Limited Edition A, B, Single V.... Say What?

In which we chat about Hello! Project. And TNX. And Nice Girl Project. Yup.

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Limited Edition A, B, Single V.... Say What?

Post by mikittythebunny »

So....I feel really stupid about asking this question because I've been into H!P for almost a year now...but

What is the deal with the Limited Edition A and B version of singles and what exactly is a Single V?

I know that they usually have different versions of PVs on them but is there a way to find what version comes with Limited Edition A or Limited Edition B or the Single V (whatever that is)?

I never found it necessary to know before now

But now that I finally have some extra cash to spend....
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Re: Limited Edition A, B, Single V.... Say What?

Post by Hana »

Single V is a DVD, not a CD. It contains the main PV, an alternate version, and the making of (most of the time, I'm sure there have been exceptions).

As for the Limited A/Limited B question, that tends to vary from release to release. *Generally*, Limited A comes with a DVD, and Limited B generally comes with a photobook/booklet or something, but it has also had a DVD included (that was the case with Resonant Blue, Naichau Kamo and the latest single, Shouganai Yume Oibito).
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Re: Limited Edition A, B, Single V.... Say What?

Post by Madara »

[quote name='mikittythebunny' post='63914' date='Apr 20 2009, 01:14 PM']So....I feel really stupid about asking this question because I've been into H!P for almost a year now...but

What is the deal with the Limited Edition A and B version of singles and what exactly is a Single V?

I know that they usually have different versions of PVs on them but is there a way to find what version comes with Limited Edition A or Limited Edition B or the Single V (whatever that is)?

I never found it necessary to know before now

But now that I finally have some extra cash to spend....[/quote]

Because I tend to prefer the Dance Shot versions of many H!P videos, what bothers me about this A/B/C/and-in-the-case-of-Erina Mano-D practice is that sometimes the Dance Shot version of the PV is not included as the alternate version on the Single V release. It may be on one of the Limited A or B ones, but I have no way of knowing. I recently bought the C-ute collection of videos and was supremely happy to learn that, in addition to the main versions of the eight videos included, it had Dance Shot versions of each of the eight videos, including the "Black Dance" version of "Forever Love," which is now my preferred version, but one I didn't even know existed until I bought this DVD.
Last edited by Madara on Tue Aug 25, 2009 9:57 am, edited 1 time in total.