "Say Yeah, Miracle Night" and it made me want to see an older version of that song. So I found my tape of the H!P Winter 2001 concert, recorded on Jan. 5, 2001, ten years ago. And there I watched a performance by an MM line-up that's all long gone--with Maki and all of 4th Gen and three of the founding members of MM and two from 2nd Gen, well before 5th Gen joined. A lot can happen in ten years.
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Re: Ai to graduate from Morning Musume

Post by Renai »

I seen this coming, but not so soon. Though I'm kinda happy to see Gaki in the leader position.

Though, the 9th gen better improove the crap up though!

All I want is for Ai to get some sorta career on the go after she leaves! If she plans to be active she better give into this 'promise'! I somehow think she well deserved a solo career, personally.
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Re: Ai to graduate from Morning Musume

Post by Pi Mako »

Ahahaha, while watching a news clip of this announcement, I couldn't help but notice how upset Sayumi and Erina looked, and how Riho and Reina were all smiles.

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Re: Ai to graduate from Morning Musume

Post by Anderei »


Now that Ai is leaving, Reina will probably be sub-leader. Meaning she's one step closer to Morning Musume domination.
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Re: Ai to graduate from Morning Musume

Post by Pi Mako »

^ I thought Sayumi is going to be sub-leader, as she's older.
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Re: Ai to graduate from Morning Musume

Post by neshcom »

[quote name='Anderei' post='91328' date='Jan 9 2011, 07:04 PM']^

Now that Ai is leaving, Reina will probably be sub-leader. Meaning she's one step closer to Morning Musume domination.[/quote]

I just shit my pants. I'd call Reina if I needed someone to sing a song or compensate for an emergency wink deficit, but not to be a frontman.
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Re: Ai to graduate from Morning Musume

Post by Duncan »

[quote name='Anderei' post='91328' date='Jan 9 2011, 07:04 PM']^

Now that Ai is leaving, Reina will probably be sub-leader. Meaning she's one step closer to Morning Musume domination.[/quote]

Michishige would be sub, wouldn't she? I can't remember how they deal with seniority within the same generation, but I thought it was age.
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Re: Ai to graduate from Morning Musume

Post by Anderei »

I guess if they do it by age then Sayumi will be sub-leader. I for one welcome a future Reign of Sayumi.
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Re: Ai to graduate from Morning Musume

Post by momoirosaya »

[quote name='Anderei' post='91328' date='Jan 9 2011, 04:04 PM']^

Now that Ai is leaving, Reina will probably be sub-leader. Meaning she's one step closer to Morning Musume domination.[/quote]

Nope, it'll be Sayu. It's always by age.

Oh my gosh, In 2013 we are probably going to have a Sayu lead MM.

Unless she doesn't want the leader position and passes it on to Reina.

I love Sayu, but I don't see her as the leader type.
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Re: Ai to graduate from Morning Musume

Post by mrsross »

Wow. Even though her graduating next was pretty predictable, this was a little too fast. They just graduated THREE members not too long ago. I'm in a complete mindfuck right now. Should I be completely shocked that they're announcing Ai's graduaing after they just added members and graduated Eri/JunJun/LinLin a few weeks ago or not because it was a matter of time before she left and I've been telling myself that the 9th gen comming in along with Eri/JunJun/LinLin's graduation was a sign that they were going to clean house. At least we will get a couple of singles with this line up. Do you think they're going to have more auditions?
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Re: Ai to graduate from Morning Musume

Post by al kusanagi »

As I said before, Sayu as leader with Aika as sub will be awesome. Reina's only a wannabe hardass whereas everyone adores Sayu and will follow her while Aika is probably the single most responsible member since Kei.
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Re: Ai to graduate from Morning Musume

Post by JPope »

I always thought that Takahashi's live singing was less than stellar. She's great in the studio, for sure, but not so much live. Risa is probably the better live singer, actually. I wish the course of events we've seen unfold over the past few months had happened four years ago, though.
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